Originally posted by Nemesis
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God does not exist - Mark Wignall
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Ridiculous arguments from mark. Gunmen in JA? What's the education level of most of the gunmen? Eigth grade. We are all given brains with mental capacity. Ja has some very highly educated people. How does the 8th graders keep the island in check? Stop blaming God, Do for self Mark! Stop looking for handouts! Cease Your LAZY way of thinking.
Send this to mark and tell him to read it many times with a dictionary:
The Negro has not yet started to use his mind. The government of the world rests with the use of your mind, the use of your intelligence and we can only win our place in the
World when we can match intellect with intellect, industry with industry and there will be
No Jim Crowism affecting you. Why do you think the French, the English and the Americans are removing their subjects from China? It is because the Japanese guns can be fired further than their guns. They know you have nothing in science or in the higher arts, because they know what you are and what you say and do; so they calmly push you aside, but they can’t push themselves aside because they know not whom they are pushing aside. Go on the streets of Toronto and any well dressed white man receives respect from everybody, even the policeman, simply because everybody knows that it is likely to be the prime Minister passing the streets or maybe the King of England, but the best dressed black man, they it’s a coon going down, because he represents nothing; but a white man walks with the respect of the whole town. You may kick down the Negro anywhere, but if you touch the white man you may stir up war. The Japanese claimed that one Japanese soldier was missing and they mobilized the whole army to look for one soldier and that is partly the cause of the war between China and Japan. Do you think anything would be done if a Negro was lost? Not a chance! No great scientist, no great engineer would be lost as a matter of fact nothing would be lost.
What I say of Toronto is true of the whole world. Do you know how many Negroes have graduated from universities in America, and up to now they haven’t come together yet with a college of scientists to surprise the world. As physicians they resort to the old formula of Epsom salts and castor oil. Every Negro chemist has done the same, right down the ages. They haven’t discovered any dangerous chemicals to kill out a whole population like Mussolini did. The white people know that the Negro is no good but to sell peanuts. Now my friends, you have to get out of that state of mind; you will have to
Lift yourself intellectually. You must give the world your adventurers, your discoverers. Some of you have been to school and have read everything through history and the biography of men. In the Dominion here you have of Wolfe , who stormed Quebec for white men, and white men who came after Wolfe will never forget that the Dominion belong to them. Columbus left the old world to discover the new, to turn it over to his masters, and do you think the white man is going to turn it over to you just because of your good looks?
Negroes, when you talk big and do nothing, people just laugh at you. In America where most of you come from, if you think that white men are going to turn it over to you, you can wait a long time. If you think they are not proud of what the pilgrim fathers did, of what the rough-riders did to dislodge the Indians, you make a big mistake. You are only
Going to have what you get by your own initiative, so you had better go about getting what you want now in the proper way. We are not going to get it by worrying God about it, because he is not a political agent of anybody. He is not a surveyor. God has given you the character to get anything you want without playing God, and there is only one man playing God, and that is Father Divine. We are not going to play God, we are just going to play man. What man has done we are going to do! He has built kingdoms, empires, municipalities, townships. He ahs brought civilization to a state of his own appreciation. You will have to do the same.
I wonder if you understand what I mean. I mean you will have to go out into the world sooner or later for your own security. If you want anything in the world you will have to be your own drakes, your own Raleighs, your own Columbuses. It was the buccaneering spirit of Drake and Raleigh that gave the English an idea of a Merchant Marine and a Navy. Before it was made real it existed in the imagination. Everything you do was first fashioned in your mind, and if you can see as far as the fathers of the race have looked, then you will go the length with me, so that we may hand out to succeeding generations what Drake and Raleigh handed down to the British people at home.
Negroes say they haven’t anything to do, when as a matter of fact, they haven’t touched their jobs yet, the great structure that you must hand down the ages. The white man has built up and can now rest. The white man is trying to go up higher. If you don’t mind
He will be right where God is in a short while, and saying hello. The white man is thinking all the time, never resting, never sleeping, always thinking how to win great laurels.
why YOU cya'an send it to him? he has provided his email address in the article. is wha, yuh 'fraid?!!
man a hide backa tree and seh "cyah dis guh gi mark fi nuh, mi nuh want him know seh a mi!"....
Originally posted by Gamma View Postwhy YOU cya'an send it to him? he has provided his email address in the article. is wha, yuh 'fraid?!!
man a hide backa tree and seh "cyah dis guh gi mark fi nuh, mi nuh want him know seh a mi!"....
Negroes, when you talk big and do nothing, people just laugh at you.
This is the key phrase (or one of them) in the entire piece... and also the explanation for why Jawge cannot or will not contact the journalist on his own...
Full ah chat...but no good works.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
see one more here and keep looking for Jawge:
It is the duty of man to make his knowledge so complete in life , so as to make it impossible for any man to take advantage of him. This is why you find men always educating themselves inside and outside of the classroom, finding out everything that is new. I feel that you in here want to know what is new so that nobody will have you at a
disadvantage. The man who knows walks the world a colossal success. Sometimes you find him an Edison or a Marconi; but the man who doesn’t know walks around and begs, because he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know the laws of thrift, he doesn’t know the laws of industry, commerce, state: he doesn’t know anything about the political system; he is ignorant of everything and yet God never made a fool. Man has made himself a fool. It is the duty of man to learn all of nature’s ways if he is to boss nature and be the sovereign of the world. A king must know his empire, otherwise his empire will rule him. We have so many fools in the world and those are the people others feed on.
You will ask why does God allow these things to go on. God only recognizes man. He
doesn’t recognize rich and poor, particularly when he places him in a world that was here before man came here, knowing well that man would want things for his satisfaction and happiness. When he made man, He made him to enjoy these things and if man doesn’t enjoy these things, it isn’t the fault of God, because God is intelligent and man is a part of God. Do not think your suffering is any virtue that is going to take you into heaven. Your misfortune is the result of your lazy mentality. God did not bless the lazy servant; He cursed and drove away the lazy servant. If man goes around pining and wailing and making himself a useless creature there is no reward for him but his death.
What I have to tell you could not be told in one hour, because of the peculiarity of your community. Ignorance will always make the attempt to hold back intelligence, but intelligence will always ride over ignorance and find its goal. Today the world is trying to
Save itself through intelligence of the intelligence of visionaries who can look down the ages. The masses of men are always ignorant because they are too lazy to think. The masses are more concerned with their stomachs, and you will find the average man
thinking of spending more on his meat and sugar, than even intelligently budgeting every ten cents for the improvement of his intelligence out of a dollar. The men who eat up everything they lay their hands on go to their graves unwept, unsung, unhonoured. They eat themselves into all form of diseases and so we bury them by thousands every year, but men who feed their minds more than their stomachs are the men who have reduced life to a science. They live happier, they live longer, they get more joy out of
life .
What is the matter with your mind? Are you different from Rockefeller who discovered oil and became the richest man in the world outside of Henry Ford, the poor boy who visualized the use of propelled mechanism and is the richest man in the world today. You are the same soul, then why should God be blamed down here by you when you are no good. Life is no joke, it is a positive reality. How many of us are living up to the dignity of men? There are some men who are of no use in the world because they do not exercise the any more thoughtfulness about the world than a sheep or a cow. There are
Some men who could not give a sensible answer to a question because they do not know what is happening and a sheep wouldn’t know either. Isn’t it a slander on God for man to be so ignorant when God gave him intelligence!
Go home tonight, pray to your Lord to reveal what you are best fitted for, so that you may give the world something new, so that you may rise next morning and be a new genius that may baffle a startled and wondering world. Do not live in the world and pass out like chickens and sheep. When you die leave behind you the memories of men, the memories of Shakespeare, Mrs. Hernans, Victoria, Florence Nightingale, Bismarck, Caesar, Mussolini, Hitler, Mckenzie-King. Have you ever thought of the fact that as old as the world is, according to the religionists, it is six thousand years old, that billions and trillions of people have passed out of the world, and since Adam came here you will find only about thirty-six names written in history having done something. From Moses to Mussolini the men who have stood out, the Wolfes at Quebec, the Washingtons, the Bismarcks, the Sir Christopher Wrens. Names of men of men like Moses, like Abraham, like Solomon and David are fresh in the in the minds of people as if they died yesterday.
What are you going to do? Are you going to achieve that greatness to leave behind you in marble, in steel, because you made a contribution. Again I ask what contribution are you going to make to your race , to your world? The Universal Negro Improvement is asking you to think it over so that a thousand years from now it will be written in the records that a great Negro man or woman came from Halifax who started great continental systems and built the loftiest monument in commerce and industry.Last edited by Jawge; January 21, 2010, 02:25 PM.