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Joe Wilson got beside himself

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  • Joe Wilson got beside himself

    last night? Or is it he got outside of himself? I guess Joe and Mo drinking from the same cup. But Obama was so cool about it. Did anyone see Nancy Pelosi's face? Is as if she wanted to rush Joe.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Who is Joe Wilson? Or is that a nickname?



    • #3
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      Who is Joe Wilson? Or is that a nickname?
      One of yuh frat brothers. ummm I wonder if it should be a b instead of the f?

      In case yuh seriously don't know, he is a Republican representative that heckled the President last night.
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        not on top of US politics. but such outbursts suggest a racist bug somewhere. yes, i'm not afraid to characterise it as such. can't remember anyone doig the same to bush, and lord know's he would have deserved it! south carolina at that!



        • #5
          Quite a bit of what I have noticed since Obama became president has some racist undertones.

          The whole Birther movement questioning his legitimacy, the " take our country back" slogan within weeks of his being elected comfortably, and now this idiot trying to shout down Obama while he makes a major speech to Congress.

          Some people will just never accept it. People like Jackie Robinson and Frank Worrell when he was made WI captain have had to deal with the same kind of thing on a smaller scale.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


          • #6
            that is the neighbour from dennis the menace

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              yup...glen beck and sean hannity are at the forefront of a "say anything" campaign. but i tell you this, they have never met a black man like this before, moreover he is the president.

              obama is smarter than all of them out together and a superior strategist to boot. yuh nuh si how the corner they have painted themselves in is getting smaller and smaller...take for example his speech to the school children even many republicans have had to come out and say that is nonsense. same thing with wilson's outburst and palin's "death boards" or whatever.

              my my my .....ANOTHER conservative involved in a SEAMY sex scandal ... steele needs to get a proper grip but then.....i have a feeling that the good old boys feel the same way about him that they do about obama.

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                seems to be the congressman himself - grouchy!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Damn how could I forget the speech to school children controversy. That is probably the most blatant example of all of them.

                  Some of these people are really sick.
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                    Damn how could I forget the speech to school children controversy. That is probably the most blatant example of all of them.

                    Some of these people are really sick.
                    There is a Texas school that would not allow students to listen to Obama's speech...but they are off to hear former President Bush speak!
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                      Damn how could I forget the speech to school children controversy. That is probably the most blatant example of all of them.

                      Some of these people are really sick.
                      On World News the other night they had this parent who insisted he didn't want his 8 year old to see the speech. He was even on a campaign handing out fliers about "indoctrination" from the previous week.

                      The World News reporter and he sat and watched the speech together and after all his antics, he had to admit it was a good speech and the only indoctrination was for the kids to stay in school.

                      I wondered how stupid he must have felt ... then I saw Sean Hannity a few hours later on Fox.
                      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                      • #12
                        School district that barred students from hearing Obama will bus them to Bush speech.

                        The Arlington Independent School District in Texas decided not to show President Obama’s address to students live yesterday because it reportedly didn’t want to interrupt its regularly scheduled lesson plans. However, the district has now decided to bus its students off-campus on Sept. 21 to hear President Bush speak:
                        District officials said it’s part of a Cowboys Stadium field trip that the North Texas Super Bowl Host Committee invited 28 fifth-grade classes to attend several months ago.
                        In addition to hearing from Bush and former first lady Laura Bush, the students will hear from legendary Dallas Cowboys players and North Texas business and community leaders. The event launches the Super Bowl committee’s largest-ever youth education program.
                        Dwight McKissic, the pastor at the Cornerstone Baptist Church, which offered an alternative venue for Arlington families wishing to listen to the President yesterday, criticized the school district’s “blatant double standard.” “Why is it appropriate for students to hear from former President Bush on Sept. 21 at the Cowboy[s] Stadium, but inappropriate for the current president to address students while they remain on school campuses?” McKissic asked. (HT: Raw Story)
                        • SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "School district that barred students from hearing Obama will bus them to Bush speech.", url: "http://thinkprogress.org/2009/09/09/obama-bush-bus/", id: "59834" });
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                        93 Responses to “School district that barred students from hearing Obama will bus them to Bush speech.”
                        1. <LI class=alt id=comment-5794668>Sandoz76 says: They don't even pretend anymore....
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:52 am

                          <LI id=comment-5794669>texasrick says: I am so tired of these hating basterds...why don't they just come out and say "I am a freeking racist" and be done with it?
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:54 am

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794673>stewarjt says: Similarly in Ohio a school district in John Boehner's district that bussed students to VOA park for a Tea Bagger protest refused to allow students to view President's Obama's speech yesterday.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:55 am

                          <LI id=comment-5794674>barfly says: In addition to hearing from Bush and former first lady Laura Bush, the students will hear from legendary Dallas Cowboys players and North Texas business and community leaders.
                          So, they'll get to listen to a war criminal, and then be forced to listen to the Hank Hill's give them a speech about the joys of propane, and other worthy endeavors.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:56 am

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794675>belaccifer lacca says: If only Obama had been willing forgo talking about controversial topics like improving academic achievement in order to talk about really important issues with the school children, like the Super Bowl...
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:56 am

                          <LI id=comment-5794677>Lunaluz says: Yet again, Texas takes the prize for being the most ignorant state in the Union. Kick them out of the Union, giving the many educated people time to flee, of course.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:57 am

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794679>Badmoodman says: The Arlington Independent School District in Texas
                          - - Independent? Well yeah, in the sense that the district seceded from reality.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:58 am

                          <LI id=comment-5794681>P.D. says: Let's see... Refusing pupils to see the elected President of the U.S., but busing them to see the most UNPOPULAr ex-Pres. in decades... Only in Texas. OHH.. Unless that you are the group who wasn't allowed to see Obama, but one kid got Baptised instead! Praise The Lord!!
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:58 am

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794682>stateofthedivision says: No White President Left Behind!
                          September 9th, 2009 at 11:59 am

                          <LI id=comment-5794683>tom says: Mexico, please take Texas back! If you do, all else will be forgiven. We promise.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:00 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794684>A Patriotic Anopheles Acting says: Well listening to these idiots should lower the Texas students collective IQ a few points. Mission Accomplished Wingers! I hope GWB regales them with stories of humans riding dinosaurs. Then he can teach them how to run everything from oil feilds, baseball teams and a Nation....into the effing ground. Maybe a few tips on torture and covering up criminal activities before he teaches them the import of being a legacy when it comes time for college. The business leaders can teach the youngsters the "I've got mine so fcuk you" mentality and the virtues of drilling now and blowing the tops off mountains. I just hope LAla doesn't have a few too many before driving Georgie into a parking lot full of children.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:00 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794685>rattypilgrim says: Apparently "Racism" is one of the 3 Rs in the Arlington Independent School District.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:01 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794686>okie dokie says: Small-minded people keeping their children's world small.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:02 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794687>Mugsy says: Attn: ThinkProgress
                          If Bush talks about policy issues, such as taxes or healthcare, I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT! (as do we all. Please!)
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:02 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794690>wildwilly1111 says: Hmmm... Texas... football...
                          Makes perfect sense to me!
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:04 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794691>evangenital says: How's that Texas secessionist movement going?
                          Will they please hurry up and go the f*** away?
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:04 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794694>P.D. says: Remember that line in the Simpson's, Miss Hoover,"I question the educational value of this assembly." Mrs. Grabbaple, "Hey, It will be one of their pleasant memories when they are pumping gas for a living."
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:05 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794696>ralph the wonder llama says:
                          Sandoz76 says:
                          They don't even pretend anymore....
                          I guess they've finally realized that they don't have to pretend, since their base holds only one principle: Party Before All. So anything -- any lie, any double standard, any violation of the law -- is excusable as long as it benefits The Party of the Conservative Movement.
                          So crap like this that is so obviously hypocritical to normal, aware people? Rolls of their base like water off a duck's back.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:06 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794697>misscoleopteramolly says: Will Dubya's speech be thoroughly vetted before he gives it? Will he advance a copy to school administrators, parents, and the media so they can make sure he won't be "indoctrinating" the children in any way? Will the media talking heads speculate endlessly on a covert political agenda Dubya plans to sneak into his oratory?
                          My guess is no.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:07 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794698>EnnuiDivine says: To paraphrase Ann Coulter:
                          Texas has become the land of religious zealots and seccessionists. The hard currency could soon become prayer cards. At this point, we couldn't give Texas back to Mexico.
                          (She was making a very lame tirade against California. It works both ways, Annie.)
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:08 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794702>Shayne says: Well now we know why Laura Bush said children should listen to a speech by the President. She didn't want to lose the money from Georgie's Super Bowl gig.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:09 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794705>rattypilgrim says: Someone is voting down every comment that doesn't support the Arlington Independent S.B.'s blatant anti-Pres. Obama behavior. Indoctrination is ok with them as long as it's coming from the right wing.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:10 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794706>Tundra says: This comment has been voted down. Click to read.
                          I'm not gay, I sell Propane and Propane related products.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:11 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794712>linda says: texas cannot secede soon enough. and take oklahoma and florida with them.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:12 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794715>Zooey says: Will Bush's speech be screened for teh stupid?
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:13 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794719>Buckie Boy says: “Why is it appropriate for students to hear from former President Bush on Sept. 21 at the Cowboy[s] Stadium, but inappropriate for the current president...
                          ...uh, let me take a wild guess here..
                          ...BECAUSE THEY ARE REICHWING RACISTS?
                          I think I may just be right.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:14 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794721>smidget says: Zooey says:
                          Will Bush's speech be screened for teh stupid?

                          Seems unnecessary, doesn't it? I mean, it wouldn't be a Bush speech unless it was absolutely teeming with teh stupid, would it?
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:15 pm

                          <LI id=comment-5794727>Wiz says: Hypocrisy and racism, can there be a limit? Everytime you think it could not get any worse, it gets worse. Obama's election has brought out the underlying racism, that had been below ground for so long that many thought this country was past that, it is sad to realize we are not.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:17 pm

                          <LI class=alt id=comment-5794730>Pilotshark says: Thinking the unfortunate thing is I do not think Mexico wants Texas back.
                          As after it loses all the perks of being part of the USA what will it have. Noting but lower educated people then in Mexico.
                          As i would believe all the smart and well educated people would move to some where back into America.
                          just thinking
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:17 pm
                        2. NinerFan says: Conservatives today are a disgrace to the union. It's simply unbelievable. I've never seen anything like it.
                          And conservatives, please don't try to argue that Bush received the same treatment from liberals. Bush had approval ratings in the high 80's after the 9-11 attack. You must know by now that if the tables were turned and it was a Dem in office, conservatives not only wouldn't have supported him, they would be calling for his impeachment for not protecting the country.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:17 pm

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          Please excuse the formatting problems. There are some classic comments in there:

                          evangenital says: How's that Texas secessionist movement going?
                          Will they please hurry up and go the f*** away?
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:04 pm

                          tom says: Mexico, please take Texas back! If you do, all else will be forgiven. We promise.
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:00 pm

                          Pilotshark says: Thinking the unfortunate thing is I do not think Mexico wants Texas back.
                          As after it loses all the perks of being part of the USA what will it have. Noting but lower educated people then in Mexico.
                          As i would believe all the smart and well educated people would move to some where back into America.
                          just thinking
                          September 9th, 2009 at 12:17 pm

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            I wonder what Bush will talk about. If he has any sense, okay let's just imagine for a minute, he'll tell the students and their teachers that the USA has one president that every American should respect, and that they should leave their racist baggage behind.

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              racism is alive and well...

                              ...and Bush may just surprise and do exactly as you suggest!
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

