no waan deal wid it: Fram the Haitian crisis come on is who ah give an spend di most. I was bombarded on this site about "rising power". Well the "rising power' gave one million. "Babylon" on the other hand; even though going through tough times was able to give 100 mil (aircraft carrier with thousands of troops, huge star lift planes and the list jus goes on)
Don and Mo please join me in saying THANK YOU, USA; you went above and beyond. President Obama, President Bush and President Clinton THANKS for the effort.
I said it ; that it will be the US that will lead this planet to a higher level.
Sidebar: Don, I think you got a glimpse of what the world would be like, if "they" (rising power from the east) gain some power.the glimpse might be beautiful for you but not for me.
Don and Mo please join me in saying THANK YOU, USA; you went above and beyond. President Obama, President Bush and President Clinton THANKS for the effort.

I said it ; that it will be the US that will lead this planet to a higher level.
Sidebar: Don, I think you got a glimpse of what the world would be like, if "they" (rising power from the east) gain some power.the glimpse might be beautiful for you but not for me.