Never saw it till you showed me, but honestly apart from the explosions (supposedly gunshots, but I've heard burning cars make sounds like shotguns going off) I can't make out anything else on that video. If they claimed aliens landed then I couldn't contradict them because apart from the plane and the trees everything else is far too blurry to make out. The sections where it says there are people....well I can see them. I tried slowing it down, pausing it, whatever and still don't see these silhouettes or people waving.
thanks, but it is not the words I have problems with. I don't know much Russian other than some really basic words and I have no knowledge of Turkish, but even then I am skeptical of just about anything posted on youtube that has been edited in any way. But again, it isn't the words I have problems with, it's the fact that video is so poor that I can't make out any of the people the video is claiming were there. Honestly they could just as easily claim there were 3 people, a small dinosaur and ET in the video and I couldn't see anything to either support or disprove such a claim. And as I said before I have personally heard cars burning which can sound remarkably like gunshots (not surprising I guess since both are explosions). It's an interesting video in and of itself, but why is it so crappy? I would have thought even camera-phones would have better resolution.
you mean you didn't see the lochness monster standing beside yeti in the video? change your monitor!
Sound like you need to change your monitor. I know for a fact that the lochness monster couldn't have been in that video, because I have it right here in my frontyard in a big moat (it makes an excellent watch-dog; all trespassers will be eaten) and I've had it since 2005. Maybe you saw a unicorn.
The resolution is not particularly poor on my monitor. What yuh expect from outdoor amateur camera, TV studio production quality? LoL
I agree that there is no smoking gun proven though, but its definitely a crash site and the sound of gunshot is heard, but it could be a small explosion too.
The resolution is not particularly poor on my monitor. What yuh expect from outdoor amateur camera, TV studio production quality? LoL
Nah man, but really your monitor must be a wicked one because all now when they talk about silhouettes all I see is trees and sky (or at least some dark vertical blurry lines which I take to be trees and a grey background which I take to be the sky).
And in the second vid you provided which is much clearer, I can't make out the waving pilot the first vid claimed was there. Some of the comments on the second vid also seem...odd. Some people claim the cameraman was killed in "Kijow" (which is Polish for "Kiev" capital of the Ukraine) but then others claim he is alive and well.
Nonetheless, a very interesting video of a very sad affair.
By the way, I might be mistaken, but isn't that siren we hear in the video a train-whistle?