Guess that's too much to ask from our political leaders....winning competitions may be enough for them.
Northern Caribbean University (NCU) wins 2009 Regional Microsoft Imagine Cup
Published: Sunday | May 10, 2009
WITHIN DAYS of being crowned national champions, after defeating the University of Technology team, Northern Caribbean University (NCU) has again commandeered the top spot in the regional leg of the Microsoft Imagine Cup Software Competition for university students held recently.
The NCU team of Shawn Mclean, Trevoir Williams, Derron Brown and Dwayne Samuels, under the guidance of coach Henry Osbourne, and department chair, Kenrie Hylton, outdesigned the University of the West Indies' (UWI) Team AgroNeTT from Trinidad and Tobago, and UNAPEC Team NF4Live from the Dominican Republic.
With an average score of 9.33, NCU outperformed the other regional universities in all categories, with not one of the 10 categories in which the team was graded, dropping below eight points out of 10. The UWI Trinidad and Tobago team's average score was 7.83, while the Dominican Republic team scored 8.07 points. The 10 categories in which the teams are evaluated and graded include problem definition, consistency, innovation, impact, effectiveness, user experience, extensibility, administration, functionality and presentation.
This year, Microsoft instructed the Imagine Cup teams to address one of the eight United Nations.

(UN) Millennium Goals. The NCU team is focusing on developing software which will help address UN Millennium Goal number one, which is to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty. This year's theme is 'Imagine a World Where Technology Helps Solve The Toughest Problems Facing Us Today'. The mission of the competition is to research, brainstorm, design and develop potential solutions that address the world's toughest problems.