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Bolt's behaviour 'nuh cut nuh dash'

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  • Bolt's behaviour 'nuh cut nuh dash'

    LETTER OF THE DAY - Bolt's behaviour 'nuh cut nuh dash'

    Published: Sunday | June 21, 2009


    The Editor, Sir:

    Let me declare, I love Usain Bolt. I love what he represents, I love his energy and most of all I love the psychological impact of his stellar success on Jamaica, the international athletics community and the world. I have been so inspired that I have written two poems in tribute to Bolt.

    However, I was quite disappointed on seeing his antics at the main press conference before the Ostrava Golden Spike event in the Czech Republic a few days ago.

    C'mon Mr Bolt, clowning around, and upstaging the person who has the floor in the middle of a press conference 'nuh cut nuh dash'. It is disrespectful to the speaker, embarrassing and makes you seem like a media hog, which is not necessary when you are already a media darling.

    Mr Bolt, I love your dancing, I love the youthful spirit which you embody, but sense of occasion and appropriate behaviour must obtain. Your handlers need to step in and guide you. As ol time Jamaican country people would say 'Tikya' (take care), for the same people who laugh and 'kikiki' and think the behaviour is cute will be the same ones who will eventually crucify you.

    Usain, I know you have to 'do yuh ting' but remember a whole country is depending on you.

    I am, etc.,
    JOAN A. HUTCHINSON joanahutchinson@yahoo.com
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes

  • #2

    Usain Bolt's annoying antics

    Published: Monday | June 22, 2009

    The Editor, Sir:
    I may have missed it, but I have not heard sufficient outcry by Jamaicans about Usain Bolt's antics at that Ostrava press conference. I was very heartened to read Joan Andrea Hutchinson's letter on Sunday giving some friendly advice.
    I was embarrassed just watching the few minutes of it on television. Can somebody whom this young man listens to (if there is such a person) please give him some coaching on how to carry himself as a superstar? We love Usain too much to have him behaving like a chimpanzee at media events, and worse when someone else is speaking. We really don't want to 'Cut the yute vibes' but help him. Duh!
    I am, etc.,
    3 Laing Road Kingston 20


    • #3
      Say what you will but the photogs and reporters weren't there to see a 50 year old Czech man speak. Everytime Bolt started his "antics" the cameramen went into a frenzy, plus old boy had a chuckle himself.


      • #4
        I saw the full 25 min Press conf now and Bolts antics were mild (and acceptable, even appropriate) in the context of the full event. The youtube 2 minute slice was deliberately provocative and misleading.


        • #5
          I didn't have to see it to guess what really happened. Some people want us to act as some demure, obedient natives.


