Published: Monday | May 18, 2009
Unfair taxi men
I live in a rural community in St Ann and I have always wondered about taxi men and their behaviour. Whenever the price of gas goes up, they lobby officials to increase fares and whenever the price goes back down, they refuse to lower the fares.
I think this is very unfair to commuters and the Government needs to address this problem if they are serving the interests of the poor as they say.
- Khadena Matthews
Put them on a leash
In an article titled 'Leave our Bajan men alone', the writer asked for bossy, scheming Jamaican women to leave their men alone. While we are bossy, ambitious, career and goal oriented, I find that Bajan men cannot deal with our success. Also, if you Bajan women were not so demure and showed a greater sense of humour, your men would not run to us.
While we continue to beat them off, I am asking that you put them on a leash until you can hold their attention. Even though we are from the Caribbean, we do have distinctive cultural differences.
Michelle Grier-Eastmond
Bog Walk, St Catherine
Squandering Money
It is amazing to know that many Jamaican are demanding money from Jamaicans living abroad despite the economic crisis everywhere. Many Jamaicans fail to or refuse to understand that many Jamaicans living abroad are suffering due to the economic crisis. Many of them have lost their cars, houses, jobs, hope and even the will to live.
One has to understand that the economic crisis started here in America, therefore people living here including Jamaicans are having a hard time.
A lot of Jamaicans refuse to tell their family what their economic situation is and so they even get money on credit to send to families and friends.
But what upsets me is to know that the money that some of them receive is not being used for anything sensible. Many used the money for hair, nails, bleaching cream, and name-brand clothes, shoes and bags.
(In that case, just stop the REMITTANCE, them will get the message)
No one is picking up money here in America and things are tough and they need to do something to help themselves.
- Maria Buchanan
Sebring, Florida
Published: Monday | May 18, 2009
Unfair taxi men
I live in a rural community in St Ann and I have always wondered about taxi men and their behaviour. Whenever the price of gas goes up, they lobby officials to increase fares and whenever the price goes back down, they refuse to lower the fares.
I think this is very unfair to commuters and the Government needs to address this problem if they are serving the interests of the poor as they say.
- Khadena Matthews
Put them on a leash

In an article titled 'Leave our Bajan men alone', the writer asked for bossy, scheming Jamaican women to leave their men alone. While we are bossy, ambitious, career and goal oriented, I find that Bajan men cannot deal with our success. Also, if you Bajan women were not so demure and showed a greater sense of humour, your men would not run to us.
While we continue to beat them off, I am asking that you put them on a leash until you can hold their attention. Even though we are from the Caribbean, we do have distinctive cultural differences.
Michelle Grier-Eastmond
Bog Walk, St Catherine
Squandering Money
It is amazing to know that many Jamaican are demanding money from Jamaicans living abroad despite the economic crisis everywhere. Many Jamaicans fail to or refuse to understand that many Jamaicans living abroad are suffering due to the economic crisis. Many of them have lost their cars, houses, jobs, hope and even the will to live.
One has to understand that the economic crisis started here in America, therefore people living here including Jamaicans are having a hard time.
A lot of Jamaicans refuse to tell their family what their economic situation is and so they even get money on credit to send to families and friends.
But what upsets me is to know that the money that some of them receive is not being used for anything sensible. Many used the money for hair, nails, bleaching cream, and name-brand clothes, shoes and bags.
(In that case, just stop the REMITTANCE, them will get the message)

No one is picking up money here in America and things are tough and they need to do something to help themselves.
- Maria Buchanan
Sebring, Florida