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THUGS CALLED IN TO DEFEND DUDUS: Police unaware of plans

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  • THUGS CALLED IN TO DEFEND DUDUS: Police unaware of plans

    Thugs from west Kingston have reportedly sent for reinforcements from other communities as far away as Montego Bay to ensure that the authorities will not have an easy task should they decide to come for community leader Christopher 'Dudus' Coke.
    Information reaching THE WEEKEND STAR is that Coke's supporters from areas like Mountain View, Spanish Town, May Pen and several other communities are threatening to rebel should the security forces try to take him in. This is in addition to the stance taken by the men from west Kingston, who are bracing for "whatever" as they vow to defend their beloved don.
    The United States has requested Coke's extradition after he was featured on that country's Justice Department's list of the world's most dangerous drug kingpins. An Associated Press story out of San Juan, Puerto Rico, earlier this week revealed that the United States has asked Jamaica to extradite Coke to face federal drug and weapons charges in New York. He is charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana and conspiracy to illegally traffic in firearms. The charges were revealed in an indictment that was unsealed Friday in the United States' Southern District of New York.

    pure mad head
    Sources in West Kingston say benefits have been promised to those who have joined the cause. "Right ya now a pure mad head from all bout, some man whe nuh have nuttin fi live fear. When it done if dem survive dem ago have summ'n tho," one man revealed.
    Preparation activities have already started and include posting men at strategic points within the community and even putting mattresses on top of houses for thugs.
    THE WEEKEND STAR has learnt that some residents have even fled the area amidst the rumours of the possible capture. Others are bracing for the worst. They say Coke is responsible for the "order" in West Kingston. "Look how West Kingston peaceful and now dem waah it end," a 25-year-old thug from Denham Town said.
    Should Dudus leave, one of his relative is expected to take control of the community.
    When THE STAR contacted police in West Kingston, East Kingston and St Catherine, the lawmen collectively said that they were not aware of any organisation of the thugs, nor of areas in their divisions planning to "disrupt proceedings" should an attempt be made to arrest Coke. One officer said that checks would be made and promised a future update. In a release issued by the United States Attorney, Southern District of New York, and posted on the United States' Department of Justice website, stated that if convicted, Coke faces a maximum sentence of life in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years. The West Kingston strongman could also be potentially fined up to US$4 million or twice the monetary gain from the offence. On the firearms trafficking charge, Coke faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of up to US$250,000 or twice the monetary gain.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    "Police unaware of plans"

    What are they aware of anyways? Since our police and army may be too scared ... send fi Blackwater then.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      I understand the US authorities consider it a conflict of interest that a govt. senator, Tom Tavares Finson, is representing Dudus, as the govt is suppose to be assisting in his extradition, not defending it.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        I understand the US authorities consider it a conflict of interest that a govt. senator, Tom Tavares Finson, is representing Dudus, as the govt is suppose to be assisting in his extradition, not defending it.
        Makes sense. I heard him on NNN the other morning and was wondering the same thing. Him either resign as senator or resign as Dudus' lawyer.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          Wikkid. Mi a fly out tonight fi tek up my post. Likkle more a drop top BIMMA yuh see mi a push


          • #6
            I don't wish to underate Tivoli men but if the JCF, JDF and US Navy Seal Team goes in for him then they are going to get him. He probably better off cutting a deal with the US Goverment.
            The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


            • #7
              Of course they can get him if they wish, but will it be worth the collateral damage?!? And will this govt risk their chances in the next general election?

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                why is it Jamaicans at home cannot see these conflicts of interest? Is it cultural why its accepted?

                When a man can say a man get a gate pass from a rival coach who is head of our JAAA coaching delegation suh everting suppose to cool , with tainted stars who were brought to replace said rival stars in major T&F meet to defend an arguement , i guess it says it all especiaslly considering the man is a journalist.

                I dont buy the arguement that we are too small not to have a system without nepotism and conflict of interest.Every nation has america deals with it, by laws and cheques and balances.

                I see an island on course with some major constitutional change with this Dudus thing.Its good.

                I guess they deal with it by telling all who question the shitstem to s#$T the F up or jump in the sea,well tell it to uncle sam.

                Sources have told me he did attend ardenne, early 80s, bright boy pass 9 subjects with distinction.

                "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Time View Post
                  I don't wish to underate Tivoli men but if the JCF, JDF and US Navy Seal Team goes in for him then they are going to get him. He probably better off cutting a deal with the US Goverment.
                  Put yourself in the President's place. Based on what happenned to his father where is the logic or rationale in turning himself in.


                  • #10
                    Collateral damage? Since when the death of thugs are considered colleteral damage?

                    Here's what i would highly recommend:

                    There should be some undercover work done to bring out all the sympathizing thugs for defense work.

                    When they are all gathered....WHOOM!! (just one exchange of gun shots needed).

                    Done....simple....problem solved.

                    It's critical that the Jamaican government sees this as an opportunity to finally establish zero tolerance for all crime and criminals.
                    Last edited by HL; September 4, 2009, 04:53 PM.
                    The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough



                    • #11
                      Oh.. I thought I was alone on this... then again this was during the 'eat a food' days suh nuhbaddy nevah bang pon mi....

                      Love the new dispensation... I hope it lasts...


                      • #12
                        Leave the JCF and JDF out of it.. unless yuh want to kill off half of Tivaarli..


                        • #13
                          Dog, Pickney and Elderley a thug now ?

                          Tivaaarli is a community, not a barracks or military complex..


                          • #14
                            The other conflict of interest will be Mr. Golding turning in the most respected, feared and influential member of his constituency. The Tavares-Finson conflict pales in comparison. With respect to collateral damage, any attempt to extricate Mr. Coke from his stronghold will not only result in the loss of life of security forces and thugs, but those civillians who will not be allowed to relocate prior to any such attempt. I do not envy Mr. Golding this predicament, but the power held by "Dons" can be of no good to the future of Jamaica. At the end of this situation, somebody really powerful will be totally effed.
                            Usain "Lightning" Bolt - 9.58 secs. WR.


                            • #15
                              Anybody have the list of PNP associated Dons/Drug Lords that have been extradited ??

