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The Jamaica Project
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Next time put more support behind the JLP so that dem could have the majority required to enact their changes at the pace you would desire...
Not only was their majority slim.. yuh had di PNP continuing the election process for another 2 years... NIGHTMARE indeed !!!
Just adding some context to your vacuum.
The only evidence that is incontrovertible is the knack of the PNP to DESTROY whatever reall efforts of advancement have been implemented in Jamaica UNDER THE JLP...
Your problem is you do not respect history. If you did it would be clear as day how disastrous the STUPID policies of the PNP have been to the country in the 70s under their 'democratic socialism' and then in the 90's when tried on a new hat they were ill equipped to wear.
The only thing the JLP has done since 1972 is repair the breach in the hull created by the PNP.. only to have that breach made worse as they stood on the sidelines for 18 years.
Now barely 2 years into a assessment and repair process the vultures are at it again. Not even a monumental Global Recession give these cretin pause.. salivating at the mouth to begin the propoganda and tear-down process.
You need to examine your analytic process since you have stated you PREDICTED the 'failure'. The political environment in which a Govt is elected bears no direct relation to the ability of the Government to PERFORM.
Policies and the degree to which a Govt sets aside development policy in favour of political ends has been the downfall of the country under the PNP who while masters of the political game are pathetic in Governance towards development of productive capacity.
You should spend more of your time cleaning out the PNP party and restructuring it to be relevant as a Government when it eventually takes over the reigns again. The country needs two 'good' parents.. get to work..you have a hard road to travel.
Sigh.....so voting is now tribalism....... whatever.
But Don .....I still don't understand ...who will have the responsibility of allocating these resources....say US$300M(!!??)....who is going to lend us this money and again who is the "us" it will be lent to? That is not the way the world works my friend.
The scenario is thus...
"Uh.....Mr. Chavez/ World Bank/ IMF/ Multilateral etc..... my name is DON1 and I have a committee and we need about 300M and we are going to spend it responsibly..... and don't worry about the 12 billion we owe now but.....we have a coalition......everyone has come together....and we are going to dismantle the garrisons....and.....well....I know there is a high murder rate and.....you know.....these tribes and everything but...you know....they said somethings, we said somethings....but we've moved past that now."
Yeah good plan man........
I think we should appeal to the Privy Counsel to renounce our independence and bring us back under British rule. That would end these tribal matters...........
Why are we ignoring the 50 ton elephant in the room.?The huge subsidy of the garrisons that in turns crush the wallets of middle class(engine of any democracy) and the belief that Government can solve society's ills.
Our education factories/degree mills are producing human capital that cannot be facilated by our current job market. The weak emphasis placed on Engineering, the maestros of social evolution; can't we allocate MORE human capital in the developement of alternative energy(wind,hydro,tidal,solar), biofuel engineering, environmental engineering, conservation engineering,biomedicine, raw material purification, weapon development(since wi love guns), infrustructure renovation, communication grids, chemical storage, agriculture science,etc?
Add our failure to utilise our competitive advantages in agriculture,tourism(Portland, St Andrew,St Catherine,etc), culture, music(we make peanuts compared to Reggaeton artists), construction, and sports (sports tourism, internationally marketable professional leagues) ;missing out on the opportunity to utilise our weak currency to attract overseas business, disastrous trade policies, pro-union stances, and the ridicule of everything uptown by the plurality. Limited consultants (importing/exporting),the list goes on and on Baddaz. How much percent of GDP does the Government occupy again? Some of these state entities need to be privatised and the markets should be open for competition.
Jamaicans are socially conservative and economically liberal. A combination for disaster (re; South Carolina, Louisiana, Missippi,Haiti, Guyana).
Anyway to address your question,crime is the offspring of our disastrous social policy. Not to mention the classic thrid world justice system.Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:
Originally posted by Maudib View PostNext time put more support behind the JLP so that dem could have the majority required to enact their changes at the pace you would desire...
Not only was their majority slim.. yuh had di PNP continuing the election process for another 2 years... NIGHTMARE indeed !!!
Just adding some context to your vacuum.
Tinkering amounts to nothing....much more is required.Last edited by Don1; September 14, 2009, 11:45 PM.TIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Originally posted by Maudib View PostThe only evidence that is incontrovertible is the knack of the PNP to DESTROY whatever reall efforts of advancement have been implemented in Jamaica UNDER THE JLP...
Your problem is you do not respect history. If you did it would be clear as day how disastrous the STUPID policies of the PNP have been to the country in the 70s under their 'democratic socialism' and then in the 90's when tried on a new hat they were ill equipped to wear.
The only thing the JLP has done since 1972 is repair the breach in the hull created by the PNP.. only to have that breach made worse as they stood on the sidelines for 18 years.
Now barely 2 years into a assessment and repair process the vultures are at it again. Not even a monumental Global Recession give these cretin pause.. salivating at the mouth to begin the propoganda and tear-down process.
You need to examine your analytic process since you have stated you PREDICTED the 'failure'. The political environment in which a Govt is elected bears no direct relation to the ability of the Government to PERFORM.
Policies and the degree to which a Govt sets aside development policy in favour of political ends has been the downfall of the country under the PNP who while masters of the political game are pathetic in Governance towards development of productive capacity.
You should spend more of your time cleaning out the PNP party and restructuring it to be relevant as a Government when it eventually takes over the reigns again. The country needs two 'good' parents.. get to work..you have a hard road to travel.TIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Originally posted by Comment View PostSigh.....so voting is now tribalism....... whatever.
But Don .....I still don't understand ...who will have the responsibility of allocating these resources....say US$300M(!!??)....who is going to lend us this money and again who is the "us" it will be lent to? That is not the way the world works my friend.
The scenario is thus...
"Uh.....Mr. Chavez/ World Bank/ IMF/ Multilateral etc..... my name is DON1 and I have a committee and we need about 300M and we are going to spend it responsibly..... and don't worry about the 12 billion we owe now but.....we have a coalition......everyone has come together....and we are going to dismantle the garrisons....and.....well....I know there is a high murder rate and.....you know.....these tribes and everything but...you know....they said somethings, we said somethings....but we've moved past that now."
Yeah good plan man........
I think we should appeal to the Privy Counsel to renounce our independence and bring us back under British rule. That would end these tribal matters...........
Jamaica is already accumulating masses of PetroCaribe funds at peppercorn rates...use it to build social capital...not housekeeping or infrastructure.
Fuss yuh waan American rule....now yuh ah defen British. Mek up yuh mine nuh?
What a bright vision for the country...will that be part of the JLP manifesto for the next election?
Last edited by Don1; September 14, 2009, 11:49 PM.TIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Originally posted by Don1 View PostYes Uncle Hugo who the JLP cuss wen it suit dem might help...not a bad place to start..
Jamaica is already accumulating masses of PetroCaribe funds at peppercorn rates...use it to build social capital...not housekeeping or infrastructure.
Fuss yuh waan American rule....now yuh ah defen British. Mek up yuh mine nuh?
What a bright vision for the country...will that be part of the JLP manifesto for the next election?
I have another one SPAIN!!!.....AH HA!!! they are already heavily invested......the British imperialists stole the country from them. Let us rejoin with Spain...that will end this tribalism...we wouldn't have to vote for the dutty Labourites or the wutless Socialists.......
Ah.... we've got it now Don..... I think we've solved it.
Originally posted by Comment View Postand laugh you should at my suggestions.... for they are as laughable as yours.....
I have another one SPAIN!!!.....AH HA!!! they are already heavily invested......the British imperialists stole the country from them. Let us rejoin with Spain...that will end this tribalism...we wouldn't have to vote for the dutty Labourites or the wutless Socialists.......
Ah.... we've got it now Don..... I think we've solved it.
Continue fantasizing about your American or British bailout.
I'll continue my fantasy that Jamaica's dumb PNP/JLP politicians and their crazed sycophants...will eventually realize that they need to change radically.
Country before tribe ...not the reverse.TIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Originally posted by Baddaz View Posti like this thread... question, to all... what role does crime play in jamaica's social condition and economic development...
However crime cannot be effectively tackled, in a vacuum, as a mere "security issue" ala the constant "crime plans" that are served up frequently.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Typical response of a closed mind.. unless yuh hear 'Social Contract' yuh brain nuh engage.
If my 'tribe' is whom I deem to be more effective based on analysis of emperical data.. well so be it.
You really need to learn how to deal with analysis that does not fit your 'new age' agenda.
It would be advisable to get to a certain standard in one political model before talking about moving to an entirely new model.
It is an easier task (not by much) to transform the PNP to pre-Michael Manley form than to attempt the 'Social Contract' ting yuh promoting.
Get busy !
Originally posted by Maudib View PostYou recall nothing ? LOL !
You know nothing.. yuh not even following yuh 'gazetted' approach much less...
Mostly lofty but vacuous promises of better days ahead. The typical crap that gets sycophants and the naive exercised.TIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007