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I am reading a body of work

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  • I am reading a body of work

    on the portions of Christ's life that we dont see in the Bible like after His birth up to say 12 years when He went to the temple after between say 15 and 30 when we see Him being baptised by John and starts His Ministry.

    Most of them are serious scholarly works and mostly agree He went to places like India and China to study with people of other faiths etc.

    Anne Rice has two books that are excellent reads, Christ the King out of Egypt and Christ the King Road to Cana.

    By chance I found another book called Lamb written by some one called Christopher Moore which is nothing ike the others, it is pure satyre, well written and will have you laughing out loud.

    It is written inth First person by Christ so called best friend from birth Levi "who is called Biff" a not so smart but engaging person.

    If you do decide to read this be careful it is PG and profane in parts but absolutely entertaining.
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.

  • #2
    thank you for that info...sounds interesting.

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      I have always found studies on the historical Jesus very interesting. I found a whole course on iTunes that deals with the subject in detail.

      There were so many Gospels written on Jesus outside of the 4 that got in the Canon. For example the Gospel of Judas gives a totally different spin on his role in the crucifixion, basically that Jesus asked him to go give him up.

      Another thing I did not realise is that some of Mathew and Luke is a direct copy from Mark (the earliest Gospel) , and other parts of Mathew and Luke share identical text which suggest that they both copied from some other document which is lost to history.

      Bricktop will disagree but I am now pretty convinced that the man did exist. There are enough different sources from around that time which refer to him and his works. As to what his REAL life was like, well that is another story.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        have heard or read the same thing about Judas' role in the entire thing and one good friend of mine (before he started drinking at a party) actually said he thought that Judas was really an angel who had no soul to lose and was sent to earth for this specific purpose.

        In this book i am reading, when Jesus met Judas he actually said "welcome, I have been expecting you".

        I also read recently that some scholars think some of the Gospels we have have been added to by "over zealous Monks" while copying them as earlier copies found later on don't have these endings or additions.
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #5
          Yuh sure is BEFORE him start drinking him tell yuh dat ?

          For that matter were you sober ?


          • #6
            this is a conversation between mature adults..excuse yourself quietly
            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
            Che Guevara.


            • #7
              Suh how yuh reach inna it ?


              • #8
                "overzealous Monks" LOL. Too me it seems as if the story kept getting more, well , miraculous, with time after Jesus' crucifixion.

                Mark and Apostle Paul's letters are some of the early writings on Jesus and they don't mention the virgin birth at all. Then Mathew and Luke write about the virgin birth later on. One would think that would be so important that no story on Jesus would leave it out.

                The fact that Paul wrote so much about Jesus and never mentioned it once suggests that this was something added to the story later, probably from some other relgious source that already had a virgin birth tradition.
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #9
                  One school of thought was that it was Luke the doctor who wrote most of these Gospels, some of which were written long after the death of Christ
                  Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                  Che Guevara.


                  • #10
                    Nothing overzealous about it.. History is written by the victors..

                    Redaction shows a heavy leaning to increasing the role of the male and reducing the role of the female influence and indeed Christ's preference..

                    You can extrapolate which sect won and which sect lost...


                    • #11
                      Hi Joseph, How Is "Jesus, The Son Of God?"

                      The late comedian, Sam Kinsion, often used religious referencese in his act. He used to be a revival preacher.

                      Joseph, his wife Mary, and Baby Jesus lived as a family. So, whenever Joseph would run into one of his old friends, the conversation would go something like this:

                      "Hey Joseph, long time no see, How are you doing?"


                      "And how is your lovely wife, Mary?"

                      "She's doing great."

                      "And how is Jesus, THE SON OF GOD?"


                      • #12
                        Why Jesus Never Married

                        YouTube - Sam Kinison - Jesus didn't have a wife

                        In this video, the late Sam Kinison explains why Jesus never married.
                        (contains profanities)


                        • #13
                          Anyone of those books mention his viist to North America? I heard about his visit to India and delving into Bhuddaism and China for Confussion.

