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On Education

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  • On Education

    How much of Ja's budget is allocated for education?
    When will these people get it that education is now akin
    to national security. Ja cannot navigate the info age like
    this; the concept of having an elite few getting an education is over.
    I was speaking with another Jakan a month ago and we agreed that
    the present education system of Ja is writing off some the brightest
    and innovative minds in the island. Why? How or who are you to
    determine a child's potential at twelve or thiteen years of age? If a
    child doesn't make it to a traditional high school, he/ she is being
    stigmatized as being worthless. I can recall when I was in school
    in the states; a professor said he is not interested in the A student
    as they will go on to be professors, he is more interested in the C
    student as they will go out form a corporation become millionaires
    and donate a million to the math dept.
    Let's look at what our innovative minds are doing relative to the
    education that they have received: Scamming. We can pretty much
    judge the education level also in Somalia (piracy with small boats).
    On the flip side a kid attends a vocational school (not College, pay
    attention) in the Phillipines and was able to write a code (worm) that
    disrupted the net. Now I'm not saying the youth of Ja should strive to
    write codes that will disrupt the net but instead be on par or even be
    better than their conter parts in Asia. Please do not come to me with
    the NCU/microsoft story. This is what Ja needs to overcome : these
    individual and isolated cases.

    It's high time the people demand quality education above all, from the
    govt (regardless of which political party). At present Ja can ill afford
    to continue with the plantocracy approach to governance.

  • #2
    I agree witth you that our education system is not of the late C20th much less C21st.
    Peter R


    • #3
      and it must be retooled in order to
      force down crime and move the island forward.


      • #4
        That Jawge is a MIGHTY challenge and I have yet to hear anyone (in power) voice anything like re-vamping our education system. When we begin to recognize that training technicians, tradespeople, etc is equally valuable as getting 8 o' levels we will always be in trouble.

        It seems that the entire system is geared to passing an exam, either common entrance or CXC...
        Peter R


        • #5
          aaaahhhh Glad yuh see it boss. I've
          been saying this all along that since Joshua no other leader
          has made education a primary focus, now "the groom cometh". There is still a small window, if Ja doesn't grab it; game over.

          Look at what Brasil is attempting; there is a reason behind it.


          • #6
            They actually had a committee which was suppose to "do that".

            It turned out that it was same of the same.

            The fact is if Education have to change the boat have to be rocked and the JTA, Principal association, politicans,unions have too much to loose.

            I have been somewhat impressed with HEART, this maybe because it was a young institution. Both JLP and PNP need clap on that one and maybe that is what we want wid education, turn everything upside down but it it is going to be fought all the way with demonstration and tire burning so I don't know if it is possible.

            another thing is parents and old student associations have to play a better role. At my former job I setup an alumni database which was very effective for fund raising. The schools need that form of setup.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #7
              so you are of the belief that roads would be blocked
              and tires would be burnt, if the govt. retooled the education system towards the 21st century? Yes?


              • #8

                There is a lot of vested interest to keep it as it is. In order to do that you have to uproot principals and teachers and deal only with performance and that is how the unions and the JTA comes in. Once rumour start spread parents get involved.

                What sense it make if you have automated classroom if teachers can't use it?
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  When Joshua introuced jamal, did the people block
                  roads and burn tires? I think that you grossly underestimate the populace
                  of JA.

                  Right now if Bruce tell the taxi drivers , nurses, et al that these hikes will go towards a better education system by putting computers in all schools (even in the hills) and having them tied to the net. Also that computer progamming will be taught as early as primary schools (money will be used to pay teachers from abroad [India springs to mind here] who will come and train our local ones. Methinks the police would be out on the streets all by themselves.


                  • #10
                    Jawge about two years ago I asked on this forum who would be willing to pay more money for education. Guess what most forumites said now. It is easier to start something new.

                    I bring technology to classroom and I can tell you there is a lot of ressistance even in America in colleges and K12 education especially teachers over 40.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #11
                      which college that Sass?
                      Call name do. Four year college? K12s in the USA?

                      Sas let's hope you are not using isolated cases here.


                      • #12
                        Jawge some things mi coulda tell you. I have seen the strenght of Professors and teachers and if they nuh what changes trust me it nuh easy. Even Larry Summers had to leave Yale because of that.
                        I can just imagine how strong the teachers unions are in Ja.
                        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                        • #13
                          You know where we disagree?

                          Its your insistence on this fallacy called the "info age"...as if its solid reality cast in stone.

                          With exceptional education and a society free to think, plan and act according to our deepest desires, we would noyt be constrained by anyones definition of "ages". We would create what we want, according to the dictates of OUR imagination. We would not conform to any preconceived definition of where we should excel.

                          Other than that, I agree with your underlying premise.


                          • #14
                            Understood Willi:From where you stand
                            the "info age" is a myth,hence the justification for your party to
                            levy taxs on books and computers. These taxes will ensure that only
                            a few will have access to the tools of the myth called "info age". I like the repackaging; don't ban the books just put some heavy taxes on it then the poor will have to choose between book or food.

                            Well done guys, carry on. Jamaica is finished; I can tell you that much.


                            • #15
                              How the hell you get that from my post?

                              Did you even raed my post?

                              My party??? What a joke...mi look like politician to you? Steeeuuups.
                              They are a barely necessary evil in my book. Unlike you I dont surrender to the "cult of the leader". Portia is YOUR leader.

                              Free your mind, and the rest will follow.

                              Go back and read the last sentesnce of my last post again!

