These conflicting statements keep coming hard and fast. A compilation would have to be done just to keep up:
Now this part of that story is what caught my attention:
Isn't it odd that the deputy treasurer of an organization wouldn't necessarily anything much about J$4.4 million that changed hands?
Vaz's latest also brings up questions about Golding's last statement:
I guess not everyone is the Party is fully aware of the source of these funds, or rather to paraphrase Vaz, not necessarily aware of the source of these funds.
Both these statements also bring up the question of how the money changed hands. If undisclosed "members of the JLP" approached Brady (another JLP member) and Brady thought of using Manatt and Golding (as leader of the JLP) "sanctioned the initiative" while supposedly making it clear "that this was an initiative to be undertaken by the Party, not by or on behalf of the Government" then how did the money reach Manatt without passing through the hands of the JLP if the money was "sourced from financial contributors to the Party"? Surely that means they contributed money to the JLP for the JLP to then use otherwise they wouldn't be financial contributors to the JLP would they?
I guess Vaz is just taking out an insurance card so he can claim plausible deniability.
Ask The JLP
Published: Thursday | May 13, 20100 Comments and 0 Reactions
Arthur Hall, Senior Staff Reporter
THE BRUCE Golding administration yesterday retreated behind the bright green cover of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) as it came under increasing public pressure over its handling of the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips affair.
With the airwaves bombarded with criticisms of the prime minister over his belated admission of his role in..
Published: Thursday | May 13, 20100 Comments and 0 Reactions
Arthur Hall, Senior Staff Reporter
THE BRUCE Golding administration yesterday retreated behind the bright green cover of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) as it came under increasing public pressure over its handling of the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips affair.
With the airwaves bombarded with criticisms of the prime minister over his belated admission of his role in..
"As far as I'm concerned, the prime minister did what he had to do, and the fact is that those who are calling for the prime minister to resign and for the Government to resign have no moral authority to call for anybody to resign based on their past and their history," added Vaz.
He argued that even as the JLP deputy treasurer, he would not necessarily know who paid the US$50,000 to Manatt, and pointed to the prime minister's claim that the money came from financial contributors to the party.
Vaz also indicated that the decision to contract Manatt had been considered by the party's central executive, which is its highest decision-making body outside of the annual conference.
"You are carrying me into areas which I have no knowledge of and I would suggest that you pose those questions to the relevant ministers or the party officials," said Vaz in response to questions about the role of Attorney General and Justice Minister Dorothy Lightbourne in the affair.
He argued that even as the JLP deputy treasurer, he would not necessarily know who paid the US$50,000 to Manatt, and pointed to the prime minister's claim that the money came from financial contributors to the party.
Vaz also indicated that the decision to contract Manatt had been considered by the party's central executive, which is its highest decision-making body outside of the annual conference.
"You are carrying me into areas which I have no knowledge of and I would suggest that you pose those questions to the relevant ministers or the party officials," said Vaz in response to questions about the role of Attorney General and Justice Minister Dorothy Lightbourne in the affair.
Vaz's latest also brings up questions about Golding's last statement:
Mr. Brady’s contacts referred him to the firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, a highly reputable US law firm, which offered to assist on a professional, retainer basis. Mr. Brady’s firm retained Manatt, Phelps & Phillips in October of last year to pursue discussions with relevant officials of the US government. A payment of US$49,892.62 was made to Manatt, Phelps & Phillips on September 18th 2009. These funds were sourced from financial contributors to the Party. Rumours and speculation carried in the media that these funds were provided by Christopher Coke are completely false as the Party is fully aware of the source of these funds.
Both these statements also bring up the question of how the money changed hands. If undisclosed "members of the JLP" approached Brady (another JLP member) and Brady thought of using Manatt and Golding (as leader of the JLP) "sanctioned the initiative" while supposedly making it clear "that this was an initiative to be undertaken by the Party, not by or on behalf of the Government" then how did the money reach Manatt without passing through the hands of the JLP if the money was "sourced from financial contributors to the Party"? Surely that means they contributed money to the JLP for the JLP to then use otherwise they wouldn't be financial contributors to the JLP would they?
I guess Vaz is just taking out an insurance card so he can claim plausible deniability.