Two-faced Golding, vile senators, a corrupt state
Franklin Johnston
Friday, May 21, 2010
THE volcano of corruption has erupted and the odour envelops Jamaica. Our reputation is in tatters. We and our diaspora will suffer and airports will detest our blighted passports. Mass Eddie knows his protégé; Bruce is indeed deeply flawed. Due process will take care of Mr Coke, but Bruce subverts our security, our laws and our trust; he drags our brand in the mud, he is not fit to lead Jamaica.
The party of Bustamante must redeem itself and give us a young star of the modern JLP, a man with a clean heart, who can look the UK's new, young PM Cameron and Pres Obama in the face. They now know the corruption reports are true. Cameron fired several MPs for fiddling their expenses; Obama fired senior campaign pals for inappropriate behaviour -- they do not tolerate corruption and may not be friends with Golding.

The link between Bruce, guns and crime is clear. They are angry at our spineless private sector and the churches who did a "stitch-up" apology. They marvel at the paralysis of our state; no action from the JLP backbench, no moral champion from the Cabinet and no public protest to demand his resignation -- a fawning democracy. Still, no one is above the law, and the police and DPP must determine what law was broken and Parliament must consider impeachment.
Bruce destabilised foreign affairs, investment, production, security and our lives. This coward hides in crowds of lumpen party supporters as he cannot face the anger of normal citizens as a man. We need not worry about Tivoli, as cordon and retribution is what our police do best -- sadly so.
In the US, Commonwealth, Caricom, UK, at every meeting and cocktail party the stench of corruption will follow him and our delegates! We can remove him now and change this. Gutless microphone journalists parade as investigators but just suck up to power. The UK media will soon air the Golding and Coke documentary, so let's act now. The fat lady has not sung as yet!
This PM does not represent me or Jamaica. British friends know we are poor and honest, but in the clutches of a power-hungry man. The embassy advisory on Jamaica is out and because of this dissembler, the diaspora and all who travel are under pressure. To top it all, the 13 government senators personify the metastasis of corruption in the organs of governance. The Senate appointed by the governor general should be a calm, deliberative body of elders who give "sober second thought" to our affairs, but these 13 are party activists. Bruce's exit is the key to excising this cancer and their statement is the most egregious, insensitive display of mindless, partisan loyalty perpetrated on citizens by our Upper House. They are obsequious, they have no shame and they should resign!
Tacius and Enid had a son destined for high office. He made it because we trusted him! Orette Bruce Golding found God, betrayed his mentor, and left the JLP -- we trusted him. He found God again and left his NDM disciples in the wilderness -- we trusted him. By the "skin of his teeth" he formed a government -- we trusted him. He betrayed Stephen, his brilliant Rhodes Scholar disciple -- we trusted him. He vowed to stand by Mr Coke -- he trusted him. He swore on the Bible to protect Jamaica - we trusted him. He consorted with scum, betrayed us, then found God again and confessed -- we have run out of trust! The JCC and JMA sold us out.
They, not the party, gave him the comfort to make him think he need not resign. Are we a rogue state? Will this pretender represent us abroad? He has no shame; what about us? Are we crazy? His speech is an affront to all Jamaicans -- a whitewash! It cannot be business as usual! A 40-year professional politician; self-possessed expert in manipulation; convinced he was born to the trough. He returned to his vomit and did not even retch.
A man at ease with deception as "jancro pick out 'im conshens!". Never before have so many suffered so much because of one man - a crucifixion in reverse. Bruce is Jekyll and Hyde: two men one body - an evil Peter Parker and Spiderman. One or both deceived us. Senators say the PM did not lie; did the party leader? When he goes home is he one or both? One or both of his selves confessed to aiding and abetting acts to pervert justice, undermine treaty obligations and by extra-judicial means subvert a criminal process? Both must go! The senators wish to hang with Bruce and we should oblige them! Here they are:
(1) Senator Oswald Harding - President
(2) Senator Dorothy Casieta Lightbourne
- Leader of Government Business
(3) Senator Dwight Augustus Nelson
(4) Senator Kamina Johnson
(5) Senator Arthur Hugh Washington Williams
(6) Senator Dr Ronald Anthony Robinson
(7) Senator Aundre Christopher Franklin
(8) Senator Warren Meaden Newby
(9) Senator Hyacinth Deloris Bennett
(10) Senator Dennis Meadows
(11) Senator Desmond Antony Augustus McKenzie
(12) Senator Thomas George Louis Tavares-Finson
(13) Senator Marlene Malahoo Forte
Mark these four women and nine men, as some are in other acts of this drama. This is the most serious parliamentary infraction in 48 years and they don't get it! Headlines may fade, but not the offence. We will keep it alive. The 13 say, "We are of the view that no impropriety took place in the Manatt, Phelps and Phillips affair" and "We acknowledge that the Prime Minister told the country the truth..." Yeah, right! Which cave do they live in? They give him awards: " We commend the Prime Minister for his forthrightness to the country..." To pervert Shakespeare "Oh, Bottom, what potion did the senators drink to look upon an ass and think him a king!"
Bruce has resigned several times in the past (JLP,NDM) and he and we know no party plea can hold him when common decency says go. The party has other leaders -- or is it still as Eddie said? The stench of corruption will haunt us; so lock shops, toot horns, ring church bells, flash headlights as one - this crap must stop! The diaspora does not support corruption as the placards will show when next Bruce visits their cities! The JLP must now put Jamaica first, appoint Ken Baugh interim PM and go select an honest leader. It's not done until it's done right! Wake up, Jamaica!
Question: Who edits and maintains JIS and government websites? The English is poor, navigation is not intuitive and information is dated. Overall, there is no thematic unity.
Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Consultants, currently on assignment in the UK.
Franklin Johnston

Friday, May 21, 2010
THE volcano of corruption has erupted and the odour envelops Jamaica. Our reputation is in tatters. We and our diaspora will suffer and airports will detest our blighted passports. Mass Eddie knows his protégé; Bruce is indeed deeply flawed. Due process will take care of Mr Coke, but Bruce subverts our security, our laws and our trust; he drags our brand in the mud, he is not fit to lead Jamaica.
The party of Bustamante must redeem itself and give us a young star of the modern JLP, a man with a clean heart, who can look the UK's new, young PM Cameron and Pres Obama in the face. They now know the corruption reports are true. Cameron fired several MPs for fiddling their expenses; Obama fired senior campaign pals for inappropriate behaviour -- they do not tolerate corruption and may not be friends with Golding.

The link between Bruce, guns and crime is clear. They are angry at our spineless private sector and the churches who did a "stitch-up" apology. They marvel at the paralysis of our state; no action from the JLP backbench, no moral champion from the Cabinet and no public protest to demand his resignation -- a fawning democracy. Still, no one is above the law, and the police and DPP must determine what law was broken and Parliament must consider impeachment.
Bruce destabilised foreign affairs, investment, production, security and our lives. This coward hides in crowds of lumpen party supporters as he cannot face the anger of normal citizens as a man. We need not worry about Tivoli, as cordon and retribution is what our police do best -- sadly so.
In the US, Commonwealth, Caricom, UK, at every meeting and cocktail party the stench of corruption will follow him and our delegates! We can remove him now and change this. Gutless microphone journalists parade as investigators but just suck up to power. The UK media will soon air the Golding and Coke documentary, so let's act now. The fat lady has not sung as yet!
This PM does not represent me or Jamaica. British friends know we are poor and honest, but in the clutches of a power-hungry man. The embassy advisory on Jamaica is out and because of this dissembler, the diaspora and all who travel are under pressure. To top it all, the 13 government senators personify the metastasis of corruption in the organs of governance. The Senate appointed by the governor general should be a calm, deliberative body of elders who give "sober second thought" to our affairs, but these 13 are party activists. Bruce's exit is the key to excising this cancer and their statement is the most egregious, insensitive display of mindless, partisan loyalty perpetrated on citizens by our Upper House. They are obsequious, they have no shame and they should resign!
Tacius and Enid had a son destined for high office. He made it because we trusted him! Orette Bruce Golding found God, betrayed his mentor, and left the JLP -- we trusted him. He found God again and left his NDM disciples in the wilderness -- we trusted him. By the "skin of his teeth" he formed a government -- we trusted him. He betrayed Stephen, his brilliant Rhodes Scholar disciple -- we trusted him. He vowed to stand by Mr Coke -- he trusted him. He swore on the Bible to protect Jamaica - we trusted him. He consorted with scum, betrayed us, then found God again and confessed -- we have run out of trust! The JCC and JMA sold us out.
They, not the party, gave him the comfort to make him think he need not resign. Are we a rogue state? Will this pretender represent us abroad? He has no shame; what about us? Are we crazy? His speech is an affront to all Jamaicans -- a whitewash! It cannot be business as usual! A 40-year professional politician; self-possessed expert in manipulation; convinced he was born to the trough. He returned to his vomit and did not even retch.
A man at ease with deception as "jancro pick out 'im conshens!". Never before have so many suffered so much because of one man - a crucifixion in reverse. Bruce is Jekyll and Hyde: two men one body - an evil Peter Parker and Spiderman. One or both deceived us. Senators say the PM did not lie; did the party leader? When he goes home is he one or both? One or both of his selves confessed to aiding and abetting acts to pervert justice, undermine treaty obligations and by extra-judicial means subvert a criminal process? Both must go! The senators wish to hang with Bruce and we should oblige them! Here they are:
(1) Senator Oswald Harding - President
(2) Senator Dorothy Casieta Lightbourne
- Leader of Government Business
(3) Senator Dwight Augustus Nelson
(4) Senator Kamina Johnson
(5) Senator Arthur Hugh Washington Williams
(6) Senator Dr Ronald Anthony Robinson
(7) Senator Aundre Christopher Franklin
(8) Senator Warren Meaden Newby
(9) Senator Hyacinth Deloris Bennett
(10) Senator Dennis Meadows
(11) Senator Desmond Antony Augustus McKenzie
(12) Senator Thomas George Louis Tavares-Finson
(13) Senator Marlene Malahoo Forte
Mark these four women and nine men, as some are in other acts of this drama. This is the most serious parliamentary infraction in 48 years and they don't get it! Headlines may fade, but not the offence. We will keep it alive. The 13 say, "We are of the view that no impropriety took place in the Manatt, Phelps and Phillips affair" and "We acknowledge that the Prime Minister told the country the truth..." Yeah, right! Which cave do they live in? They give him awards: " We commend the Prime Minister for his forthrightness to the country..." To pervert Shakespeare "Oh, Bottom, what potion did the senators drink to look upon an ass and think him a king!"
Bruce has resigned several times in the past (JLP,NDM) and he and we know no party plea can hold him when common decency says go. The party has other leaders -- or is it still as Eddie said? The stench of corruption will haunt us; so lock shops, toot horns, ring church bells, flash headlights as one - this crap must stop! The diaspora does not support corruption as the placards will show when next Bruce visits their cities! The JLP must now put Jamaica first, appoint Ken Baugh interim PM and go select an honest leader. It's not done until it's done right! Wake up, Jamaica!
Question: Who edits and maintains JIS and government websites? The English is poor, navigation is not intuitive and information is dated. Overall, there is no thematic unity.
Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Consultants, currently on assignment in the UK.