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World Cup 2010 in 3D?

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  • World Cup 2010 in 3D?

    ESPN, Discovery push third dimension for TV

    Wednesday, January 06, 2010

    NEW YORK, United States - TWO major US cable networks — ESPN and Discovery —said yesterday they plan to start beaming 3-D entertainment into Americans' homes for the first time.
    Riding what could be one of the next big waves in consumer electronics, ESPN said it will have a 3-D channel for broadcasting live sports events in time for the FIFA World Cup football match on June 11.
    The channel will not operate 24 hours a day, but plans at least 85 live events in its first year.
    Separately, Discovery Communications Inc, which owns Discovery, TLC and other cable channels, announced it will partner with Imax Corp and Sony Corp to bring out its own full-time 3-D network. The company did not say which shows it will air on the new channel, which is to launch in 2011.
    It's yet to be seen whether 3-D can make inroads in the home. For viewers it will likely mean buying new TV sets and wearing 3-D glasses.
    But major electronics makers such as Sony Corp and Panasonic Corp are planning to market 3-D-capable TVs this year.
    And the movie industry has already had some success with the technology, with 3-D films taking in more than US$1 billion at box offices last year.
    In an interview, ESPN's vice-president for technology, Chuck Pagano, said the network is preparing for a "3-D tsunami" in the TV industry.
    "It brings a sense of 'wow' when you watch a football game," he said. "It's just a new universe for watching TV coming down the pipeline."
    ESPN is owned by The Walt Disney Co.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)