" Next time you have a little time to waste go inna some elementary and high school and take a look inna the bronx.
Many schools can't buy toliet paper, and materials, schools have printers and can't buy paper so Jamaica is not the only one in that boat.
It is not always as easy as you make it."
In case you don't know seek some knowledge on schools districts in the US who have fi ask kids to bring toilet paper to school. Have ever heard me talk about big house in Georgia? No mi have nothing fi show off wid.
God bless what you have.
Sass - mi really never hear about any of the public schools in NYC not having toilet paper though Could it be that the workers steal them Mi just hear about a worker at a hospital, who was fired for taking home 6 slices of raw fish after 30+ years.
“Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.” - Langston Hughes
I said for him to take a walk down to some schools in the Bronx.
I know of other problems with school in the Bronx as my friend is an assistant Principal there and I have other friends who work there. I was talking about US inner city schools in general.
Some of the schools there are not in great conditions. I have have no knowledge of schools in the Bronx but schools in Detroit, and Califonia have asked parents to bring toliet paper and I know of at least one school in Marietta GA where the principal made it known that his budget was tight and until the end of the school year he couldn't buy paper napkin that is used in the administration's bathrooms.
I have just getting familar with the public school system in an inner city and I there is a lot to be desired. Some can't afford print cartidges, repair to so many technology related stuff, and nuff inequity.
There is a big disparity with schools that have parents that can organise and donate. I have been spending my time one evening a week coaching a soccer team in one of these schools and there is actually no facilities. Give thanks to the Boys scout and a pastor who set up the program so the kids can get a life.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Editorial: Toilet paper crisis a symbol of larger failure
Detroit school's plea for supplies shines light on mismanagement
The Detroit News
The Detroit Public Schools' new financial manager will have plenty on his plate when he arrives at work, not the least of which is an estimated $400 million deficit. But one of his key jobs is to see that the money the district does have is properly allocated.
With the district receiving an estimated $11,000 or more for each student from local, state and federal sources, the schools ought to be able to afford such basics as toilet paper. And it would, if the funds weren't being squandered by incompetence and corruption.
Detroit made the national headlines again last week after a Detroit News report about a school that sent letters home requesting parents send back toilet paper, light bulbs and other staple items that the district has failed to provide.
And while we're happy to learn that the Academy of the Americas' needs have since been met by the kindness of strangers from around the country, a district with a $1.2 billion operating budget should not be in the position of having to beg for supplies.
The request for toilet paper and light bulbs reveals both a serious and inexcusable administration problem and a serious misallocation of resources.
Principals should receive a basic budget based on their school's enrollment, and parents should be able to hold them accountable for making sure the school has essential supplies needed to operate properly, rather than having to deal with a thick central administrative bureaucracy.
It is bad enough that three out of every four students who start high school at a Detroit public school don't graduate. But no student should have to do without toilet paper. This kind of absurd abuse reveals why the state's emergency fiscal manager is arriving none too soon.
You can check the source but there is others.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
3. The California American Civil Liberties Union, which has filed suit in several California courts, describes the case as follows: " Through this lawsuit, plaintiffs seek to compel the State to develop an effective system of oversight and management over the public schools to ensure that every student in California is provided basic educational necessities, such as trained teachers, adequate textbooks, and minimally habitable facilities. Such a system will require the State to regularly determine whether public school students have the basic necessities for an education and, if not, take steps to correct the deficiencies promptly.
The State has admitted that it currently has no meaningful system for determining, for example, how many textbooks are lacking in schools or how many facilities are infested with rats. Plaintiffs are demanding that the State create a system of monitoring and accountability through which the State will discover the existence of serious problems in the public schools and ensure that those problems are corrected swiftly and permanently. Plaintiffs are not asking for money damages to be given to any particular student, school, or district. Plaintiffs seek an end to the deplorable conditions that exist in far too many California public schools." \
The following problems were presented as evidence of absence of OTLS at two San Francisco schools (Luther Burbank Middle School and Bryant Elementary School):
Luther Burbank Middle School in San Francisco
54. Plaintiffs Eliezer Williams, Olivia Saunders, Silas Moultrie, and Monique Mabutas attend Luther Burbank Middle School in San Francisco. At Luther Burbank, students cannot take textbooks home for homework in any core subject because their teachers have enough textbooks for use in class only. For example, a social studies teacher who teaches five separate social studies classes during one day has only one class set of social studies textbooks, so all five classes must share the same set of books. Some math, science, and other core classes do not have even enough textbooks for all the students in a single class to use during the school day, so some students must share the same one book during class time. In many classes in the school, textbooks are nine and more years out of date. For homework, students must take home photocopied pages, with no accompanying text for guidance or reference, when and if their teachers have enough paper to use to make homework copies. The school limits the number of copies teachers can make in any given week, so teachers cannot photocopy enough pages from textbooks for the students to have homework each school night. The social studies textbook Luther Burbank students use is so old that it does not reflect the breakup of the former Soviet Union. Textbooks are missing pages and covers after so many years of use in school.
55. Luther Burbank is infested with vermin and roaches and students routinely see mice in their classrooms. One dead rodent has remained, decomposing, in a corner in the gymnasium since the beginning of the school year.
56. The school library is rarely open, has no librarian, and has not recently been updated. The latest version of the encyclopedia in the library was published in approximately 1988.
57. Luther Burbank classrooms do not have computers. Computer instruction and research skills are not, therefore, part of Luther Burbank students' regular instruction in their core courses.
58. The school no longer offers any art classes for budgetary reasons. Without the art instruction, children have limited opportunities to learn space, volume, and linear logic concepts.
59. Two of the three bathrooms at Luther Burbank are locked all day, every day. The third bathroom is locked during lunch and other periods during the school day, so there are times during school when no bathroom at all is available for students to use. Students have urinated or defecated on themselves at school because they could not get into an unlocked bathroom. Other students have left school altogether to go home to use the restroom. When the bathrooms are not locked, they often lack toilet paper, soap, and paper towels, and the toilets frequently are clogged and overflowing.
60. Paint peels off walls in many classrooms and there is graffiti on classroom and other school walls. Ceiling tiles are missing and cracked in the school gym, and school children are afraid to play basketball and other games in the gym because they worry that more ceiling tiles will fall on them during their games.
61. The school has no air conditioning. On hot days classroom temperatures climb into the 90s. The school heating system does not work well. In winter, children often wear coats, hats, and gloves during class to keep warm.
62. Eleven of the 35 teachers at Luther Burbank have not yet obtained full, non-emergency teaching credentials, and 17 of the 35 teachers only began teaching at Luther Burbank this school year.
Bryant Elementary School in San Francisco
63. Plaintiffs Bianca Arriola, Bibiana Arriola, Carlos Ramirez, Richard Ramirez, and Ivanna Romero attend Bryant Elementary School in San Francisco. Bryant has no floor-to ceiling walls between classrooms. Instead, the school has thin, hollow, room dividers hanging from the ceiling, which provide little or no sound barriers between classes. Students can hear noise from other classes talking and learning during their own class instruction. Sometimes students in one class start to laugh at a joke told in another class; students in the first class hear the joke as clearly as do the students in the class in which the joke was told. The noise problem among classes also means that classes cannot have music or audio instruction in class because music and audio instruction would increase the noise level too greatly.
64. Teachers at Bryant are missing all or significant parts of their curriculum in many of the classes at school. One teacher did not receive her math curriculum materials until two months into the school year. Another teacher did not receive her math textbooks until February, in a school year that began in August. Another teacher still had not received half her district-mandated first-grade curriculum even after two thirds of the school year had been completed. Two fifth-grade teachers share 20 social studies textbooks among 37 students during the school day. Those teachers cannot both give homework on the same night because they are short 17 books for their students.
65. Many teachers at Bryant purchase basic supplies for their classrooms themselves, spending thousands of their own dollars, because the classes would otherwise go without the supplies. Teachers buy pencils, erasers, crayons, will have basic tools to use to learn. Last year, several teachers solicited donations of paper and pencils for the school from San Francisco businesses.
66. The air conditioning and heat do not work in many classrooms. On hot days, students feel faint or sleepy because their classroom temperatures reach well above 80 degrees. In the computer lab at the school, temperatures have reached 92 degrees this year. Teachers have to spray students with water to keep them cool during spring, summer, and fall. Some teachers take their classes outside to learn because the temperature is cooler outside. On cool days, students wear coats and mittens inside to keep warm. Some students keep jackets on inside but then take their jackets off when they go outside to play because the outdoors is warmer than their classrooms.
67. The school has no nurse. Children whose health is compromised by school temperature and noise conditions and other conditions that affect children's ability to learn have no one to whom to turn at school for assistance in identifying and rectifying the problems. 68. Water at the school is unsafe for drinking. Many children bring bottled water to class, and the principal has recommended that teachers flush the pipes every day by running water for a full minute in the morning.
4. The complete testimony from Lisa Towne is attached (presented to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Reauthorization of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, February 28, 2002, Washington D.C..) Lisa Towne is Senior Program Office for the National Research Council, a unit within the National Academy of Science, established by Congress in 1863 to advise Congress on matters of science and technology. The paragraph where the quote appears is as follows:
The primary problem with this bill is its inclusion of definitions for scientifically valid quantitative and scientifically qualitative methods. To be sure, many of the concepts in those draft definitions are the very same concepts that the NRC committee emphasized in its report: empirical data, replication, and peer review, for example. And the inclusion of both quantitative and qualitative methods is very positive, since both, when properly applied and implemented, can be very powerful research tools. The problem is with their use as a federal mandate. The NRC report makes clear that the objectivity and progress of scientific understanding in any fieldónot just education researchóderives not from a given methodology or a given person. Rather, it comes from the community of researchers. Improving education research, then, requires improvements in the field itself.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Well Karl say corruption abound and corruption make people get paid.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.