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Assamba bows to pressure
published: Tuesday | November 21, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Howard Campbell, Gleaner Writer
Left: People's National Party supporters demonstrate against Minister of <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Tourism</SPAN> Aloun Assamba in St. Ann on Friday, October 13. Mrs. Assamba has since declared she would not put hersef up for re-election in the next national polls. Right: Minister of Tourism, Entertainment and Culture, Aloun N'dombet Assamba (right), cuts the ribbon officially opening the new Anancy Children's Village at Half Moon. She is assisted by storyteller Amina Blackwood Meeks (left) and <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">managing </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">director</SPAN> of the resort, Richard Whitfield. - File photos
IN January 2003, while she settled into her jobs as Minister of Tourism, Entertainment and Culture and Member of Parliament for South East St. Ann, Aloun Assamba spoke of how tough it was <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; BORDER-BOTTOM: orange 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">juggling</SPAN> the new assignments.
"The challenge of being an MP and a minister is very, very great, particularly with the job I have which requires me to <A class=kLink oncontextmenu="return false;" id=KonaLink3 onmouseover=adlinkMouseOver(event,this,3); style="POSITION: static; TEXT-DECORATION: underline! important" onclick=adlinkMouseClick(event,this,3); onmouseout=adlinkMouseOut(event,this,3); href="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20061121/news/news5.html#" target=_new><SPAN class=kLink
Assamba bows to pressure
published: Tuesday | November 21, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Howard Campbell, Gleaner Writer

Left: People's National Party supporters demonstrate against Minister of <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Tourism</SPAN> Aloun Assamba in St. Ann on Friday, October 13. Mrs. Assamba has since declared she would not put hersef up for re-election in the next national polls. Right: Minister of Tourism, Entertainment and Culture, Aloun N'dombet Assamba (right), cuts the ribbon officially opening the new Anancy Children's Village at Half Moon. She is assisted by storyteller Amina Blackwood Meeks (left) and <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">managing </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">director</SPAN> of the resort, Richard Whitfield. - File photos
IN January 2003, while she settled into her jobs as Minister of Tourism, Entertainment and Culture and Member of Parliament for South East St. Ann, Aloun Assamba spoke of how tough it was <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; BORDER-BOTTOM: orange 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">juggling</SPAN> the new assignments.
"The challenge of being an MP and a minister is very, very great, particularly with the job I have which requires me to <A class=kLink oncontextmenu="return false;" id=KonaLink3 onmouseover=adlinkMouseOver(event,this,3); style="POSITION: static; TEXT-DECORATION: underline! important" onclick=adlinkMouseClick(event,this,3); onmouseout=adlinkMouseOut(event,this,3); href="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20061121/news/news5.html#" target=_new><SPAN class=kLink