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Islandman this is why I asked

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  • Islandman this is why I asked

    about your take on a College of History and Political science in Ja. Please read the quote by Don1:

    The room count has increased by over 50% in that time period.... way stronger than any other major Caribbean destination....and among the world leaders in % room growth.
    From just about 20,000 rooms to over 30,000...with many more planned & approved but stalled by the recession.
    With more rooms and stronger hotel marketing groups....comes increased market reach.

    Jamaica has been named among the top 10 favourite destinations worldwide...consistently in the past 8 years by recognized publications.

    Jamaica has been named THE #1 Cruise Destination Worldwide several times recently.

    Jamaica has the most varied and developed attractions in the entire Caribbean.

    Jamaica has modernized its airports and seaports and built a highway connecting all its major resorts and attractions along the north coast. Without this we would never have attracted the massive recent investment in room stock.
    These investments have also attracted more airline and cruise lines to start or increase service.

    The above along with the unique culture of Jamaica and its celebrity appeal as a marketing brand....Bob, reggae, Bolt, jerk chicken, weed & rent a dread etc etc ... are the key reasons for our relative success.

    If Jamaica can make the island safe for its people...and consequently safe for our visitors.... these gains can be consolidated and the potential of the industry realized.

    Like the RBZ we should respect every competitor and plan for them...but fear no one.

    My point is this why can't our politicians build on what was laid before them? Why is it Ja's economy or the work of others have to be destroyed in order for the other party to gain power? I Was upset when when our banking system was undermined for a cheap political trick (yes cheap because in the long run, our economy hurts and nothing really came of it).

    It's high time we have some savvy politicians; trained in the art of politics. The times are changing and at present Ja can ill afford to start from scratch everytime the ectorate changes a party in Govt. The overall education of the populace MUST be changed. This in turn will put pressure on our politician for a level of sophistication.

    Ja's economy must now be viewed as a national security and any means to destroy the economy must be seen as a threat to the island's national secuirty. Education must also be seen as national security. I'm yet to see any radical change in Ja's education system. Colonial aprroach to education in JA must be scrapped (the island's survival depends on it).

  • #2
    Jawge, no need to declare every essential service as national security, that by itself will not change anything.

    As I have said many times, if JA could get the crime stats under control, followed by changing the perception of the island as one with a high crime rate, we would not need to run one tourist board ad. We could not handle the demand and would see an increase in the airlift , cruise ship stops, and probably even the room count even though that has increased greatly in recent times.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      Boss but how do we steer our young boys from crime? How do we
      tell them to shun those that bring expensive high powered weapons to them? Our society is still based on slavery system where only an elite class (planter) enjoy the wealth of the island whilst the rest are forced to sit and watch. This in itself is the crux of crime among the youth.

      I come off the airport and see bright, ambitious young people doing menial jobs around the place.(next time yuh visit just tek a hard look around).
      J is still practicing absenteeism hence the island's wealth cannot stay on the island. Ja will be hurt very hard by this in the midst of the info age.
      Boss you may not see but tourism will no longer able to bullet proof Ja's economy. JA need to produce outside of the service sector. Education without a doubt is national security, I'm not just declaring things as we go along but we need to see things for what they really are.

      Ja is reaching a crossroad: it will take serious will, vision, leadership and courage to to bring us up to speed, other than that we will join Somalia.


      • #4
        suh yuh a absentee tuh?

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5


          • #6
            Quote: "...if JA could get the crime stat under control................"

            You know Islandman, this idea is easier that most people think.

            The solution start with taking very small steps.

            Example: It is not difficult to enforce traffic laws in Jamaica.

            Granted that the vehicle registration and licensing is automated (Don1 aka Bittah1);

            ... an island-wide BLITZ in issuing traffic tickets for speeding and reckless driving--and impounding illegal cars would take place.

            First, the island would be warned for ~ 1 month. After which, the rules would be enforced to the letter.

            All that would be required is resolute no nonsense leadership.

            Demonstrating that there are consequencies for breaking rule of law--is the first step in reducing the crime stat.

            slap...slappp...clap....clapppp..box...bax....smac k...wake-hup HL... ..........................slappppppp!!!!........
            The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



            • #7
              hmmmm ... curious...mi did think seh ef yuh live outside a JA and have property...ah well..."No" it is!

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                hmmm....anybody si or hear from desmond mckenzie recently?

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  Mii? Yuh ah talk di likkle square ah lan ah maroon town? Cho do betta dan dat. Mi shame fi say it but it neva get sort out until di new regime step in Yuh mixing mi up boss.

