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Was Dudus paying Manatt, Phelps & Phillips?? Hmmmm....

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  • #61
    nuh muss.. suh wheh di fuss ??

    Yuh have man ah talk bout Noriega.. yuh hype up di ting tuh much !

    lol !!!


    • #62


      • #63
        Drivah ain't nuh patsie so Big Man bettah careful..


        • #64
          Who were the 3 wise men?

          Originally posted by Don1 View Post
          Opposition raises more questions about Manatt issue
          Tuesday, 06 April 2010

          Former National Security Minister Dr. Peter Phillips is turning up the heat on the government to come clean to the people of Jamaica about the Manatt, Phelps and Phillips issue in which the US law firm was hired to represent Jamaica in trade and extradition issues.

          The People's National Party's lead spokesman on the issue, Dr. Phillips has raised questions as to who was really being represented by the law firm with news surfacing that Manatt, Phelps and Phillips was hired to lobby the U.S government to ease the pressure on Jamaica to hand over Tivoli strongman Christopher "Dudus" Coke.

          Dr. Phillips is insisting the government needs to come clean to the people of Jamaica on the matter, claiming he has some information but is awaiting incontrovertible evidence before going public with it.

          "But we still believe that the government of Jamaica needs to be clear and honest too with the country and with all the people of Jamaica who are paying for the missteps of the Government of Jamaica," he said.

          Dr. Phillips says he has heard of three Cabinet
          ministers who were engaged in the discussions where Manatt, Phelps and Phillips was hired to carry out the lobby.

          Questions have been raised about whether it is the same three ministers reported to be under probe by the New York
          Grand Jury for blocking information on the "Dudus" matter.

          The role of the Solicitor General

          Douglas Leys, Solicitor General.
          That apart, Dr. Phillips continues to raise questions over the Solicitor General's participation in the hiring of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips.

          "It is very unusual, most unusual for a Solicitor General to invite persons who have no particular contractual arrangement as he is claiming into a private meeting on a sensitive matter with another government. That is unheard of, it is unprecedented as far as I know," Dr. Phillips said.

          As for the Prime Minister, Mr. Golding has declared that the government never hired the firm.

          But Manatt, Phelps and Phillips insists in filings with the U.S. Department of Justice that it was hired by the government of Jamaica and has already received US$50,000 out of an agreed-on US$100,000 per quarter fee.

          The Prime Minister has said it was not the government who paid.

          "If the government of Jamaica did not pay, who paid? Who was the real client of Mr. Brady, who was the real client of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips? Who was actually paying for this lobbying effort in which the Government of Jamaica collaborated," Dr. Phillips said.

          He reiterates that he has his suspicions, but remained mum on the details, choosing to hold off on saying more until the information becomes clearer.
          Looks like the JLP position will be that the Jamaican lawyer misunderstood the instructions of the 3 wise men.
          The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


          • #65
            We will see.

            "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

            "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


            • #66
              You have good point, but you overselling.


              • #67
                Hyperbole sells..

                Bruce look worried to you ?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                  apparently, you need hourly viewings of the hardtalk interview. try and see if it's on youtube.
                  I've found it on youtube actually. Naturally the last third of the interview which discusses gays seems to have the most vids, but the second third of the interview threw up something which I though was interesting:


                  Sackur (after some previous chit-chat): Basically neighbourhoods are run by...

                  Golding (holding up hand): yes..

                  Sackur (continuing):....thugs and gangs who have affiliation to either your party...

                  Golding (continuing to hold up hand): yes...

                  Sackur (continuing):....the Labour Party or to the People's National Party, the opposition....

                  Golding (still holding up hand): It undermines crime-fighting activity, because it does provide...I wouldn't say a fire-wall, but it does provide a..a...an obstacle to effective policing. And that is something that we have to address. What are we planning to do? We have already committed ourselves to introducing in parliament measures that would sanction, would impeach members of parliament if they breach fundamental codes of their political code of conduct. As a critical tool to dismantling garrisons we are going to identify for example those contractors who have been receiving government contracts and who are themselves involved in garrison activity and they will be taken off the government contractors list. All of these are...

                  Sackur (interrupting; can't make out what Golding was saying at the end): Prime Minister, if I may you sound as though you are completely detached from this. You actually..uhh..you represent a constituency that is dominated by garrison politics.

                  Golding: Yes. With the lowest crime rate in the entire Jamaica.

                  Sackur: But with respect that doesn't prove....

                  Golding: With the lowest cr....

                  Sackur: That does not prove that organized crime isn't taking place, it just proves that perhaps..

                  Golding: No...

                  Sackur:...some of the criminals have a very effective way of avoiding arrest.

                  Golding: No, what it proves is that there is a transformation that has been taking place in West Kingston, going over the last 5 years, that we have continued to sustain and continued to entrench.

                  interview continues.

                  So since this interview was done in...what? 2008? And as they were "committed" to identifying "those contractors who have been receiving government contracts and who are themselves involved in garrison activity" and taking them "off the government contractors list"...what ever happened to that? And is it coincidence that the "transformation" that has been going on "over the last 5 years" would seem to put the start point for the transformation in 2003....the same year the JLP won the KSAC council and started giving out contracts to a company suspected of being involved in garrison politics and who head is now indicted for drug-trafficking and gun-running?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by ReggaeMike View Post
                    Sackur (interrupting; can't make out what Golding was saying at the end): Prime Minister, if I may you sound as though you are completely detached from this. You actually..uhh..you represent a constituency that is dominated by garrison politics.

                    Golding: Yes. With the lowest crime rate in the entire Jamaica.
                    Barefaced LIE! Tek people fi fool!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #70
                      What are we planning to do? We have already committed ourselves to introducing in parliament measures that would sanction, would impeach members of parliament if they breach fundamental codes of their political code of conduct. As a critical tool to dismantling garrisons we are going to identify for example those contractors who have been receiving government contracts and who are themselves involved in garrison activity and they will be taken off the government contractors list


                      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                      • #71
                        Golding: No, what it proves is that there is a transformation that has been taking place in West Kingston, going over the last 5 years, that we have continued to sustain and continued to entrench.

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by X View Post
                          Boss how I see it , Dudus time & the JLP of his ilk time has come , i would go so far as to say , MPs and business leaders of his ilk, time has come.

                          When we look at Dudus , think post 911 , the USA has stated that narco trafficking and religous terrorism are under the same umbrella in that they share the same routes to hurt america, by transport or ideology.

                          They fear a combination working together to achieve an objective especially the religous fanatics.

                          We forgot Lee Malvo how the US government linked the carribbean drug / human trade to Muhammed , Malvos adopted father .The lesson learned and question asked was if he can manufacture fake passports in the carribbean for all under the sun , then its only a matter of time before muslim religous fanatics explores this loophole to cause damage.

                          The nation was tense that a muslim extremist was on the loose , until it came out that these whackos were causing all the damage.The political storm it caused had a nation in chaos.

                          Throw in a government in bed with a narco terrorist (jamaica) and this is fresh meat for any sitting american president for political fodder.

                          The obama administration is putting pressure on Jamaica slowly but surely , all we need now is the republicans to insinuate Obama is being soft on Jamaica Drug traffickers because they support him in the last election....they will manufacture a link and trust me .....it DUNNNNNN !

                          Politics at its best......America feels if Dudus gets big ...lol ..the question should be , when it gets in the political arena as the Obama admin Pu$$y footing with a Jamaican Drug lord......straight out of the republican campaign book.

                          Then get ready for the invasion.
                          Also remember that Obama admitted to smoking pot and cocaine as a teenager. Republicans would probably have a field-day trying to link the two events (Obama smoked pot and he is being soft on Jamaican drug dealers) thus insinuating that Obama might STILL be smoking pot.

