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Glen Beck losing ad dollars.

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  • Glen Beck losing ad dollars.

    Glenn Beck, controversial Fox News personality, is losing advertising dollars for his program airing on the Fox News Channel. Corporate sponsors have been distancing themselves from Beck, fearing backlash for being associated with Beck's crazed and dangerous rantings and ravings. Recently Beck called President Obama a racist, just one of many utterances which has outraged his critics and worried his supporters.
    Beck is known for his on air hysterics, his crying and manic gesticulations have become infamous. What is unclear is whether Beck is seriously mentally ill, or merely pandering in some gross and obnoxious fashion to the lowest, most base segment of American society. Perhaps it is both.
    Regardless, GEICO is the latest corporate sponsor refusing to be associated with Beck. GEICO joins Lawyers.com, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, Men’s Wearhouse, State Farm, Sargento and SC Johnson in boycotting the Glenn Beck Show.
    This display of corporate responsibility is admirable. Yet there are still some corporate hold-outs. General Electric, Farmers Insurance, Office Depot, Nestlé (Gerber), Red Lobster, Travelocity, the U.S. Postal Service, Walmart and Wyeth, are all targets for the on-going boycott being sponsored by ColorofChange.org,
    Glenn Beck appeals to the worst in America. Media personalities like Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Rush Limbaugh exploit racism and race-based fear to increase their ratings, and encourage racial discord. It is time for good people to stand up to these racists and bigots. One way to do this is to support the boycott at ColorofChange.org.
    Go to ColorofChange.org and join the campaign. Shame the corporate sponsors who subsidize the hate speech of Glenn Beck.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    We need to flex our consumer muscle and let comapnies like Travelocity do the right thing!



    • #3
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      We need to flex our consumer muscle and let comapnies like Travelocity do the right thing!
      We? You can stay deh in Jamaica a run off yuh mouth. When dem put me pon watchlist who a go pay mi son Hillel school fee?

