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How come no one is talking about

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  • How come no one is talking about

    the death of Pinochet over the weekend?? If ever we had a modern day monster, this was one of them...Sting even had a song about him<DIV id=cnnSCHeadlineArea><H1>Demonstrators clash following Pinochet's death</H1><H5><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript> </SCRIPT>POSTED: 3:10 a.m. EST, December 11, 2006 </H5></DIV><DIV id=cnnSCContentColumn><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript>var clickExpire = "-1";</SCRIPT><DIV id=cnnSCHighlightsBox><H4><SPAN>Story Highlights</SPAN></H4>• Police spray demonstrators with tear gas, water cannon
    • Funeral set for Tuesday but will not be a state funeral
    • Pinochet's regime lasted from 1973 until 1990
    • He never stood trial for allegations of human rights abuses </DIV><DIV id=cnnSCFontButtons><DIV id=cnnSCFontLabel>Adjust font size:</DIV><DIV id=cnnSCFontMinusBtn &#111;nclick="setActiveStyleSheet('default'); return false;"></DIV><DIV id=cnnSCFontPlusBtn &#111;nclick="setActiveStyleSheet('LargeFont'); return false;"></DIV></DIV>

    SANTIAGO, Chile (CNN) -- Augusto Pinochet was one of Latin America's most controversial and notorious former military dictators. His death Sunday at 91 prompted violent demonstrations.

    The former strongman, who rose to power following a U.S.-backed coup, was accused of torturing and killing thousands of people during his 1973-1990 regime.

    Outside the military hospital, where a Chilean flag was lowered to half staff, several thousand pro-Pinochet demonstrators gathered to mourn his death, chanting "Long live Pinochet!" and singing the national anthem. At one point, several thousand demonstrators tossed plastic bottles of water at journalists, whom they accused of criticizing Pinochet unfairly. (Watch demonstrations turn violent )

    In the Plaza Italia, about 6,000 anti-Pinochet demonstrators gathered in celebration of his death, waving Chilean flags, dancing, opening bottles of champagne and tossing confetti into the air.

    Police detained dozens of people, and dispersed demonstrators who began to throw objects and breached a perimeter surrounding the presidential palace by spraying them with water cannon and then tear gas, TV Chile reported.

    "We require force only to establish order," Gen. Jorge Acuna, director of order and security at el Palacio de La Moneda, the presidential palace.

    Similar violence between riot-clad police and demonstrators occurred in Valparaiso, the birthplace of Pinochet.

    More than 5,000 people joined demonstrations in 10 regions throughout the country, said Felipe Harboe, sub secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, who called on parents to keep their teenagers home Sunday night.

    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.