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Well this is for those who like to

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  • Well this is for those who like to

    walk the streets of NY with illegal guns. I have my cell phone with 911 on speed dial (that's all I need the rest will fall into place) Let me extend my thanks to the Govenor and Mayor of NY. Crime is down but hey you never know :P Yes I know about the shooting in queens but I'm waiting for those INT'L human groups that badgered our law men and justice system in JA. It is my hope to march with them. Read on :

    New Laws Require Mandatory Jail Sentences for Those Who Possess Illegal Firearms

    Governor George E. Pataki was joined today by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and New York State law enforcement officials to sign legislation that will increase the penalties for those who illegally possess a loaded firearm. The new laws go into effect tomorrow, November 1, 2006.

    “This is a great day for New Yorkers. Once again, we have fought for legislation that will toughen the penalties for those who illegally possess loaded weapons and intend to harm our neighbors, loved ones, and the men and women in uniform,” Governor Pataki said. “These new laws will give our law enforcement officials the tools they need to get more illegal guns off the streets.”

    New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said, “In the fight against illegal guns, New York is leading the charge. For far too long, those arrested for illegal possession of a loaded firearm got off with a slap on the wrist. Those days are over and today, New York State is now the toughest place to get caught with an illegal gun. By raising the mandatory minimum sentence to 3 ½ years, we’re protecting all New Yorkers from Brooklyn to Buffalo and from Staten Island to the Thousand Islands. I thank Governor Pataki for signing this important piece of legislation and Speaker Silver and Majority Leader Bruno for their support on this issue.”

    New York State Director of Criminal Justice Chauncey G. Parker said, “For more than a decade Governor Pataki has been spearheading tough, common sense criminal justice legislation and providing critical resources that give police officers and law enforcement officials the tools they need to keep New Yorkers safe. This new law will prove to be an invaluable resource for law enforcement in keeping illegal guns off our streets.”

    Senator Marty Golden said, “By elevating the penalty for the possession of an illegal firearm, and ensuring those found guilty face jail time instead of probation, this bill will help to eliminate illegal guns off of New York's streets. When it comes to illegal guns, New York will no longer adhere to the three strikes and you're out rule. One is enough. One is it all it takes to jeopardize the safety of all New Yorkers. I commend Governor George Pataki and Mayor Michael Bloomberg for their leadership to rid the streets of New York of guns.”

    Assemblyman John Lavelle, the Assembly sponsor of the bill said, “Credit for enacting this legislation must be shared with Mayor Bloomberg, who advocated for this measure as part of his efforts to make our city’s streets safe. I sincerely believe that this legislation will significantly enhance the public’s safety.”

    The new law signed today raises the felony level for the crime of possession of a loaded firearm from a D violent felony (Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree) to a C violent felony (Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree). According to the New York State Department of Criminal Justice, almost 40% of first-time felons convicted in 2005 of possession of a loaded firearm did not receive the mandatory minimum sentence. The previous sentence for a first conviction of this offense was a mandatory minimum of one year, with a maximum determinate term of 7 years. A separate exception, however, allowed the Courts to impose a sentence of probation—the same penalty available for shoplifting a pack of gum. Under the new law, a mandatory determinate term, with a minimum of 3 1/2 ye