and I just happened to bump into this article.
Now who amongst the crew is man enought to show this article to their wife/woman/girlfriend/babymother, who?
LOL (funny article)
BTW: Yes I told my wife to check it out.
Handling a woman
Daddy Oh
With Tony Robinson
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I am far better born
Than is the king,
More like a king,
More kingly in my thoughts.
- Shakespeare 2 Henry VI,V,1
You'll see the relevance of that quote later, for most men don't want to be king, but just live like one. And what better regal attribute there is, but the art of handling a woman? Handling a woman doesn't mean abusing her either, but the same way you handle a horse to do your bidding, it's the same way you handle a woman. But more on that later. First, here's some feedback, this time to my footnote last week on this guy being slapped by the soldier.
Hey Tony,
I understand your sympathies with the soldier, they also have my sympathies, but wrong is still wrong regardless of who committed it. The young man's actions were wrong and he should be subjected to the appropriate actions and so should the soldiers. The punishment, however, should, as I hope it always does, take into consideration the conditions under which the incident occurred. But you should consider that even criminals have reasons to commit crime. If we start to okay wrong actions once we understand and accept the reason the 'wrong' was committed, then we are no better than those who understand and support criminals when they have done their 'wrongs'. Love your articles, have a good day.
Elair Simms
I must also share a portion of this letter that appeared in last Saturday's Observer on the same subject.
Dear Editor,
It is disrespect for authority in Jamaica why scenes like this are playing out on TV in the island and on the Internet worldwide. If it had happened in any other civilised society, that man would have been tackled to the ground by at least five officers with guns to his head, I know. The police in Jamaica have a lot of shortcomings, but in this case I cannot blame their actions, no matter how it looks on TV.
J Porter
Brooklyn, New York

You can see the full content of that letter in last week's Observer on Saturday (April 4). It's so amazing how that slap was heard around the world, yet hardly a follow-up about the three wounded cops or the welfare of the family that was trapped in the house during the shoot-out. Our priorities are really skewed and criminals laugh at us as they are protected and defended.
But now, on to how to handle a woman. Now, I know that many women may be offended by my utterances, but I repeat, handling does not mean controlling, abusing, berating or mental anguish, but treating her the right way to get the proper result. I'm sure that you handle a sports car differently from how you handle a Hummer or a truck. And let's face it, women expect to be handled properly by men, and here's why.
From when a girl is young she is trained by her mother in the ways of women. She is taught the basics of cooking, washing, cleaning and, of course, the wiles and guile of women. She is also taught charm to round off the package.
She is a student and expects to be taught at every step of her life to prepare her for a life with a man. She is shown how to deal with men. There are even finishing schools for girls in Europe, and those who can afford it send their young charges there, so that when they've completed the course, they graduate, meet a man, and he's finished.
Why in heaven's name would almost every society go through so much effort and trouble to train their females if it wasn't to please men? You can resist the fact all you want, it's a basic truth. The fact is, women expect leadership from men, and any man who doubts that is heading for a life of misery, if not hell. Women look up to men, not down; they respect men who earn more than them, are taller than them, smarter than them, older than them and have more ambition than them.
Who would you prefer for your daughter? As bright, educated and smart as Michelle Obama is, she still knows that the president 'is the man', he's in charge, he runs things. Do you think that she'd respect him if he wasn't the man who he is? If he was some high school dropout or a weakling, she wouldn't even look his way, because she expects leadership from her man, and with leadership comes handling.
So he in turn has to step up and handle her or he will lose his hand, his place, his power. When you dance, who leads, the man or the woman? That's handling, expertly, deftly, skilfully, smoothly. And that's where the above quote comes in. Glance at it again.
I am weary of men who are constantly bleating about how their girlfriends or wives have wrested power from them and now control the relationship. "I tell you, I don't know when the balance of power shifted, but one day I woke up and she was in charge of everything," this guy told me. That's because he didn't know how to handle his woman, or thought that he didn't have to.
Not because women are smart, bright, educated and worldly means that they must not be made to do the common things. The majority of women were taught how to cook, wash and clean, so why should that knowledge go to waste? Every now and then, the man should insist that his woman do these things, just to remind her. If not, he will lose control, it will fly to her head and next thing you know, he'll be the one cooking, cleaning and washing. I have seen it happen, and as my good bredrin said, "There but for the grace of God go I." He learned the art of handling years ago.
Naturally, with this handling comes reward, so you must make sure that you take her out on the town and show her a good time. Women love to eat out, and even in these so-called harsh economic times, take her out to dinner occasionally. It doesn't have to be fancy, but somewhere where she can be seen in her nice clothes and be able to rub shoulders with her peers and be able to tell her friends about. Don't let things get so bad that she has to ask to be taken out; be a man, take control be a handler. I can feel some women fuming at this point, but just try and shake off the knee-jerk anger and you'll see the validity of my points.
It's generally perceived that when it comes to sex, women are the ones who are in control. Wrong. Only a weak man lets his woman dictate sex to him, and dangle it like a carrot before his face, allowing him when she desires, telling him if and when, yanking it away when she feels like, and finally allowing him when she's in the mood.
Handling a woman means meeting her halfway in this department. Don't bow to her whims all the time, but occasionally, you can 'not feel like it', 'not be in the mood', 'have a headache'. You too can say, "Not tonight, dear, I'm just not up to it". Let them feel the pangs of rejection and frustration and only then will they appreciate you and be thankful when you comply.
Don't let them use it as a lure and a reward for you. As a wise man said, "You got to keep them wanting." If you allow them to feel that they have the handle and you hold the blade, then you're sunk. The same goes for emotions too. If you wear it on your sleeve, they'll rip off the shirt and rub it in your face as they'll see it as a sign of weakness.
Handling a woman means not bawling before her and showing weakness. As the tears flow, the respect goes. No woman wants a weepy, blubbering, cry-cry, wimpish man. You have to have fortitude to handle a woman. Why do you think women are attracted to strong men, great men, powerful men? History is replete with them. In many societies a man is judged by the way he handles his wife. "How can he be expected to lead men if he can't even handle his woman?"
"Hannibal, Genghis Khan, Attilla, Samson, Caesar, you aren't going anywhere, you just stay home this weekend, you hear?"
You have to be in charge, the captain of the ship, el commandante, the champion jockey. But still, you must be loving and compassionate. Handling a woman is a fine art, it's not bullying, cursing, controlling or beating, but simply letting her know who's in charge. If you can't even show her this column, then you know where you stand, and you have my sympathies.
More time.
Footnote: So, we're in the throes of a global economic crunch and many are feeling it. But a lot of people created their own economic crunch as they suffer not from the high cost of living, but rather the cost of high living as they live way beyond their means. The experts say, to be viable, you should have liquidity. If you can afford to live in Norbrook, live in Havendale instead; if you can afford a Benz, buy a Camry instead; if you can afford to take four trips a year, take two instead. That way you'll always have that extra cash, that difference for a rainy day. Instead, too many people live the reverse, overextend their reach, live way beyond their means and are always playing catch-up, so at the first sign of hard times and problems, everything collapses. Can you really afford that Land Cruiser or to send your child to that $100,000 per term prep school? We must live within our means before we're forced to.
Now who amongst the crew is man enought to show this article to their wife/woman/girlfriend/babymother, who?

BTW: Yes I told my wife to check it out.
Handling a woman
Daddy Oh
With Tony Robinson
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I am far better born
Than is the king,
More like a king,
More kingly in my thoughts.
- Shakespeare 2 Henry VI,V,1
You'll see the relevance of that quote later, for most men don't want to be king, but just live like one. And what better regal attribute there is, but the art of handling a woman? Handling a woman doesn't mean abusing her either, but the same way you handle a horse to do your bidding, it's the same way you handle a woman. But more on that later. First, here's some feedback, this time to my footnote last week on this guy being slapped by the soldier.
Hey Tony,
I understand your sympathies with the soldier, they also have my sympathies, but wrong is still wrong regardless of who committed it. The young man's actions were wrong and he should be subjected to the appropriate actions and so should the soldiers. The punishment, however, should, as I hope it always does, take into consideration the conditions under which the incident occurred. But you should consider that even criminals have reasons to commit crime. If we start to okay wrong actions once we understand and accept the reason the 'wrong' was committed, then we are no better than those who understand and support criminals when they have done their 'wrongs'. Love your articles, have a good day.
Elair Simms
I must also share a portion of this letter that appeared in last Saturday's Observer on the same subject.
Dear Editor,
It is disrespect for authority in Jamaica why scenes like this are playing out on TV in the island and on the Internet worldwide. If it had happened in any other civilised society, that man would have been tackled to the ground by at least five officers with guns to his head, I know. The police in Jamaica have a lot of shortcomings, but in this case I cannot blame their actions, no matter how it looks on TV.
J Porter
Brooklyn, New York

You can see the full content of that letter in last week's Observer on Saturday (April 4). It's so amazing how that slap was heard around the world, yet hardly a follow-up about the three wounded cops or the welfare of the family that was trapped in the house during the shoot-out. Our priorities are really skewed and criminals laugh at us as they are protected and defended.
But now, on to how to handle a woman. Now, I know that many women may be offended by my utterances, but I repeat, handling does not mean controlling, abusing, berating or mental anguish, but treating her the right way to get the proper result. I'm sure that you handle a sports car differently from how you handle a Hummer or a truck. And let's face it, women expect to be handled properly by men, and here's why.
From when a girl is young she is trained by her mother in the ways of women. She is taught the basics of cooking, washing, cleaning and, of course, the wiles and guile of women. She is also taught charm to round off the package.
She is a student and expects to be taught at every step of her life to prepare her for a life with a man. She is shown how to deal with men. There are even finishing schools for girls in Europe, and those who can afford it send their young charges there, so that when they've completed the course, they graduate, meet a man, and he's finished.
Why in heaven's name would almost every society go through so much effort and trouble to train their females if it wasn't to please men? You can resist the fact all you want, it's a basic truth. The fact is, women expect leadership from men, and any man who doubts that is heading for a life of misery, if not hell. Women look up to men, not down; they respect men who earn more than them, are taller than them, smarter than them, older than them and have more ambition than them.
Who would you prefer for your daughter? As bright, educated and smart as Michelle Obama is, she still knows that the president 'is the man', he's in charge, he runs things. Do you think that she'd respect him if he wasn't the man who he is? If he was some high school dropout or a weakling, she wouldn't even look his way, because she expects leadership from her man, and with leadership comes handling.
So he in turn has to step up and handle her or he will lose his hand, his place, his power. When you dance, who leads, the man or the woman? That's handling, expertly, deftly, skilfully, smoothly. And that's where the above quote comes in. Glance at it again.
I am weary of men who are constantly bleating about how their girlfriends or wives have wrested power from them and now control the relationship. "I tell you, I don't know when the balance of power shifted, but one day I woke up and she was in charge of everything," this guy told me. That's because he didn't know how to handle his woman, or thought that he didn't have to.
Not because women are smart, bright, educated and worldly means that they must not be made to do the common things. The majority of women were taught how to cook, wash and clean, so why should that knowledge go to waste? Every now and then, the man should insist that his woman do these things, just to remind her. If not, he will lose control, it will fly to her head and next thing you know, he'll be the one cooking, cleaning and washing. I have seen it happen, and as my good bredrin said, "There but for the grace of God go I." He learned the art of handling years ago.
Naturally, with this handling comes reward, so you must make sure that you take her out on the town and show her a good time. Women love to eat out, and even in these so-called harsh economic times, take her out to dinner occasionally. It doesn't have to be fancy, but somewhere where she can be seen in her nice clothes and be able to rub shoulders with her peers and be able to tell her friends about. Don't let things get so bad that she has to ask to be taken out; be a man, take control be a handler. I can feel some women fuming at this point, but just try and shake off the knee-jerk anger and you'll see the validity of my points.
It's generally perceived that when it comes to sex, women are the ones who are in control. Wrong. Only a weak man lets his woman dictate sex to him, and dangle it like a carrot before his face, allowing him when she desires, telling him if and when, yanking it away when she feels like, and finally allowing him when she's in the mood.
Handling a woman means meeting her halfway in this department. Don't bow to her whims all the time, but occasionally, you can 'not feel like it', 'not be in the mood', 'have a headache'. You too can say, "Not tonight, dear, I'm just not up to it". Let them feel the pangs of rejection and frustration and only then will they appreciate you and be thankful when you comply.
Don't let them use it as a lure and a reward for you. As a wise man said, "You got to keep them wanting." If you allow them to feel that they have the handle and you hold the blade, then you're sunk. The same goes for emotions too. If you wear it on your sleeve, they'll rip off the shirt and rub it in your face as they'll see it as a sign of weakness.
Handling a woman means not bawling before her and showing weakness. As the tears flow, the respect goes. No woman wants a weepy, blubbering, cry-cry, wimpish man. You have to have fortitude to handle a woman. Why do you think women are attracted to strong men, great men, powerful men? History is replete with them. In many societies a man is judged by the way he handles his wife. "How can he be expected to lead men if he can't even handle his woman?"
"Hannibal, Genghis Khan, Attilla, Samson, Caesar, you aren't going anywhere, you just stay home this weekend, you hear?"
You have to be in charge, the captain of the ship, el commandante, the champion jockey. But still, you must be loving and compassionate. Handling a woman is a fine art, it's not bullying, cursing, controlling or beating, but simply letting her know who's in charge. If you can't even show her this column, then you know where you stand, and you have my sympathies.
More time.
Footnote: So, we're in the throes of a global economic crunch and many are feeling it. But a lot of people created their own economic crunch as they suffer not from the high cost of living, but rather the cost of high living as they live way beyond their means. The experts say, to be viable, you should have liquidity. If you can afford to live in Norbrook, live in Havendale instead; if you can afford a Benz, buy a Camry instead; if you can afford to take four trips a year, take two instead. That way you'll always have that extra cash, that difference for a rainy day. Instead, too many people live the reverse, overextend their reach, live way beyond their means and are always playing catch-up, so at the first sign of hard times and problems, everything collapses. Can you really afford that Land Cruiser or to send your child to that $100,000 per term prep school? We must live within our means before we're forced to.