Is better him talk bout Hegelian Dialectic to rhatid:
Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a three-fold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis.
Although this model is often named after Hegel, he himself never used that specific formulation. Hegel ascribed that terminology to Kant.[20] Carrying on Kant's work, Fichte greatly elaborated on the synthesis model, and popularized it.
Congratulations, Mr Patterson!
Published: Tuesday | July 7, 2009
The Editor, Sir:
Former Prime minister and president of the People's National Party, P. J. Patterson, most fittingly received CARICOM's highest award last week for his significant contribution to regional integration. I want to join in congratulating him on this achievement, and com-mending him for his unrelenting commitment to regionalism and the critical role he played in fashioning a new framework for global trade during his tenure as chairman of the ACP/EEC Ministerial Con-ference back in the 1970s.
There can be no meaningful discussion about the Lome Convention and the Sugar Protocol without an acknowledgement of the seminal role played by Patterson. His negotiating skills and strategic [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]leadership[/COLOR][/COLOR] have helped to shape north-south dialogue and provided an excellent platform on which to influence future relationship. Who will now stand up for CARICOM and the ACP group?
Regional integration
Like Norman Manley and Michael Manley - his political predecessors - Patterson under-stood the importance of regional integration to furthering national self-interest, and remained "unrepentant" in his support for a wider and deeper Caribbean that must find commonality and convergence in the uniqueness of our political, social, economic and cultural diversities.
I am happy to see that Prime Minister Bruce Golding, undoub-tedly a man with a sense of history, extended congratulations to Patterson on his well-deserved honour. He should not have been the first. Regionalism, which was essential to the PNP under Norman Manley, Michael Manley and P. J. Patterson, now appears to be circumstantial. As the PNP is yet to publicly congratulate Patterson, I am reminded that it was the German philosopher, Hegel who said that we were to beware of the ironies of history, for every historical circumstance contains the seeds of its own destruction.
Anyway, this moment belongs to PJ. Congratualations Mr Patterson.
I am, etc.,
Danny Roberts
Union of Clerical
Administrative & Supervisory Employees (UCASE)
Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a three-fold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis.
Although this model is often named after Hegel, he himself never used that specific formulation. Hegel ascribed that terminology to Kant.[20] Carrying on Kant's work, Fichte greatly elaborated on the synthesis model, and popularized it.
Congratulations, Mr Patterson!
Published: Tuesday | July 7, 2009
The Editor, Sir:
Former Prime minister and president of the People's National Party, P. J. Patterson, most fittingly received CARICOM's highest award last week for his significant contribution to regional integration. I want to join in congratulating him on this achievement, and com-mending him for his unrelenting commitment to regionalism and the critical role he played in fashioning a new framework for global trade during his tenure as chairman of the ACP/EEC Ministerial Con-ference back in the 1970s.
There can be no meaningful discussion about the Lome Convention and the Sugar Protocol without an acknowledgement of the seminal role played by Patterson. His negotiating skills and strategic [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]leadership[/COLOR][/COLOR] have helped to shape north-south dialogue and provided an excellent platform on which to influence future relationship. Who will now stand up for CARICOM and the ACP group?
Regional integration
Like Norman Manley and Michael Manley - his political predecessors - Patterson under-stood the importance of regional integration to furthering national self-interest, and remained "unrepentant" in his support for a wider and deeper Caribbean that must find commonality and convergence in the uniqueness of our political, social, economic and cultural diversities.
I am happy to see that Prime Minister Bruce Golding, undoub-tedly a man with a sense of history, extended congratulations to Patterson on his well-deserved honour. He should not have been the first. Regionalism, which was essential to the PNP under Norman Manley, Michael Manley and P. J. Patterson, now appears to be circumstantial. As the PNP is yet to publicly congratulate Patterson, I am reminded that it was the German philosopher, Hegel who said that we were to beware of the ironies of history, for every historical circumstance contains the seeds of its own destruction.
Anyway, this moment belongs to PJ. Congratualations Mr Patterson.
I am, etc.,
Danny Roberts
Union of Clerical
Administrative & Supervisory Employees (UCASE)