Jamaica patties get trade blessing from TT Friday, June 5 2009
THIS country has given the okay to a Jamaican company to export its beef patties to TT after being kept out because it could not meet local health standards. Jamaica yesterday welcomed the clearance of the shipment by Trade Minister Mariano Browne and said the decision followed weeks of talks between both Governments.
Jearlean John, CEO of Pizza Boys, the company bringing in the patties, said she welcomed the move, noting it was in the interest of regional trade to have the issue resolved. She also complimented Browne for his intervention.
“Regional trade is crucial to our economies and barriers are not going to help,” she said. In an interview with Business Day this week, TT Manufacturing Association (TTMA) president Greig Laughlin said the issue had to do with the patties being uncooked.
Yesterday, he said he was glad the issue was finally resolved and regulatory bodies are moving to deal with the issue. “It was never an issue of stopping anybody’s goods from entering the country,” he said, noting that while the patties entering the country remain uncooked there is now an assurance that it must meet certain criteria.
Jamaica said it was going to ensure that intra-regional sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) procedures are given highest priority.
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THIS country has given the okay to a Jamaican company to export its beef patties to TT after being kept out because it could not meet local health standards. Jamaica yesterday welcomed the clearance of the shipment by Trade Minister Mariano Browne and said the decision followed weeks of talks between both Governments.
Jearlean John, CEO of Pizza Boys, the company bringing in the patties, said she welcomed the move, noting it was in the interest of regional trade to have the issue resolved. She also complimented Browne for his intervention.
“Regional trade is crucial to our economies and barriers are not going to help,” she said. In an interview with Business Day this week, TT Manufacturing Association (TTMA) president Greig Laughlin said the issue had to do with the patties being uncooked.
Yesterday, he said he was glad the issue was finally resolved and regulatory bodies are moving to deal with the issue. “It was never an issue of stopping anybody’s goods from entering the country,” he said, noting that while the patties entering the country remain uncooked there is now an assurance that it must meet certain criteria.
Jamaica said it was going to ensure that intra-regional sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) procedures are given highest priority.
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