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The Jamaica Project

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  • The Jamaica Project

    Promising to usher in a new era of non partisan, effective, responsive and corruption free governance.... the JLP administration assumed office to high expectations (of some). The regime promised to be qualitatively different from the failed PNP governments of the previous 2 decades.

    What is the reality 2 years later? Unfortunately so far, merely another missed opportunity to break the Dead Paradigm gripping Jamaica's polity...which paradigm (as we operate it) results in our underdevelopment.

    The regime has chosen business as usual.... and has achieved the results the more discerning expected... based on an unemotional reading of history.
    The new administration has entirely frittered away its early political capital .... which political capital & support it could have used to outmaneuver the divided PNP and engender a better way of doing the nation's business.

    Their sycophants will point to the global downturn as the reason for the lack of success... but this is cold comfort. Governments have to lead regardless of the circumstances...and they have to take ownership of the results...all of them...not just those which are good. Even if Jamaica had achieved the "growth" they promised we would STILL be on the wrong path....they just don't realize it.

    Granted that growth and development would be next to impossible in the current environment... one should look for the government to be fundamentally reordering the way Jamiaca approaches its business...especially on the social side of the equation.

    The old way of doing business... slavishly following the neo British Parliamentary model ...is dead...and should be buried forthwith. It's just that the JLP and PNP don't realize its death ....they are too wedded to and invested in the old Dead Paradigm...and afraid of what change may bring...i.e. less power for their tribe.

    The problem with both these parties is that they ALWAYS put their tribe before Jamaica.
    They both believe..to paraphrase one tribalist's public statement.... that ONLY their tribe is fit to govern and consequently what's good for their tribe...is best for Jamaica.

    This tribal belief achieves its finest expression in our violent, divisive garrison politics.

    Jamaica needs to construct its own model of governance by substantially modifying the malformed colonial relic of a governing system .....which we have further abused through stupidity, myopia, self aggrandizement, corruption and a confrontational posture.
    This neo British model works for Barbados...clearly NOT for Jamaica. We are not and don't wish to be Barbados... except in having a good standard of living for our people and living in peace.
    We need our own organizational model to do that.

    More sectors need to be brought into this new model of governance...more inclusion of people who now are relatively powerless and alienated from polite "society".... they need to be a part of the Jamaica Project. Not just when we reach the World Cup or win gold medals.... ALL the time.

    This disconnect and alienation of large numbers of people is at the heart of our fractured social relations, poor to negative social capital...and consequent tension boiling over frequently to violence.
    Crime plans cannot fix this...it is a structural societal weakness...so to address it society MUST be restructured.

    The self serving jokers who take turns misleading Jamaica and Jamaicans still have no clue as to what our root problem is... it's not crime, not unemployment, not deficits or debt. These are merely symptoms of the true problem....which is an inability to agree on what Jamaica should be and further...agree on an inclusive and sustainable path we ALL must follow in order to get there......And further..the nationalistic leadership to drive that process.
    In short Jamaica has no mission and no plan.... it is a headless chicken with myopic butchers for leaders.

    I call this plan a Social Contract....but call it what you will...Jamaica needs a plan that we all agree to in order to progress. This is just like any social organization..a company, a family or any association of people.... they need to answer 2 initial questions to have a chance at success:

    1. What's our mission?
    2. How do we optimally organize ourselves to achieve the mission?

    Jamaica has not yet addressed itself effectively to those 2 questions.

    This Jamaica Project is clearly bigger than the JLP or PNP. Neither party is able to run the country effectively for a sustained period of time... they are too divisive, corrupt and lacking in leadership skills...reflecting a country that is fractured and dysfunctional.

    Without vision...the people will continue to perish.....so be it.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    You need to come back in 20 years time with this.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Exile View Post
      You need to come back in 20 years time with this.
      We live in the present...not 20 years hence.

      Why should I ignore all the current indicators and my knowledge of Jamaica and not call it as I see it?

      I'm more interested in current & future progress ...not a historical retrospective.

      I leave that to historians.
      Last edited by Don1; September 14, 2009, 11:29 AM.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        Yes Don....but what is the alternative specifically? I have asked you this before....you have yet to reply.

        Are we to do away with elections?

        Who is to determine the goals and objectives?

        What are we to do if they are not met?

        How should we apportion blame and responsibility?

        Should the two parties merge and a new constitution be written?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Comment View Post
          Yes Don....but what is the alternative specifically? I have asked you this before....you have yet to reply.

          Are we to do away with elections?

          Who is to determine the goals and objectives?

          What are we to do if they are not met?

          How should we apportion blame and responsibility?

          Should the two parties merge and a new constitution be written?
          I wrote out my detailed thoughts on this before... nothing to do with merging parties...more to do with including more stakeholders in decisionmaking.

          Will try to locate the post.

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            Originally posted by Comment View Post
            Yes Don....but what is the alternative specifically? I have asked you this before....you have yet to reply.

            Are we to do away with elections?

            Who is to determine the goals and objectives?

            What are we to do if they are not met?

            How should we apportion blame and responsibility?

            Should the two parties merge and a new constitution be written?
            Some thoughts on the matter ...posted last year:

            Recognizing that poor social relations are our biggest impediment to progress:

            GOJ or some independent commission should develop a STRATEGIC plan to move the country forward in important sectors and associated tactical plans to give effect to it.. concentrating on education, dismantling garrisons one by one and immediately replacing/upgrading the social, economic and infrastructural elements in these communities with comprehensive but smart investment.... one can't just root out criminals from these places... we breed them like rabbits and a new set will take over... so something must replace them on an economic & social level. (that this does not happen with crime plans.. is a primary reason for their failure).

            That plan must be presented to all important stakeholders in the country:

            All political parties
            All unions
            civil society and non-governmental groups
            reps from depressed communities- urban and rural
            private sector

            Lock them up in a room with an independent honest broker/elder statesman leading... with instructions not to come out before they have a consensus agreement on some form of that plan signed by all who will sign.

            Importantly... televise the proceedings to discourage/expose posturing and stupidity.

            Present that plan to the nation as our solemn roadmap to progress and have an independent executive agency with reps from those same sectors oversee putting it into action with proper accountability.

            Dedicate/encumber by law (requiring bi-partisan approval to revoke/change.. is that possible?... maybe not )PetroCaribe funds and/or other funds for this effort over 10 years... say US$300m/year more to education, vocational and job training, community social development and slum/squatter upgrading.

            After 10 years and US$3b wisely spent mainly on education/training and community development.. we will have a shot at a better society and sustained growth.

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Don1;188505]Some thoughts on the matter ...posted last year:

              Recognizing that poor social relations are our biggest impediment to progress:

              GOJ or some independent commission should develop a STRATEGIC plan to move the country forward in important sectors and associated tactical plans to give effect to it.. concentrating on education, dismantling garrisons one by one and immediately replacing/upgrading the social, economic and infrastructural elements in these communities with comprehensive but smart investment....

              let us take it line by line........

              who will determine who on this panel is "independent"?

              how do you propose to dismantle the garrisons?

              should we suspend all elections until this is achieved?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                Some thoughts on the matter ...posted last year:

                Recognizing that poor social relations are our biggest impediment to progress:

                GOJ or some independent commission should develop a STRATEGIC plan to move the country forward in important sectors and associated tactical plans to give effect to it.. concentrating on education, dismantling garrisons one by one and immediately replacing/upgrading the social, economic and infrastructural elements in these communities with comprehensive but smart investment....

                let us take it line by line........

                who will determine who on this panel is "independent"?

                how do you propose to dismantle the garrisons?

                should we suspend all elections until this is achieved?
                I never said elections should be suspended...other countries adopt their own form of social contract without going that far.

                You can have your own views on how Jamaica can progress...as I do mine.
                No doubt your views reflect continued operation under the current failed structure...especially since the tribe you favour is in power.

                One thing is certain...the path we are on now does not lead to development. It leads to persistent failure.

                Perhaps as Exile says we should just wait another 20 years...and see.

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  You missed my point...I quite agree with you...just that it seems we are just not ready for this as yet...as Yuttie says Banana republic...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Exile View Post
                    You missed my point...I quite agree with you...just that it seems we are just not ready for this as yet...as Yuttie says Banana republic...
                    ok boss...maybe 20 years soon come?

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #11

                      let us take it line by line........
                      who will determine who on this panel is "independent"?

                      Who determined that the EOJ is independent? Not a big problem..there are statesmen out there..if not import some.

                      how do you propose to dismantle the garrisons?

                      Suppose PMI and such efforts had real resources and the force of law & public policy on their side...backed up by impartially allocated social development funds on a massive scale...would that have a chance?
                      If not what does? Are garrisons immutable or just intractable?
                      How would you eliminate/reduce garrisons?

                      should we suspend all elections until this is achieved?[/quote]

                      Not necessary in my view.

                      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                      • #12
                        i like this thread... question, to all... what role does crime play in jamaica's social condition and economic development...
                        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                          who will determine who on this panel is "independent"?
                          Who determined that the EOJ is independent? Not a big problem..there are statesmen out there..if not import some.

                          how do you propose to dismantle the garrisons?

                          Suppose PMI and such efforts had real resources and the force of law & public policy on their side...backed up by impartially allocated social development funds on a massive scale...would that have a chance?
                          If not what does? Are garrisons immutable or just intractable?
                          How would you eliminate/reduce garrisons?

                          should we suspend all elections until this is achieved?[/quote]

                          Not necessary in my view.[/QUOTE]

                          Don....you are right when you say that my favorite tribe is in power.

                          But that is because the respective performances since independence of the only two options available right now lead me to that conclusion.

                          If for example Jamaica were to become a member of the United States I would be in favour of that option over what exists now.......but there is about as much chance of that happening as there is a body like the PMI getting "the force of law & public policy on their side...backed up by impartially allocated social development funds on a massive scale" as you propose.

                          Therefore....and I put the question to you.....should we abandon the system we have, write it off as unworkable...... or should we choose the best of the options as they exist and in the mean time work towards a better system even using some of your proposals.

                          The problem I have sometimes with you Don is that your eagerness to write off a government in its relative infancy...... especially given the prevailing challenges which obtain and in the face of an almost irredeemably bad alternative sometimes comes across as a bit disingenuous.


                          • #14
                            I will add again, my major problem is who is agoing to be accountable. If these people are not accountable to their party, their leaders and the voters of Jamaica, putting them all togather is not going to get them anymore accountable. The fact is what we need is more people like Greg Christie and Danville Walker who are doing their jobs and are not afraid to hold these politicans accountable. We as supporters and independ need to hold not only one party or special people accountable, encourage the good and criticise the bad.

                            When it comes down to it Jamaicans can only be better with economic growth as that is the only way our tax base will grow and until we start to value productivity, economic growth, ownership and business development Jamaica is stuck in a cycle. While education is good it is onlhy a part of the solution as we can't continue to have 20% interest rate that stifle businesses, we can't afford to have so mahy foriegn investments without them floating a part of their company on the local stock market or give workers some form of ownership. We can't continue to have so many graduates without sending out in our communities. When it easier to get an import license that to start a business something is wrong.

                            Give tax concession like in downtown is good but it must be spread to local parish council in each parish and rural areas. People have to stop farm 1 banana tree, one patch a calaloo, 2 dozen carrot, and realise the potential. I will write a who chapter on this but you can't have a country so rich in natural fruits and goods and mango, pear tree, Nesberry tree, Breadfruit trees all grow because of the hand of god, as we don't even plant them.
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #15

                              Don....you are right when you say that my favorite tribe is in power.
                              Glad you at least recognize the tribal nature of your party...similar to the other.

                              But that is because the respective performances since independence of the only two options available right now lead me to that conclusion
                              That is your right to choose a tribe based on your assessment. At least half of Jamaica consistently chooses the other tribe.... therein lies the tribal problem.
                              Time to break that partisan model...it is leading Jamaica nowhere.

                              If for example Jamaica were to become a member of the United States I would be in favour of that option over what exists now.......but there is about as much chance of that happening as there is a body like the PMI getting "the force of law & public policy on their side...backed up by impartially allocated social development funds on a massive scale" as you propose.
                              No way would I advocate Jamaica becoming a unit of the United States.... yuh cyan kip dat.

                              Yes the needed changes are unlikely to happen precisely because our tribes, filled with petty sycophants, are afraid of change...and of losing their special tribal status.

                              Therefore....and I put the question to you.....should we abandon the system we have, write it off as unworkable...... or should we choose the best of the options as they exist and in the mean time work towards a better system even using some of your proposals.
                              Suggest you reread my original post..viz...the socio-political system is broken, dead and should be buried.
                              Neither the PNP nor the JLP have shown that they can lead Jamaica to prosperity...they lead us to division, violence and backwardness.

                              The problem I have sometimes with you Don is that your eagerness to write off a government in its relative infancy...... especially given the prevailing challenges which obtain and in the face of an almost irredeemably bad alternative sometimes comes across as a bit disingenuous.

                              From your openly admitted, tribal standpoint I can completely understand your viewpoint.
                              Your tribe is in power and you wish to show that they can do the job...fair enough.
                              That is the way things have been...and it works well for the 2 parties...being in power is precisely how they feed their tribe.

                              It just happens not to work well for Jamaica..the evidence is incontrovertible.

                              From my non tribal standpoint, I have determined that neither party is up to the task. I don't need to wait 5, 10 or 15 years under one party to be proved correct...that would be yet another lost generation of Jamaicans.
                              I do not advocate the removal of the current regime...there is no point to that at the current time. I advocate systemic reform.

                              The time for fundamental change is NOW...or rather...YESTERDAY.
                              Just as how many believed at one time that political independence was an impossible dream...then suddenly it was not.
                              So too can Jamaica change its backward ways...with the correct leadership.

                              Hope for change springs eternal...and should never be relinquished.

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

