Originally posted by Rockman
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As common people, our only interest should how can Jamaica benefit while both leaders (Bruce and Barack)arbitrarily play their games.We have denied at least one extradition request before, it wasn't even challenged.Dudus appears meaty enough for us to make demands.
Bruce will likely be held accountable...comes election time.
Bruce will likely be held accountable...comes election time.
Rockman, you sure you not confusing our position (Jamaica) and their position (US position)? How is Jamaica going to make demands off Dudus? Dudus have secret fi Obama? Nah man. The US want him and want to put him on trial, so he can't have any secrets for them otherwise powerful people would have moved to quash any indictment long ago. Dudus however seem to have nuff secret for nuff orange and green men, so if anything is the US can make a lot of demands. We can't even make demands based on the fact that the Americans want him, because if we don't hand him over eventually and the US decide that they REALLY want him, they will simply take him. They've done it before in countries that have far more significance to the US than Jamaica does - Mexico; 1990. A doctor, who was involved in the murder of a DEA agent investigating drug traffickers in cooperation with local police, was kidnapped from Mexico and flown to El Paso, Texas. Being brought before a federal court, the first ruling was that the kidnapping violated the US-Mexican extradition treaty and that the doctor (Alvarez) should be sent home. This was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court which decided by 6-3 in 1992 that the kidnapping did not prohibit his trial in the US. US officials later said the ruling wasn't a "green light" (after a lot of negative reaction to the ruling in Latin America) but that they were "not prepared categorically to rule out unilateral action." and that in some "extreme cases" such abductions could be carried and justified as matters of "self defence".
So we can go on fooling ourselves that we have some kind of leverage in this situation. We don't. All they need to do is link Dudus' activities with the murder of American citizens and presto! they have "self-defence" cause for coming in and forcibly abducting him. Or they could link money from the drug and gun deals with some minor terrorist and we all know where that will lead.
If that ever happened, all the politicians who are either defending him or remaining silent as lambs about him would have the foundation disappear from beneath their feet as though they were standing on quicksand, because they could then be linked to terrorist activities.
Furthermore it was only a few years ago that the US told Britain (yes, that Britain, the same one with far more power than Jamaica and which is a much closer and more influential friend of the US than Jamaica) that the US can "kidnap" British citizens wanted for crimes in the US. See: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/new...cle2982640.ece
Also read these for the Alvarez case: