There should be a new law: Once your hotel is AI; profit sharing (for all staff, even the gardener) at the end of the year and not in Jakan but USD. This way the island recapture lost revenue and it's injected directly in the economy. Also workers pay city/Parish tax for whatever area the AIs are built in.
Ben stop yuh foolishness: That has been my cry since 2003. When it comes on to the economic well being of JA; mi nuh deal wid di party ting..
Really? Wha year we inna Jawge?
"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
I think the reason is Govt Policy betwen 1972-1980 and Govt Policy betwen1989-2007... a combined reduction of 79% to the GDP...that is what I think the reason is...
Just a suspicion mind you.. but gwaan sing Kum-Bye-Yah.. just incase..
lol !
As I said sycophancy is a BIG part of the problem...not part of the solution.
Case in point: The Rear Admiral.
We continue merrily down the toilet as the stupid syophants sing the praises of their corrupt and incompetent leaders.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
How many times on this forum I have admitted to have mispoken?
If I am not afraid and if I am wrong I will admit it.
I will however not always agree to what the massive agree and I am not afraid to say. For me the forum is fun and is a learning process, it is not always about my opinion as many on this forum always think. I will even change my opinion but it has to be based upon fact and reasoning, not bullying and opinion.
if I say something that is not understood or controversial I will explain but I will not withdraw it and it may mean that we talk it out but isn't that what make the forum what it is?
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
"garrison for garrison sake" what you mean by that.
Are you saying it has some support?
Do you realise it is the same kind of support why it exist today?
Nobody love poverty for poverty sake either but......
We have to do better than that and educate our people and demand action from our leaders STRAIGHT UP.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
The Govt. should get out of the business of building hotels, financing airlines and other private ventures. Last time I checked Ja isn't communist country (MADE THAT CLEAR IN 1980).
What the govt. should do is ...
...give tax breaks to encourge business in areas vital to the national security of the island. The govt. should be more in involved in the municpalities of the island (roads, adequate water supply low income housing, quality education and the list goes on).
Tax breaks? infrastructure?
Well isn't that also another way of giving businesses money?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
"The fact is it is talked about but garrisons are very popular with Jamaicans" Are you sure, I don't know about Garrisons in Hanover, what am I missing? Some poeple don't even know Kingston from that Parish or care to go there, so to make that statement is incorrect, is it?
Mi loosing off of you, Kingston is not Jamaica.
Politicians are the biggest problem in Jamaica, followed by the Corrupt Police.
mine yuh mek certain man pon di forum see dem ting deh. u nuh know say a dancehall music a di biggest problem? it naave nutt'n fi do wid politician or corrupt police.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
nobody support it but it is more than 40 years now and instead of it disappearing it has spread, even without support. How ironic.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Yes because the taxes would go towards cleaning up Mobay city (no not a dime going to central govt.).
Every Monday and Wednesday (early in the morning) the streets would be washed. No more vending on the sidewlkas. No more cars in Sam sharpe square, certain parts of Mobay is strictly for walking (city is old and renovations would be made for to maintain the georgian look). Civil engineers brought in and satellite images of Mobay will be done to find the best way to run traffic , widen streets where necessary and at the same time maintain the historic look of the town. Residents of neighbourhood such as Hart street and Barracks Rd will be relocated to low income homes around the city. Those areas will now be used for municipal parking (yes depending on your ID, you pay a flat rate).Zoning and building codes will be STRICTLY , I repeat STRICTLY enforced. At times the military will be posted in and around the city to ensure peace and calm (until all gets the message that tourists must be allowed to walk freely in the town) Special programs with HEART would be set up to teach the trade of elctrician, Carpentry,plumbing and masonry (JDF will help here) this program will target all those young boys involved in scamming (be warned that failure to inlove in this program will only lead to confrontation with special anti crime unit (well armed). Graduates of the program will find jobs repairing traffic lights and working at CRC (which will be on a 24 hr system seeing that parts of it will be used for health tourism). A team of social workers will constantly visit communities noted for crime, ensuring that young boys are in school right up to the secodary level (from basic school) these funds will be drawn from taxes, municipal parking et al. Also surprise patrols by a strong mixture of police and soldiers in these communities. Plans and feasibility studies will be done to pay the police force (in St.James) directly from the parish taxes.
As mi say, mi know unnuh nuh ready an serious bout progress. Unnuh rather run di place like a joke house wid corruption an all kin ah foolishness.
Note: designated parking in and around the city will be monitored by uniformed personnel. violations will be prosecuted in conjuction with the police force. Towing is mandatory within the city proper. Signs will be posted encouraging walking within the city itself. The rules will be laxed on Saturdays on Sundays (only for PARKING).