Originally posted by Willi
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So is it a 'chicken and egg' situation?
Back in the days - poor education environment --- responsible for what came out of the education institutions ---- who then go into the poor education environment --- to produce? ...and so on?
I am convinced the Minister of Education must strive to improve 'the situation'. He must start with improving the physical conditions (physical plants, equipment - curriculum, library facilities, science labs, reading labs, computer labs, etc., avenues to aid improved teachers (every last single thing that goes into that in-service courses/seminars, access to move on to higher education and gaining additional expertise on how to present subject matter to kids with 'the tremendous range within which a class of 15 - 20+ find individual unique way of being motivated (to learn/become terribly interested in what is being taught) ...including piece of mind on being able to survive financially....etc.
Ofcourse the system is cracked! ...that is the point. ...and the silly Minister is acting in a manner that shall make the
crack(s) wider!
Aside: Back in the days - %age kids advancing to higher education...as opposed to day?
If today is awful...back in the days 'hit waus wosser'!