Mosiah you can talk all you want. Garrison is very popular in Jamaica. A few academics, politicians and media people tell you otherwise.
What excuse am I making. you notice I have never been talk much about the removal of garrison? On the street everybody, even people from uptown and country support some garrison or another. It is like the Gaza/Gully thing.
Nothing more would please me to see steps been taken but as I said it take courage. I won't even include the Dudas case in my argument because even after he has left the garrison will still remain.
What excuse am I making. you notice I have never been talk much about the removal of garrison? On the street everybody, even people from uptown and country support some garrison or another. It is like the Gaza/Gully thing.
Nothing more would please me to see steps been taken but as I said it take courage. I won't even include the Dudas case in my argument because even after he has left the garrison will still remain.