It Still Makes No Sense!!
Hortical, I completely understand what both you and Don1 are saying. Satellite broadcasts is one thing. However, what I still do not understand is why do the Chinese find it necessary to actually set up physical broadcast facilities in Jamaica? The news story’s lead sentence says in part, “…to allow Chinese entities to start operating a radio and television station locally.”
In typical politician jargon, we learn that the venture is to “promote Jamaica-China relations and to deepen the appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture.” As Assasin implied above (and I completely agree with him), the average Jamaican is not going to be tuning in to Chinese cultural or information broadcasts. Trust me on this!
If an even larger minority group in Jamaica, the East Indians, have failed to have any significant cultural impact on the society (save for foodstuff like curried mutton, etc.) despite living in our midst since the 1840s, what use will be Chinese propaganda broadcasts have in cable TV-friendly, reggae/dancehall/soca mad Jamaica?
I guess we cannot expect nothing but another successful, mutually beneficial deal from a government that so adequately and in an impressive, highly responsible fashion managed the disbursement of Air Jamaica.
Originally posted by Hortical
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In typical politician jargon, we learn that the venture is to “promote Jamaica-China relations and to deepen the appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture.” As Assasin implied above (and I completely agree with him), the average Jamaican is not going to be tuning in to Chinese cultural or information broadcasts. Trust me on this!
If an even larger minority group in Jamaica, the East Indians, have failed to have any significant cultural impact on the society (save for foodstuff like curried mutton, etc.) despite living in our midst since the 1840s, what use will be Chinese propaganda broadcasts have in cable TV-friendly, reggae/dancehall/soca mad Jamaica?
