okay can the contractor test the security system (computers) then sell the report to the chinese? Hey they are contractors not employees. The only reason why it's broken up is due to health benefits et al but all are employed.
No announcement yet.
I was giving the hint but
You are talking out of turn. Its not just about health benefits. My last company HAD no health benefits, for example.
Consultants have to sign specific contracts when they are taken on. These normally have provision that preclude any non-competing and are sometimes exclusive.
It seems like PM was fast and loose and did not take care of business here. Mom and Pop operation...
Jawge.. the modus operandi has been for Businesses to use and abuse independent software developers.. no formal contract addressing IP issues or ownership (mom and pop in some cases, strategic in others) and then using their muscle and cash position to run rough shod over dem.. dis case the script flip since is annedda big company on di oddah end...
no matter how you cut it one is still in the govt or corp employ. You may fall in the category of contractor but you are still in employ. If not you would be turned back back security, you also recieve a check at the end of the pay period and have to file a tax return.
yuh hopeless....there are significant distinctions with legal implications, would that it was as simplistic as you seem to think it is .... hmm ... the HP guys who come to fix the copier .... security lets him in, he receives a cheque from HP whom you pay...so HP is your employee? what about the UPS guy?
Wili read this boss:http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/busin...master-v-Grace
Yuh know how much developer had to walk away because they were under contract. PM was robbed but I saw it coming since the "gift". God help those who think they can do business in Ja.
Willi we spoke about this at length offline (in terms of business and moneyin JA), and things are unfolding as you said.
Willi point is why want it when the business began to thrive? It's the mentality of Ja, only certain individual or entity should have anything worthwhile. I'm sure if PM was an obscure entity restricted to one parish; no one would want the software that drives the business. Now I see why they don't want the locals collecting tips.
Did you know that when foreign corps. come to Ja and are willing to pay in US (granted below US minimum) you have people telling them not to? JA is a slavery society set up to trap the populace in poverty.
Ja can really forgt about the info age. It will not even take a place there.
It's an open secret in the developers world that if you create a software to rival the microsoft empire; Bill comes with his check book. After Bill leaves you are not interested in the software anymore but only to retire in wealthNot so in Ja piracy and gangster style msucling is the name of the game.