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The devil and the deep blue sea!

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  • The devil and the deep blue sea!

    Promises Not Performance (PNP)

    Published: Tuesday | April 20, 2010 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

    Gordon Robinson

    Gordon Robinson, Contributor
    I'm beginning to believe the People's National Party (PNP) has taken leave of its senses. That organisation just doesn't get it.
    Recently, I received a copy of the latest PNP solicitation for contributions signed by Senator Mark Golding. It wasn't addressed to me - apparently mine's still in the mail. It's reproduced below minus the addressee's name and others' contact information.
    "Dear (Friend)
    Jamaica is now facing unprecedented threats to the basic rule of law and the democratic system of governance. Our cherished freedoms, which we often take for granted, depend on the preservation of our democratic system. More than ever, a vibrant Opposition is critical to keeping a Government in check and providing an alternative choice to the country. Jamaica's democracy now relies on private-sector leaders, such as yourself, to ensure that there is proportionality in the resources made available to the two main political parties. Legitimate private-sector support is also vital to ensure that our Party continues to avoid exposure to unsavoury sources of funding, and the insidious influence of such sources on the country's governance.
    "I am, therefore, appealing to you to support our Party's 2010 Budget, which will allow us to maintain the basic programmes and functions required to strengthen our national organisation. We are hoping that you will commit to the following modest quarterly contributions in 2010:
    Q1 ending March 31, $250,000 (due in January)
    Q2 ending June 30, $250,000 (due in April)
    Q3 ending September 30, $250,000 (due in July)
    Q4 ending December 31 $250,000 (due in October)
    Cheques can be made payable to - (i) Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Ltd, or (ii) Sunshine Foundation, (iii) People's National Party, whichever you find most convenient. Your contribution may be delivered to the Party's headquarters at 8 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6, in an envelope addressed to the treasurer. Or you can call David White at (phone numbers), who will arrange collection. Please feel free to contact me at (phone number) or (email address) to discuss this matter further.
    We look forward to your favourable response, and I thank you in advance for your generous support."
    As I wrote, they just don't get it. One at a time:
    (1) "Jamaica is now facing unprecedented threats to the basic rule of law and the democratic system of governance." Nonsense! There's nothing 'unprecedented' about the threat to democracy and there's no threat whatsoever to our system of governance. It's the system of governance, espoused by all of our political leaders, that's itself the threat to our democracy.
    The 'threat' we face today is the same 'threat' we faced when the PNP government, without consultation, rammed their clusterf(insac)ked solution to the banking crisis through Cabinet, then Parliament, then down our collective throats, telling us about it only after it became 'law'. So long as our present constitutional arrangements persist, the 'threat' is perennial.
    (2) "... a vibrant Opposition is critical to ... providing an alternative choice to the country." Really? Exactly what 'alternative choice' are you mealy-mouthing about, Mark? It's the present Opposition who has ensured we have no choice by dictating that our sole 'alternative' to the motley crew currently in charge is to expose ourselves as fools by re-electing the same prime minister we rejected in 2007. Please explain to me, Mark, how this becomes "preservation of our democratic system." You're rumoured to be bright. I'm a simpleton. Explain!
    (3) "Legitimate private-sector support is also vital to ensure that our Party continues to avoid exposure to unsavoury sources of funding ..." This must be the Guy Lombardo Show! So, Trafigura was the private sector's fault, Mark? They forced you to a corrupt source of funding? Or was it your own party's greed, weakness and lust for 'power'? Which was it, Mark? For the sake of the nation, please come clean now!
    Cruel recession
    Let's see if I have it right. To cure what ails Jamaica, all we each must do, in the midst of a cruel recession and under the yoke of unbearably unjust taxation against which your party can't locate the testicular fortitude to call for civil disobedience, is to hand over $1,000,000 to the PNP to spend as it likes without accounting? Right, Mark?
    It's not possible that you're asking us to fund more of the same old same old with PNP controllers instead of JLP? Perish the thought! That's just a cynical old recluse's warped take on your deep, sincere desire to serve Jamaica. This time, promises will be performed. Right, Mark? Right!!
    Peace and Love. Gordon Robinson is an attorney at law. Feedback may be sent to columns@gleanerjm.com

  • #2
    bittah! seems personal!



    • #3
      If I say it once, I say it 1000 times...

      How can the PNP be bruk when Bunting/Goldeing made over JAD1billion
      outta Omar's good graces?

      Dem have a nerve fi ask working people fi donation, when they need to dip inna dem saaf and cough up the questionably obtained funds!

      The affront of any leading Jamaican political party asking for money is so obscene, that words fail me there.

      Mek dem guwhey!


      • #4
        you are particularly qualified in this area...


        • #5
          I can give Mark the address for the Chinese Ambassador..

          oops.. mi figget Bobby P. firmly close dat door..

          well.. Mark is a financial guru.. Proven.. so I am sure he and Omar can figure something out..


          • #6
            Not personal, just fed up.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #7
              Me personally - will never give a dime of my hard earned money to any political party. Matters not, who is running for office.
              Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
              - Langston Hughes


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                bittah! seems personal!
                Sound like you write yuh cheques already.
                "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                • #9
                  Astor only deal wid raw cash!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    them soon pass law fi take the money outa tax payer money.

                    You no hear them a talk bout it and Karl a gwaan like him support it.

                    Them claim if the state sponsor election it will stop corruption
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #11
                      financial guru : noun; a person who risks other people's money without any risk or exposure to himself while benefitting from the othe rperson's money irrespectiver of whether such person receives any benefit from having the guru invest his money.

                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                        financial guru : noun; a person who risks other people's money without any risk or exposure to himself while benefitting from the othe rperson's money irrespectiver of whether such person receives any benefit from having the guru invest his money.

                        after all is just money

                        It's only money!
                        Franklin Johnston

                        Friday, April 16, 2010

                        I first heard this phrase as a young worker, obeyed my heart and helped a friend; I lost my savings and my friend. He convinced me that "it's only money". I felt guilty, gave in, yet he took my money and felt no guilt. I was confused! These are three cruel words. Has anyone said them to you?

                        Are you working your "soulcase" out and a person who wants to get at your wallet, yanks your chain with these words? This phrase defines a person and can ruin a relationship. Do you use it? Recently I was musing about a prospect presented by a friend. He used the phrase and my mind went back to some bad memories and I told him no. I thought about my reaction. Was I mean, risk-averse and unfriendly? Or not? Hear me out before you judge! I then examined this phrase.

                        This phrase signals the speaker's attitude to you and your money. When used to reassure a friend whose deal has crashed, it's welcome; when used by someone to get your money it's an abuse of your friendship and trust. It can also morph into a trick and add insult to injury. I sacrificed to help a friend and when next I saw him he had a shiny new car. He had sorted his mortgage crisis without my cash, was to return it, but saw "a steal" and used it to pay down on the car! He said, as I had lent him the money already it shouldn't matter to me how he spent it. It did! My money bought a car I could not afford! Would I have sacrificed for a car? I don't think so! Was this his true plan? Maybe! I was a faffin' fool and unfortunately it will happen again as I still trust my friends! What about you?

                        Can your hard-earned cash be "only money"? The con man uses this phrase to objectify "money", to put space between you and it. He may also say "friend better than money", or "you can't take it with you" to distance and relieve you of your cash. He may seem calm; an impartial, disinterested person, but he is in a state of anxiety to get his hands on your money. Like Usain Bolt in the starting blocks, his calm is only on the outside!

                        The word "only" is the hook! It is used to qualify money, to diminish or downplay its significance, make it seem unimportant. He disarms you and then pounces, "Gotcha!". As the fisherman baits the hook, he "plays" you in this cynical mind game. This "ginnal" has nothing and at worst he will leave as he came, with nothing; but you could lose a lot. He knows if he gets you talking, the game is on; you are in play, may make a snap decision, take the hook in haste, out of conscience or frustration and regret it at leisure. This game is so effective you may give him your money knowing you are being conned. Creepy! So, how do you deal with this matter? Before that, let's look at money.

                        What is money? Money is scarce; but it's not gold and we all can get it - just swop our labour for money. It's a choice. When a man says, "Baas, me jus waan a munny me nuh waan nuh slavr'y," he speaks the truth. He chooses not to work and has no money; you choose to work, have money and he wants some. You may be conflicted, he is not! The economist says money claims goods and services; to the parson it's the "root of all evil". Money is precious as it is your labour, ingenuity and enterprise yet others lust after it. Some may tell you "money can't buy life"- so what? Neither can godliness, fame or power. The con man seems to hold money in low esteem yet wants to get yours. Why? The man who has no money loves it the most. My money is my labour. My saving or property is the portion I store for a rainy day - I did not win a lotto or get "dead-lef". Did you? Feel no guilt about holding on to your money. It's your labour! Would you work three months for that person for free? If not, is he worth the equivalent of three months' labour. No, siree!

                        So, how do you deal with "it's only money"? Man or woman, sophisticated, pretty or macho, many "ginnals" are out there. A con is a process. This friend/con man watches you; is well prepared as he chooses the time and place to pounce - when you are most vulnerable. He may outgun you so don't be cocksure, as half the battle is "be prepared" - to be busy or distracted may be fatal. If approached, just listen, say "let me think about it" and no more! If you say "no!" it's an opening for him to talk and wear you down. Keep your mouth shut and like the fish, you won't be caught! Later, tell him the "no!" preferably by phone or with a witness; he wants you in private as your friend may be his next mark. No way! He may say, "Cho, look how much we talk about your problems." Talk is cheap compared to money; or "Oh, you may need my help one day." This is rubbish! It will be a cold day in hell before this wanker can help you or lend you money!

                        Every day as I park my car Tony is around. This day he told me his "good fortune"; he saw a fishing boat and needed "a likkle help" to buy it. He never fished, had no money but swore this deal would "make him a man!". He needed cash quickly as "anedda bredda did a rush it!" Was his " fortune" the boat? Or access to my money? Help to me means he has most and needs a "tups" to reach the price. Help to Tony means I must put up all the cash! Have you noticed this? Tony was proud, would only work for himself. I worked for "Babylon", but not him, yet he loved my Babylon money! I gave it thought and said no. He was crestfallen, then aggressive, then surly and finally "fake-friendly". He said, "Cho, Baas, is ongle munny, let off pon de dread!" My brain went into lockdown, No way, José! No more guilt trip for me, you diss me and my hard labour, my money so, "Screw you!"

                        This phrase pops up in business too. I have some "business angels", High Net Worth persons who invest in projects on my say-so. Even with a good business plan, the person's character is important to them. They would not invest in someone who even thinks "its only money" as he disrespects the work and enterprise of those who earned the money and it won't be used well or wisely! You can't manage money (or people or a factory) if you do not respect it! Money is stored labour and is never "only money". Stay conscious, my friend!

                        Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Consultants, currently on assignment in the UK.
                        Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                        - Langston Hughes


                        • #13
                          Spot on by Robinson.

                          When I first read this part:

                          Originally posted by Willi View Post
                          Promises Not Performance (PNP)

                          ".....Legitimate private-sector support is also vital to ensure that our Party continues to avoid exposure to unsavoury sources of funding, and the insidious influence of such sources on the country's governance.
                          "I am, therefore, appealing to you to support our Party's 2010 Budget, which will allow us to maintain the basic programmes and functions required to strengthen our national organisation......
                          My first thought was that Golding (Mark) was all but admitting to past instances of drawing on "unsavoury" funding and was basically extorting the prospective donor: "pay us this much or else we will have to take it from criminals."

                          Once again people need to stop voting for all of these clowns and go for independent candidates and Ras Astor.

