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More J'cans Said Fleeing America

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  • More J'cans Said Fleeing America

    Tough economy, stricter enforcement of immigration policies trigger return home
    BY INGRID BROWN Observer senior reporter browni@jamaicaobserver.com
    Tuesday, October 20, 2009
    Scores of Jamaicans are believed to be among the 1.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States who have opted to return home in the last two years, rather than endure the harsh realities of a tough American economy and stricter enforcement of immigration policies.

    BECKFORD... If the crime rate was 50 per cent lower a lot of people would return home
    According to the US Centre for Immigration Studies (CIS), the population of undocumented persons in the United States declined by some 14 per cent or 1.7 million people between the summer of 2007 and spring of 2009.
    Analysing Census Bureau data, researchers Steven Camarota and Karen Jensenius calculate that the number of immigrants entering the USA illegally has fallen by one-third, while the number returning home has more than doubled.
    "Both increased immigration enforcement and the recession seem to explain this decline," they report.



  • #2
    I know one undocumented sistren who ran her retail bizness for 10 years and left before the economy crashed in 2007. Undocumented foreigners have been returning in droves fi a while now.

    Security attaché at the Jamaican Embassy in Washington, Clifford Chambers, explained that persons like Bailey can return to Jamaica on an expired passport as no questions are asked if the person is leaving the US voluntarily.
    This is correct

    But as Dr Wilson explained, these children usually cannot go beyond the high school level as they must have proper documentation in order to be accepted to universities.
    I am aware of kids who received academic scholarships, but could not accept this since they were undocumented.
    Last edited by Hortical; October 20, 2009, 08:31 AM.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


    • #3
      Mi notice these days the US is the worst ting bout di place.


      • #4
        I guess you saw the writing on the wall long ago...


        • #5
          Where yu get that from? Your good friend BJ/Maudib doesn't think so....


          • #6
            hortical...one of saddest stories in know is about a likkle girl who bright suh 'til. not only that she is a hard working and determined student....EXCELLENCE is the only way to describe her academics...sadly her mother was an ignoramus, and encouraged family members to take her from a church trip to orlando despite protestations from my mother (who used to teach her) and others and now she cannot take up any scholarship offers.

            In a mere 2 more years the little girl would have had scholarship offers flung at her from all directions but, alas....every few months i personally grieve about this case....

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              Oh yeah mi hear him ah lick out to. when mi tackle him bout it, him bawl out "God bless America". mi notice ah pattern but mi nah say nutten.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                hortical...one of saddest stories in know is about a likkle girl who bright suh 'til. not only that she is a hard working and determined student....EXCELLENCE is the only way to describe her academics...sadly her mother was an ignoramus, and encouraged family members to take her from a church trip to orlando despite protestations from my mother (who used to teach her) and others and now she cannot take up any scholarship offers.

                In a mere 2 more years the little girl would have had scholarship offers flung at her from all directions but, alas....every few months i personally grieve about this case....
                Ignoramus fi true. What they should do is return the child back to school in Jam. Blithe the pickney prospects! KISS TEET
                Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                - Langston Hughes


                • #9
                  Some of us smarter dan oddas!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    Read some comments on the article:

                    COMMENTS (31)

                    maxie reid
                    10/20/2009 6:20 AM

                    This articles reminds me of a scripture that people shall seek refuge in the mountain, however the mountain shall be seekining refuge for itself. Yes America is a land of dreams. A very good place for specialized education.
                    10/20/2009 6:27 AM

                    I hope those traitors who are gone home took their children with them. Dont leave them in the USA to become criminals. Take them back to the banana republic/wasteland.They are failures as I know of illegal immigrants here who are doing just fine, because they put their money to proper use.
                    10/20/2009 7:17 AM

                    let me tell you something america is not a bed of roses you have to work everyday to live in jamaica you can live because mango sweetsop ackee pear breadfruit the good yellow yam plum people give these thing to friends but in america everything you have to buy nothing is free you have live from pay check to pay check or credit card
                    10/20/2009 7:21 AM

                    Hey K,i am one of the ambitious one.I came here 10yrs ago and all the things i have ACHIEVED, THANK GOD,BECAUSE I AM A NO NONSENCE WOMAN.I came to the greener pasture and you know what,I EAT AND EAT BUT I LOOK WHERE I WAS GRAZING and it work for me.In those 10yrs i got married to someone who LOVE ME as i LOVE HIM.He filed for my 3kids,he sent me back to school came out andgot a job we bought a house truck the girls are in college my son is working and we are planning to open our own business very soon.Alot of us when we came hereits all about the boys,man,girls or women clothes dressing up and getting kids here and there and dont even think about the consequences that comes with it.I am not boasting but we all need to have a plan in life and work with it.Its hard all over the world but sorry I WOULD NOT WANT TO GO BACK HOME TO LIVE.I would hav to try a little harder to make it work here.I work when i was there and i am going to work wherever i go in this world and i am going to make it.ITS NOT THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU MAKE BUT WHAT YOU DO WITH IT.THANK YOU LORD FOR THE WAY YOU MAKE ME THINK.I HOPE I INSPIRED SOMEONE TODAY.
                    10/20/2009 7:31 AM

                    It gripes me when I read comments like "K" . Each persons situation is different . How can you be so judgemental. It's like everything you do, some may succeed , while other will fail and it is not a lack of trying. How can you say they need to take their children back and not leave them in the US to become criminals. That is so wrong. I live in the US and I also have tons of friends and family living in Jamaica and as far as I am concern they are doing quite fine in JA and would never give it up for anything/anywhere else in the world. America is not all it is chalked up to be and if you live here and would like to talk the truth you would agree. I find the hurry come up Jamaicans are the ones who give Jamaica a hard rap. The ones who come here and do the break-me -back live in work and make good money of course and have no social life...........all the life the know and see is the people's house and driving Miss Daisy and they think they have arrived. Wings , you need to check you info again. I am an American Citizen and I do know for a fact that when you travel to Jamaica on an Ameican Passport you are given time to leave Jamaica. I asked the immigration officer in Jamaica once why he had given me time to leave and he said , that I was now a US Citizen and just like when they (Jamaicans) visit the US they give them time in the country it is no different there. The most time I have ever received was three months..........but he did explained that if I desired to stay longer I needed to ask for an extension. My mother is also a US citizen who moved back home and she went and got an "Unconditional landing stamp" .

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      He filed for my 3 kids,he sent me back to school what's not to love?!

                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #12
                        damn good man dat.


                        • #13
                          Wonder how long the line is by 142 Old Hope Road today
                          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                          - Langston Hughes


                          • #14
                            Line?? Well based pon di reports: No line nuh up dere (neither fi visiting nor perrmanent residence) merika too wickid. dem ah frame peeple up yah as mi say dis ah go somewhere.


                            • #15
                              Well she did say she had to "EAT AND EAT BUT I LOOK WHERE I WAS GRAZING"
                              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

