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Microsoft losing ground in the browser war...

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  • #16
    I think M.soft can afford to lose some ground here. Remember their core business is the operating system followed by MS office. I guess they are calculating if you use windows7 what does it matter if you add firefox and take off IE. IE did it's job when it buried netscape (which was being sold at asmall fee).

    MS would only be troubled if Office or its OS comes under serious challenge or attack.


    • #17
      islandman, if the windows 7 phone is anything like or better than the windows hd2, i will be getting it... that windows hd2 phone is really nice... went to a t-mobile store and saw it... it has now entered into my choice list for my next mobile phone...

      i like my iphone but i'm seriously contemplating moving on from it... since i mostly use my phone to go online now, i am finding the iphone frustrating with their attack on adobe flash... can't access some videos... espn especially...

      the microsoft hd2 phone has amazing video...
      'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

