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Driva is a leader

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  • Driva is a leader

    Explain Labour Day projects, PM demands

    Posted: 2009-05-13 17:53:45

    The Prime Minister Bruce Golding has demanded an explanation from the culture minister Olivia Grange for the selection of the three national Labour Day projects.

    The three projects will be undertaken in constituencies now being held by JLP MPs who are before the court on dual citizenship cases.

    The Opposition has been insisting that the projects are being undertaken to boost the chances of the three MPs in winning possible by-elections in their constituencies.

    Today Mr Golding agreed with the Opposition People's National Party that their selections are questionable.

    Mr Golding said if he were in the Opposition's position he too would come to the same conclusions and would also protest against the selection.

    The Prime Minister's comments came hours after Miss Grange mounted a strong defence of the projects in the wake of the Opposition’s concerns.

    The projects will be undertaken in Northeast St Ann held by Shahine Robinson, Northeast St Catherine held by Gregory Mair and Northwest Clarendon represented by Michael Stern.

    The Culture minister Olivia Grange has said the national Labour Day projects were selected on the basis that the three JLPS MP's were the ones who responded to her request for projects to be nominated.

    But she said a fourth project has since been added to the list based on a submission from the PNP's Derrick Kellier who is the Member of Parliament for South St James.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2

    This is a change, a break with the normal follytrix. He should keep it up.


    • #3
      Maybe Bruce will be the one to declare a "NATIONAL DAY" for environmental improvement?
      Peter R


      • #4
        If Bruce already knows Babsy's reason (assuming it is the truth), then he would simply be saying this to score points with the public. Wouldn't her explanation be the same as the one already given? Maybe she is not telling the truth ......

        But if she is telling the truth, what does it say for the PNP, that they are willing to complain about something they didn't get simply because they were unable to respond in a timely manner.


        • #5
          Well given the current climate with
          the impending changes: Brucie hasn't much choice. Ja can ill afford
          to continue with the partisan politics on everything. Some things are now to be seen as the security of the nation.

          I don't thin you guys ge it: Do you imagine what will happen when the
          100% literate Cuba with highly educated orkforce opens up? Let me hint you: They will redefine the word club med. They will be able to hold down cost and offer a superior service in the tourist sector (very little ned for expatriates) I could go on. We boast about being a democracy but all these years we spent it burning tires and sabotaging each others' cause. Add to that our post colonial master and slave metality.

          There is a lot facing JA in the coming info age the above is just the few.
          Brucie should ask the opposition for help on education too.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Assasin View Post
            Explain Labour Day projects, PM demands

            Posted: 2009-05-13 17:53:45

            The Prime Minister Bruce Golding has demanded an explanation from the culture minister Olivia Grange for the selection of the three national Labour Day projects.

            The three projects will be undertaken in constituencies now being held by JLP MPs who are before the court on dual citizenship cases.

            The Opposition has been insisting that the projects are being undertaken to boost the chances of the three MPs in winning possible by-elections in their constituencies.

            Today Mr Golding agreed with the Opposition People's National Party that their selections are questionable.

            Mr Golding said if he were in the Opposition's position he too would come to the same conclusions and would also protest against the selection.

            The Prime Minister's comments came hours after Miss Grange mounted a strong defence of the projects in the wake of the Opposition’s concerns.

            The projects will be undertaken in Northeast St Ann held by Shahine Robinson, Northeast St Catherine held by Gregory Mair and Northwest Clarendon represented by Michael Stern.

            The Culture minister Olivia Grange has said the national Labour Day projects were selected on the basis that the three JLPS MP's were the ones who responded to her request for projects to be nominated.

            But she said a fourth project has since been added to the list based on a submission from the PNP's Derrick Kellier who is the Member of Parliament for South St James.
            Very promising response from the PM! There may be hope for him yet.

            Now let's see Lazie twist around to support the new JLP turn.... LOL!! ... Assasin has fallen in line and changed his chune... where is Lazie?

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              the opposition's record on education is impressive

              as a party the opposition is the most redundant it has been in generations, au contarire my equine frere, bruce had a choice...."run wid it" was always an option as before

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                because bruce "had no choice"? LOL!!!

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  Mostly good post.

                  May I suggest another future for Cuba?

                  Miami is full of Cubans who fled who all believe their own stories that they were barons in Cuba and how Castro robbed them of their privileged birthrights. No matter if they are millionaires and successful beyond thir wildest dreams because of their unplanned American sojourn, they dont feel fulfilled until they can return to Cuba as a conquering hero to reclaim what is "rightfully" theirs and lord it over all and sundry.

                  On the other hand there are millions of Cubans loyal to fidel, or at least anti-Miami and they are all militarily trained and can handle a Kalishnikov like a pro.

                  How is this oil and water gonna mix? I have seen resident Cubans interviewed that say they may have their differences with some of Castro's policies, BUT THEY WILL NEVER ACCEPT A GOVT IMPOSED FROM "MIAMI". THEY BLAME THE mIAMI cUBANS FOR THE CONTINUED EMBARGO AND MANY years of privation that they have endured by their "brothers".

                  I dont think its going to be so simple in the post-Castro years and Cuba could easily be the next tinderbox. Feelings run deep.

                  I have met many Miami Cubans and they are completely rigid in their thinking. No point even trying to discuss anything remotely political with them...and I am not even the biggest lover of Fidel!!! You cant say ANYTHING positive about Fidel's Cuba around them, as they go NUTS.


                  • #10

                    Spot on Gamma.


                    • #11
                      Where have I changed my tune?

                      I have said Bruce is a different kind of leader.

                      I judge every politician individually based on their words, action and honesty whether they are PNP or JLP. Unlike some of us I choose not to lumpen them. The party system is corrupted but that don't mean we don't have a few good men in it.

                      Just recently you were saying Bruce is no different. I will expand on this later.
                      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                      • #12
                        Labour Day politics? - PM agrees with PNP's concerns about choice of projects - 'Babsy' defends her decisions, says MPs responded to call

                        Prime Minister Bruce Golding has agreed with the Opposition People's National Party (PNP) that questions need to be asked about the decision to stage three national Labour Day projects in constituencies where government members of Parliament (MP) could face by-elections.
                        "It doesn't look good and if there was any political motivation in the selection, then it ought not to have been there," Golding declared yesterday.

                        "If I were in the Opposi-tion's position, I would come to the same conclusions and I would make the same noise," Golding added.

                        Not preferential
                        The prime minister said he had not had a chance to speak with Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Olivia 'Babsy' Grange on the issue, but he would be demanding an explanation.

                        Golding also said constituencies held by the Opposition MPs were not being left.

                        "The Opposition has not acknow-ledged that the Government gave permission for the expenditure of $250,000 for each member of parliament, including the 28 Opposition MPs, for Labour Day activities, so it is not that they have been deprived of the capacity to mount Labour Day projects," Golding said.

                        Golding's comments came hours after Grange mounted a strong defence of the selection in the wake of Opposition concerns that the projects were selected with one eye on the possible by-elections which could face Shahine Robinson in North East St Ann, Gregory Mair in North East St Catherine, and Michael Stern in North West Clarendon.

                        All three are now before the courtsfacing allegations that they are not qualified to sit in Parliament because they held dual citizenship at the time of the 2007 general elections.

                        The PNP's case has been buttressed by the Government's decision to stage last year's national Labour Day project in West Portland, where government MP Daryl Vaz recently faced a by-election.
                        But Grange says the national Labour Day projects were selected on the basis that the three government MPs were the ones who responded to her request for projects to be nominated.

                        She said a fourth project has since been added to the list based on a submission from the PNP's Derrick Kellier, who is the member of parliament for South St James.

                        Grange further noted that the maximum that would be granted to each of the four projects is $500,000, while each parish council has been allocated $100,000.
                        "Each of the four projects is worthy of national attention and encourages the aim of Labour Day, which is social intervention, volunteerism and the coming together of Jamaicans," Grange said.

                        National LabourDay projects
                        St Ann's Bay Hospital in St Ann
                        Riversdale sports court in St Catherine
                        Ginger resuscitation project in Clarendon
                        Blue Hole nature park in St James.

                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                          Where have I changed my tune?

                          I have said Bruce is a different kind of leader.

                          I judge every politician individually based on their words, action and honesty whether they are PNP or JLP. Unlike some of us I choose not to lumpen them. The party system is corrupted but that don't mean we don't have a few good men in it.

                          Just recently you were saying Bruce is no different. I will expand on this later.
                          Your initial response in my original thread was to question the PNP rep's literacy and thereby put the blame on them for not submitting projects.

                          Now that Golding has given his excellent response... you have a change in tune (or tone) ... praising his position (and by inference rejecting Grange's) ... which is markedly different from Grange's... indeed he has called her to account publicly.

                          Flip Flop.

                          yuh can guh wuk ah Sandals

                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                          • #14
                            I didn't question the PNP literacy. All I was saying is if I am a representative and they ask for a project in my community I would jump on it. I that was meant to be very ambigious as it is either Babsy was not very truthful or the members of parliament unwisely choose not to pick a project.

                            If you have 60 members who got memo and only 4 responded? I definately didn't question the literacy of the PNP but all members of the house.
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                              I didn't question the PNP literacy. All I was saying is if I am a representative and they ask for a project in my community I would jump on it. I that was meant to be very ambigious as it is either Babsy was not very truthful or the members of parliament unwisely choose not to pick a project.

                              If you have 60 members who got memo and only 4 responded? I definately didn't question the literacy of the PNP but all members of the house.
                              ok boss... maybe I was too harsh (that's a tendency of mine)

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

