Jamaican and Cayman beggars were working the streets on Georgetown. Yardie is very successful at begging. He had a large home and several cars and he even managed to send regular MoneyGrams to his peeps back a yard. He was making boatloads of cash. Obviously the Cayman islander became curious so he sought advice from his friend.
Yardie asked " what your sign say?" Cayman showed him the sign which read, " I am unemployed with 6 kids ad a wife. Anything you can spare will help."
"Now look at my sign" Yardie boasted. It read, " I am a Jamaican in Cayman and i only need $10 to go back home".
Yardie asked " what your sign say?" Cayman showed him the sign which read, " I am unemployed with 6 kids ad a wife. Anything you can spare will help."
"Now look at my sign" Yardie boasted. It read, " I am a Jamaican in Cayman and i only need $10 to go back home".
