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Garrison or garrison politicians?

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  • Garrison or garrison politicians?

    There is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of people in TG, or any other so called garrison community are hard-working, honest, nonviolent people, who simply want to go about their daily lives, educating and feeding their families. Of course there are others who a criminals. The criminals probably are the minority, but they have the means to intimidate, and drown out, or should that be silence, the voices of the majority. TG is poor working class community like any other low income community around the developing world. In fact from my experience, this is going back to the late 60's, TG is probably one of the best organized of any poor community in the 3rd world. The buildings were reasonably well kept, people had small gardens, and most basic services were provided. I truely believe that most of the people protesting in Mr. Coke's favour, are not there on their own free will, but are being forced, either directly, or out of fear of the consequence of not being seen, or perceived of not being supportive of Mr. Coke. I do believe that if a fair, and unbiased poll of the people of TG could be taken, most would not be supportive of Mr. Coke. So it is not that the community is a truely garrison community, it is garrison mentality of the vampire politicians and their enforcers that lead to this misperception. Everybody in the community suffers as a consequence.

  • #2
    don't forget the benevolence of dudus...kids get uniforms books etc. help that they are not getting from the state. also they need not concern themselves with the source of the funds and that desenstises them or at the very least there is a casual unconcern.

    dudus has filled a void left or created by the government.

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Those actions are more a testimony of the failure of garrison politicians than on Coke's benevolence. There is no benevolence, moralty or nobility in crime, although Mr. Coke is not technically a criminal, since he has not been convicted of any crime. I do believe, however, that he is guilty of criminal acts, and I readily admit that I am only assuming, which might not be entirely fair to the gentleman. Afterall he is innocent until proven guilty.

