What utter nonsense..
You can sell a Brand without selling your business..conversely you can sell your business and keep your Brand.. independent concepts..
In fact it is reflected on the Balance Sheet...within an intangible asset class called Goodwill.
What you are unable to say coherently is: brands or branding is an intangible asset... as opposed to other real or tangible asset classes.
Stick to govament wuk an leave bizniz to bizniz people.
Butch Stewart has engaged in buying political favor in the normal course of doing business in Jamaica.
This is the first time he has engaged in a manner that has direct implications to his Brand.
This stuff only became controversial because of the incompetence or greed of either or both sides...and the consequent politicized fallout.
Sandals Whitehouse only so called "affects his brand" because it became a political issue re overruns.... which political issue he promoted heavily in the Jamaica Observer...sarry.. The Sandals Newletter.
As I said stick to govament wuk... "some of us finding solutions on the ground...etc"

Ah hope yuh fine di salution b4 it fine yuh. LOL!!