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Yusuf Salaam 860.997.6802 Press Release

Best selling author, much sought after public speaker, and one of the top principals in the country, has commanded us to shut down every raggedy school in his newly released book, Raggedy Schools, this hard hitting retrospective look of why our public school system has failed our black students. 87% of black children in America's high schools are reading below goal level. The superintendants, the principals, the teachers, and the parents are all responsible for turning our black children into a permanent underclass.
"Principals, superintendents and school boards must accept full responsibility for the state of urban education. While our intentions may have been noble, our results have been downright peasant, " exclaims Dr. Perry. The time has come to shut down the raggedy schools that have plagued our society. We need effective, creative educators who do not hide behind teacher's unions, ineffective principals and superintendents, who will say enough is enough! Our black students have paid the price too long. Without a vision, the school children will continue to perish. Parents can stop supporting raggedy schools by having vouchers as a means of choice rather than accept the district selected low performing systems in their neighborhood.

87% of Black Children in Connecticut's High Schools are Reading Below Goal Level.
MAKE A CHANGE CALL: 860.997.6802
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