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Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

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  • #16
    RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

    Rudi (11/21/2006)Not trying to be holier than thou bredrin. Sorry if it came accross that way I just dont get the confusion. Ben thinks it warrants investigation as to kramers's thinking. I am sure if someone joked about the murder of homosexuals he would require further investigation to determine if that person was anti-gay. Same way I can see some comic joking about the holocost and I am sure the jury would be out as to his anti-semitism. However " fifty years ago you people would be upside down with afork up your ass" and we are not sure.
    No worries breds....I thinkon whether MichaelRichards isa racist at heartreasonable people can disagree.What can't be disgreed on is what he said was racist. Itdefinitely was. Now he will pay the cost for his actions.

    As for the "fork up your ass" comments I have heard worse things directed to another black person on rap songs and I think most of us would agree that the people saying the lyrics are not racists.Now if it was TrentLott who said this or Strom Thurmondit would be one thing but when it is someone who has never ever shown to be a racist until one angry tirade athecklers at a comedy club Iam willing to give them the benifit of the doubt. In saying that however I understand whysomeone else might not be willing to. Reasonable people can see it both ways on this one I feel. - T.K.
    No need to thank me forumites.


    • #17
      RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

      My bad. They took the video down due to copyright infringement. Damn you tube.- T.K.

      No need to thank me forumites.


      • #18
        RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

        Cmon TK you left out the fifty years ago part an obvious reference to the lynching period of american history. Most rappers dont know what happened to black people five years ago much less fifty. Can you see yourself in the middle of a heated argument with a Jewish person making a joke about the holocost even though you've never done it before or harboured any anti-semetic feelings?


        • #19
          RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

          Mo could you tell me why reply to Ben was deleted please?


          • #20
            RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

            Rudi (11/21/2006)Cmon TK you left out the fifty years ago part an obvious reference to the lynching period of american history. Most rappers dont know what happened to black people five years ago much less fifty. Can you see yourself in the middle of a heated argument with a Jewish person making a joke about the holocost even though you've never done it before or harboured any anti-semetic feelings?
            Well I did not mean to leave out the fifty years part.

            To be honest if I was in a heated argument with someone I could see myself saying all sorts of things to hurt that person just to feel better in the short term.

            Did you not see my "Rims" post to Karl last year? I said some of the most ignorant and low life things one person could say to another even thoughin my heart of hearts I did not believe any of it. I just wanted to get the upper hand right then and there in my moment of rageI said what I said towin thefight on the day andhurt Karl as bestas I could. I could not see past my anger and did not care about the consequences in the heat of the moment.I am still ashamed of that to this day.

            I am sure some will sayI am ashamedbecause the forum came down hard on meand that is why I amsorry. As well Iam sure otherswill say it is becauseI amtruly sorryand got caught up in themoment. I cannot fault anyone who believesit one way or the other.Even though I know that I have nothing but respect and admiration for Karl I understand it if someone else thinks that I am punk with no morals or ethics. - T.K.
            No need to thank me forumites.


            • #21
              RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

              I have no idea what you are talking about. If it wasn't something that should be deleted, then it hasn't been. I think we all know when something crosses the line. Sometimes the post might not have been "recorded" on the site in the first place.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #22
                RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                I agree with you 100%, Rudi. The man continued with his racist chatter for minutes on end, and yet we are not sure if he is racist!?!? Does he have to operate a slave ship for us to have proof? And some article even suggested that what he said is not as bad as what Mel Gibson said. Well, not being Jew, I might be biased about this, but I cannot remember any public figure who has carried on like Kramer. Makes David Duke look like friggery!

                I mean, wi not talking about somebody cussing off someone who cut in front of them on the highway. I can understand if someone wants to apologise for saying "****in' Ni g gah" when that happens. But you don't apologise after saying what Kramer said. That's like apologising for being white.

                So, no, TK. We can agree that he is racist. It's not as difficult as you think.

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #23
                  RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                  The man is racist!

                  Look sometime during the loooooong period he was mouthing of...heknew exactly what he was doing.Hey...we fly into a rage and the real person shows.

                  We fly into a rage and start saying 'things'...then if that mad period goes for sometime...our internal voicekicks is either Ooooops...shamed face...or I do not give a damn!

                  This guy went into 'I do not give a damn' phase - He was all from the heart...the real man came out...RACIST!

                  Now he is seeing dollars fly away! ...but, he is still...RACIST!
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #24
                    RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                    The man continued with his racist chatter for minutes on end, and yet we are not sure if he is racist!?!? Does he have to operate a slave ship for us to have proof?
                    LOL.....funny to blow wow. - T.K.
                    No need to thank me forumites.


                    • #25
                      RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                      T.K. (11/21/2006)
                      Mosiah (11/21/2006)<DIV>Apologize for what, TK? Do you feel better because he apologised? </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>For me, he can keep it!</DIV>
                      Apologize for what he said of course! Listen if you say something that you feel sorry for you should apologize. If you say something that offends another person in such a hurtful manner you should apologize. I understand your point of view however. I don't blame anyone who says he can keep it. That is the price one pays when they act the fool. Not everyone will accept their apology. - T.K.
                      I realy do not know the big deal. The man was on stage and was being heckled by some Black folks. He lost it and said some things he should not have said. If it were a situation that the hecklers did not provoke the response from him and he made the comments, then i would feel differently.

                      I say apology accepted Kramer and move on.
                      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                      • #26
                        RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                        nicely put

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #27
                          RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                          Man that was just too sad for words, he should be lucky there wasnt a riot and he was soundly beaten.

                          He should get a doctor certificate pleading temporary insanity, some bipolar thing or whatever he can get.

                          I just hope he has a good solid bank account cause no one will want to work with him any time soon.
                          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                          Che Guevara.


                          • #28
                            RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                            Did you hear what was said, Tilla? Because if that's your reaction after hearing it no wonder black people in the USA remain p h uqed! The Jews would never have such a reaction.

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #29
                              RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                              I realy do not know the big deal. The man was on stage and was being heckled by some Black folks. He lost it and said some things he should not have said. If it were a situation that the hecklers did not provoke the response from him and he made the comments, then i would feel differently.

                              I say apology accepted Kramer and move on.
                              That's how I see it as well Tilla. Add in the fact that his past history shows absolutely no racist behavior I will give him the benifit of the doubt that this was a one off incident where he went mental. - T.K.
                              No need to thank me forumites.


                              • #30
                                RE: Seinfeld fans did any of you see Kramer's racist outburst?

                                Mosiah (11/22/2006)Did you hear what was said, Tilla? Because if that's your reaction after hearing it no wonder black people in the USA remain p h uqed! The Jews would never have such a reaction.
                                Black people in America are phuqed as opposed to who? Black people in Jamaica? Nigeria? South Africa? Sudan? France? Spain? LOL....yu gwan. - T.K.
                                No need to thank me forumites.

