Taxes in a time of technology
Friday, May 01, 2009
"IN MY DAYS", Old-Timer said, "When Budget read, wi listen fi hear what gone on pon saltfish, condense milk, kerosene oil, rum and tobacco. In dem days, yuh count money in hundred and thousand. Now is million, billion, trillion. Mi nuh sure a nutten no more, except - the only two things in life that certain is - death and taxes."

Well, our Budget read and one thing very sure... it's tax time again and time for analyses and analysts talking, talking of deficits and debts and fiscal imaginings... a lot of talk, amounting to the same thing... hard time on the land.
Opposition and government alike are having their say, each seeing the glass from their own spectrum. "Half-full," one cries. "Half-empty," says the other. To the man in the street, while the "bigger heads" wrestle over the macro and the micro, justifying the increases and making yet more promises of better times to come, it is the little things which are adding up. So far, the society has been comparatively calm about the gas tax.
We knew that it was coming. It is here, and now we have to live with it. It would help, however, if we could just keep silly statements to a minimum.
Taxes in a time of technology
Friday, May 01, 2009
"IN MY DAYS", Old-Timer said, "When Budget read, wi listen fi hear what gone on pon saltfish, condense milk, kerosene oil, rum and tobacco. In dem days, yuh count money in hundred and thousand. Now is million, billion, trillion. Mi nuh sure a nutten no more, except - the only two things in life that certain is - death and taxes."

Well, our Budget read and one thing very sure... it's tax time again and time for analyses and analysts talking, talking of deficits and debts and fiscal imaginings... a lot of talk, amounting to the same thing... hard time on the land.
Opposition and government alike are having their say, each seeing the glass from their own spectrum. "Half-full," one cries. "Half-empty," says the other. To the man in the street, while the "bigger heads" wrestle over the macro and the micro, justifying the increases and making yet more promises of better times to come, it is the little things which are adding up. So far, the society has been comparatively calm about the gas tax.
We knew that it was coming. It is here, and now we have to live with it. It would help, however, if we could just keep silly statements to a minimum.
Taxes in a time of technology