Disgruntled Elephant Man Declares Beenie 'Mashed Up' The Sean Kingston Concert
Posted at 05:39 PM on January 18, 2010
It was after 3 a.m. on Sunday morning when a disgruntled ElephantMan,
after having his set cut short by police officers,unapologetically announced that fellow deejay and unscheduled performer Beenie Man had "mashed up" the Coca-Cola Presents Sean Kingston inConcert.
Receiving boos from the disgruntled audience for 'dissing'the self-styled King of the Dancehall, Elephant Man made his wayoffstage after just getting the energy started in his shortened set.After being called up by Sean Kingston earlier in the night, Beenie Manmade his way back onstage for a short stint begging scheduledperformer, DeMarco, "five minutes" to give his fans a taste of 'thedoctor'. DeMarco obliged, cutting in here and there for a few lines ofhis own songs and to showcase his own dance moves. Beenie Man ended uptaking longer than his 'five minutes'. At the abrupt end of the show asemcee Miss Kitty thanked the packed venue for showing, persons in thecrowd lively debated Beenie's performance for the night, oftenfavouring the deejay for showing up and performing unexpectedly.
Prior to its the unexpected ending, Sean Kingston in Concert was awell-organised and well-attended event that saw more interesting thanforgettable performances for the night. Dominated by young artistesafter 9 p.m., acts such as G Whizz and Tessanne Chin alongside surpriseact Shaggy performing their duet Hold Me got some responses fortheir effort. Voicemail soon brought a dancing vibe as the younger crowd members bawled out "bembe" along side the trio, who kept a strongvibe. Laden soon followed, deejaying more of his song than usual with Gal Over Gun, Working Hard and had hands waving for Time to Shine.QQ gave a surprisingly mature performance, showing promise for thefuture, as he came out in a Michael Jackson-style outfit and had fansscreaming at the front of the stage. Singing his R&B song, securityhad to come to his rescue at one point as fans tried to grab the youngsingjay while he 'stookied' and 'rum-rammed'.
Elephant Man wasn't the only person to be bitten by the boo-bird forthe night. Emcee Supa Hype received a solid one as well. Afterre-entering the stage, he asked fans to scream if they liked QQ. Theaudience complied. He then proceeded to 'big up' LA Lewis in the VIParea and asked fans to scream for the graffiti artiste. However,instead of shouting their approval, he was given a sound booing. Miss Kitty soon took over emceeing duties, bringing on Alaine next whodanced and did her set followed by Tifa, who received a strong forwardfrom welcoming fans. Fans sang along to Bottom of the Barrel, as the female deejay showed off her quick lyrics before going into Spell It Out.D'Angel looked enticing in a red body suit as she hailed her husband inthe building and blazed onstage. Executing a quick wardrobe change, shesoon made way for Chino who made time for new songs such as Phone Gallis on the Boops rhythm. He slowed it down for Ruff It Upas he took a seat onstage and played his guitar. Bringing out 'thecaptain', Chino made way for his father Freddie McGregor to get in aline or two as the crowd sang along to Push Come to Shove.
Etana, Shady Squad and Mystic all had the crowd warmed up asshortly after 1 a.m. the man of the night Sean Kingston made his wayonstage as those sitting down, stood at attention for the internationalact. Coming to Mi Love, Kingston had a lot to say throughouthis first performance in Kingston. In a disc jock showdown with his DJ,Kingston showed that he was in touch with new music, playing Assassin'sHand Up Inna Di Air, Serani's Skip to ma Luu and Stephen McGregor's Cyaa Friend Again before bigging up the Big Ship. The deejay was all business with hits such as Take You There, Beautiful Girls and Fire Burnin.
Coppershot's DJs Sanjay and Small Voice, as well as Bloodline'sDJ Narity kept the party going after Kingston's performance, as actssuch as DeMarco followed to a good response, followed by Ding Dong andRavers Clavers. Ding Dong jumped into the crowd for Holiday, while Elephant Man closed the show, continuing the dancing trend until cut-off time.
Credits: JamStar
Posted at 05:39 PM on January 18, 2010
It was after 3 a.m. on Sunday morning when a disgruntled ElephantMan,

Receiving boos from the disgruntled audience for 'dissing'the self-styled King of the Dancehall, Elephant Man made his wayoffstage after just getting the energy started in his shortened set.After being called up by Sean Kingston earlier in the night, Beenie Manmade his way back onstage for a short stint begging scheduledperformer, DeMarco, "five minutes" to give his fans a taste of 'thedoctor'. DeMarco obliged, cutting in here and there for a few lines ofhis own songs and to showcase his own dance moves. Beenie Man ended uptaking longer than his 'five minutes'. At the abrupt end of the show asemcee Miss Kitty thanked the packed venue for showing, persons in thecrowd lively debated Beenie's performance for the night, oftenfavouring the deejay for showing up and performing unexpectedly.

Elephant Man wasn't the only person to be bitten by the boo-bird forthe night. Emcee Supa Hype received a solid one as well. Afterre-entering the stage, he asked fans to scream if they liked QQ. Theaudience complied. He then proceeded to 'big up' LA Lewis in the VIParea and asked fans to scream for the graffiti artiste. However,instead of shouting their approval, he was given a sound booing. Miss Kitty soon took over emceeing duties, bringing on Alaine next whodanced and did her set followed by Tifa, who received a strong forwardfrom welcoming fans. Fans sang along to Bottom of the Barrel, as the female deejay showed off her quick lyrics before going into Spell It Out.D'Angel looked enticing in a red body suit as she hailed her husband inthe building and blazed onstage. Executing a quick wardrobe change, shesoon made way for Chino who made time for new songs such as Phone Gallis on the Boops rhythm. He slowed it down for Ruff It Upas he took a seat onstage and played his guitar. Bringing out 'thecaptain', Chino made way for his father Freddie McGregor to get in aline or two as the crowd sang along to Push Come to Shove.
Etana, Shady Squad and Mystic all had the crowd warmed up asshortly after 1 a.m. the man of the night Sean Kingston made his wayonstage as those sitting down, stood at attention for the internationalact. Coming to Mi Love, Kingston had a lot to say throughouthis first performance in Kingston. In a disc jock showdown with his DJ,Kingston showed that he was in touch with new music, playing Assassin'sHand Up Inna Di Air, Serani's Skip to ma Luu and Stephen McGregor's Cyaa Friend Again before bigging up the Big Ship. The deejay was all business with hits such as Take You There, Beautiful Girls and Fire Burnin.
Coppershot's DJs Sanjay and Small Voice, as well as Bloodline'sDJ Narity kept the party going after Kingston's performance, as actssuch as DeMarco followed to a good response, followed by Ding Dong andRavers Clavers. Ding Dong jumped into the crowd for Holiday, while Elephant Man closed the show, continuing the dancing trend until cut-off time.
Credits: JamStar