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Cuddy’z almost closed for $40mil in back taxes

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  • Cuddy’z almost closed for $40mil in back taxes

    Diners at the popular New Kingston eatery Cuddy'z Sports Bar and Restaurant were nearly forced to take their meals to go Thursday afternoon, as the officials from the Tax Administration Services Department (TASD) came down hard on the establishment's management for the non-payment of millions of dollars in taxes.

    Tax Administration personnel went into the establishment Thursday with a closure notice, but the restaurant was spared after intense negotiations.

    Armed with supporting documents, tax administrative personnel swooped down on the restaurant while patrons dined at the popular New Kingston eatery in the middle of the lunch hour rush.

    They came prepared with a locksmith to slap new locks on the doors and began doing so as the resident accountant at the eatery tried to negotiate.

    In no time he had one of the owners of the restaurant, former West Indies Cricket team Captain Courtney Walsh on the phone.

    But the TASD officials would not let up as they said over $40 million is owing in back taxes, and many notices were given to the management of Cuddy'z but to no avail.

    However after approximately 15 minutes of negotiation, the accountant drafted a $3 million cheque which was handed over to the TASD officials.

    Gladston Turner, Compliance Specialist with the TASD said the taxes had outstanding since 2006.

    "Money's outstanding for PAYE, Education Tax and GCT and these monies have not been paid while returns are being filed (and) even the returns that are filed are filed late. We have been meeting with the accountant and officials here since February but they have not shown good faith in trying to pay the outstanding monies and so a bailiff has been appointed to levee on the property to recover the taxes," he said.

    Mr. Turner added that while the sum to be recovered is substantial, Cuddy'z good faith payment of $3 million has opened the door for further negotiations with the management.

    He noted that if the outstanding sums are not paid off then the TASD will be forced to close down the popular eatery.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)