Originally posted by Rockman
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1. The government official could have offered to broker some kind of deal whereby the school would have their water bill reduced in return for allowing the squatter community to access their water (so in effect subsidizing the squatter community which is what they are "practically" doing anyway by okaying theft)
2. The government official could have offered (as Minister for Water no less) to have water trucked to the community until a legal connection is made if they would stop stealing the school's water. This would provide more work for people by the way.
3. The government official could have offered to set up a legal connection. This would provide more work as well.
4. The government official could have offered to help set up a rainwater catchment system in the community so they could have a partial source of their own water.
5. The government official could have offered to lobby for a desalination plant and/or waste water treatment plant in the area to supply both the community and the school with water and that until such time he would work on other solutions (see 1-4 above).
Really, I came up with these 5 possibilities on the fly and your telling me a Minister whose job portfolio includes Water and Housing couldn't come up with ONE alternative to out-and-out theft?