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I man juss come back fram yaad, so mi ah

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  • #16
    Wha happen? You turn labourite now?

    All these years you a go a Ja you never see this? Only on your most recent visit.

    What you fail to realise is the PNP was government for 18 years, in that time China, Ireland, Trinidad and Dominican Republic turn themselves around. So they have to finger some of the blame. Jamaican people better wake up and start holding all politican regardless of PNP or JLP accountable vote them backside out if they fail to produce growth, not hold on to the love of Daddy Manley, Busta, Micheal and Eddie.

    We need to be more like the Japanese. Produce or go.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      willi and 'sass...unnuh quick 'pon the draw eh? i share similar sentiments to the both of you.

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #18
        Sass you just don't get it , do you? This is not about blaming PNP for the past 18 years. JLP would not have done better. Read my post AGAIN. There is something seriously wrong with our system: Look at Ja since the 40s coming up it's the same thing regardless. The only fundamental change was with 70s and this was undermined by Joshua's meddling in regional politics.

        To willi: Boss I'm no apologist for the PNP. Without shame I said years ago that I supported Michael "Joshua" Manley for the wonderful things he did for the poor in JA. I also stood up for Nanny P because of her non partisan approach to the fire truck issue.

        Boss Ja needs to review its political system, education system, municipal sytem, system of business, music and religion. WE MUST CHANGE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.


        • #19
          "Boss Ja needs to review its political system, education system, municipal sytem, system of business, music and religion. WE MUST CHANGE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE."

          A government a go do that. until one can stand up wi doom.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #20
            The people must press for the change. We must have a political system tha suits us. Ja at present is mired in a slavery system. Workers aren't seen as workers for the better of corp and nation but as slaves. Ask if there is any profit sharing in the tourist industry. Matter of fact JA doesn't really have any corporation for itself. All the corps in JA behave as if they are foreign corporation.

            You know what's funny? I see one of Ja's major corporation battling a small business for intellectual rights on a software. All this corp. had to do was fund a computer science research program at CAST and all the goodies woud be theirs. How much does it take for a corp that big to buy a dozen laptops and desktops, then pay for broadband connections. See my point we all have hustler mentality.

            The US is ahead because of the research that goes on in schools.

            If the Jakan corp had funded a research; they would probably have wicked software with artificial intelleigence, even opening another branch selling this same software. We need to change or revise ourselves.


            • #21
              LOL !!!

              Di man seh JLP would not have done bettah !

              Is that how your twisted brain justifies your support of the rank almshouse the PNP have been engaged in since they took over an economy growing at 5% and drove it into the ground with a record setting performance for NON-GROWTH and Rampant debt ?!

              You have no basis for that rather stupid statement... karreck yuhself, get your mind organized around the matter.. you are only a danger to yourself and others...

              Leave dat Cult.. mi ah warn yuh..


              • #22
                To bring my point home (seeing that you are lost on it): How many elections and party change in govt. did Germany have since 1989? Compared to 1989, what is East Germany like today?

                Maybe the US or some nation should launch couple missles and bomb us to our senses.


                • #23
                  the problem with that is the people don't believe in any system. If you try to organize you get the most opposition unless a some Gaza/Gully thing you a deal wid.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #24
                    Bomb Us ?

                    heh, heh... funny during the 18 year reign you were quite satisfied.. don't recall you calling for bombing then...

                    I knew a change of Govt would provide some good humour from the Cult... y'all have not disappointed...unnuh putting the Republicans to shame..

                    Man ah call fi bombing !

                    LOL !!


                    • #25
                      Where was your sense of urgency say 10 years ago?

                      Discerning people would have known that Omar and crew had papered over the cracks and was coasting on the back of the global economic up wave.

                      PJ was an unmitigated disaster.


                      • #26
                        This takes time. Our collective backs must be against the wall for us to change and of course certain people will have to be "driven" out of Jamaica for that to happen.

                        Check the Bible and see if God never told his chosen ones to pause while he drives out the infidel's?

                        Its coming sooner than you think
                        Remittances are waaay down
                        Tourism is on a lifeline
                        drugs nah run like one time
                        our productive sector is falling apart

                        the collective sh!t has hit the fan so no worry what you are seeing there "must" happen before the "diaspora" returns home to take charge

                        It was already written so now it calls for patience, discipline, faith and perseverance while the creator works come to pass.

                        Let us rejoice in being able to see with our eyes what our ancestors gave their lives for. Blood have to run a so the thing set(it was written)


                        • #27
                          people can talk but FINSAC debt is 40% of GDP. Maybe the worst economic shock Jamaica has ever had. Now couple that with killing our manufacturing sector, and then the low output in farming. Our low productivity, high importation and corruption and there is no mystery.
                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #28
                            What about the 70's... mi hear seh dat was bout 25% drop..

                            So combined the great PNP oversaw an almost 70% REDUCTION in the production index of Jamaica since 1972 (a likkle blip against the curve squeeze in di miggle under Eddie di oppressor)..

                            and di .. mi nuh know whe fi call dem.. a come in yah and talk about "uptown blind followers".

                            Is what dem really put in dat koolaid at PNP headquarters ?

                            Damn.. wheh dem nuh jump pon a plane and guh support Mugabe ?

                            Him fit di bill.. run wheh white man oppressor and free di people...

                            Perfect situation dat fi dem.. leave wi mek wi suffah...


                            • #29
                              A good book for everyone who are interested in assisting Jamaica to get
                              In fact I rate it a must read


                              just imagine putting this knowledge to use helping a local farmer, hotel, high school, club team etc in Jamaica.

                              It is true
                              when you seek to do good with all your heart the creator assist you


