'Protect me' - Golding urges Labourites to defend his stance on Budget
Bracing for possible backlash from a speech he is scheduled to deliver in Parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Bruce Golding has gone to the core of the Jamaica Labour Party for support.
Golding will make his presentation during the debate on the Supplementary Estimates and he has requested that Labourites not only turn out at Gordon House for his presentation, but that they be prepared to defend his administration against the "poison darts" that could follow.
Addressing the leadership corps, middle managers and key functionaries in Kingston yesterday, Golding pulled on the battle imagery as he sounded the call for support.
"In that address, I'm going to talk to the nation about the steps that need to be taken at this time and in the country's interest. Some of those steps are not going to be easy, they are going to require firmness of intent and consistency in our application," Golding said.
"In going (down) that difficult path, I'm going to need your support because when others will fling stones at my head, I know you are the ones who will protect me," added Golding
Attention needed
He pointed to the cost of government and the cost of borrowing as two areas which have to be addressed urgently, or "this country will remain in a situation where it is on life support".
"Not every decision that a general makes is going to be fully understood by the people who he leads, but it is important that he takes the time and trouble to explain what he is doing," said Golding.
He told his supporters that while the present global economic crisis and the problems facing Jamaica would provide ammunition for critics of the Government, they should not be daunted.
According to Golding, the present circumstances represent a jamboree for the Opposition and it is up to supporters of his administration to state its accomplishments.
"We must not be frightened by criticisms. Perhaps we need to start talking about what Pearnel Charles calls rockstone Labourites again," declared Golding.
"I know you are getting battered by the criticisms, but you have mouth too. Mr General Secretary, deputy leaders, if we don't arm our soldiers with the information they need, then we can't quarrel if they are not firing any guns out there. We haven't given them the ammunition that they must go out there to fight the propaganda with."
He added: "If we flinch, if we lack the courage to provide the leadership for the country that is required, if we allow ourselves to be preoccupied with what this commentator is saying and what this columnist is writing and what this political opposition spokesman is saying, then we are bound to fail." arthur.hall@gleanerjm.com
Bracing for possible backlash from a speech he is scheduled to deliver in Parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Bruce Golding has gone to the core of the Jamaica Labour Party for support.
Golding will make his presentation during the debate on the Supplementary Estimates and he has requested that Labourites not only turn out at Gordon House for his presentation, but that they be prepared to defend his administration against the "poison darts" that could follow.
Addressing the leadership corps, middle managers and key functionaries in Kingston yesterday, Golding pulled on the battle imagery as he sounded the call for support.
"In that address, I'm going to talk to the nation about the steps that need to be taken at this time and in the country's interest. Some of those steps are not going to be easy, they are going to require firmness of intent and consistency in our application," Golding said.
"In going (down) that difficult path, I'm going to need your support because when others will fling stones at my head, I know you are the ones who will protect me," added Golding
Attention needed
He pointed to the cost of government and the cost of borrowing as two areas which have to be addressed urgently, or "this country will remain in a situation where it is on life support".
"Not every decision that a general makes is going to be fully understood by the people who he leads, but it is important that he takes the time and trouble to explain what he is doing," said Golding.
He told his supporters that while the present global economic crisis and the problems facing Jamaica would provide ammunition for critics of the Government, they should not be daunted.
According to Golding, the present circumstances represent a jamboree for the Opposition and it is up to supporters of his administration to state its accomplishments.
"We must not be frightened by criticisms. Perhaps we need to start talking about what Pearnel Charles calls rockstone Labourites again," declared Golding.
"I know you are getting battered by the criticisms, but you have mouth too. Mr General Secretary, deputy leaders, if we don't arm our soldiers with the information they need, then we can't quarrel if they are not firing any guns out there. We haven't given them the ammunition that they must go out there to fight the propaganda with."
He added: "If we flinch, if we lack the courage to provide the leadership for the country that is required, if we allow ourselves to be preoccupied with what this commentator is saying and what this columnist is writing and what this political opposition spokesman is saying, then we are bound to fail." arthur.hall@gleanerjm.com