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    President Lula of Brazil has told British Prime Minister Gordon Brown that the global economic crisis was not created by the poor, blacks or indigenous people but by ‘white people with blue eyes who appeared to know everything and now show that they know nothing’.
    His remarks will elicit the predictable howls of outrage from the North, who will say that they are ‘racist’. But I think that Lula is making some very important points about power, symbolism, responsibility, and accountability.
    By saying that those responsible for the crisis are the rich, the white, the ‘blue-eyed’ – and this is code for “Anglo-Saxon”, who historically have considered themselves superior to the ‘Iberians’ and other ‘Latin’ peoples from which the European strain in the Brazilian population is mainly drawn– Lula is making a point about the location of power and responsibility for actions affecting the global economy and decisions about the management of the consequences of these actions. (He could, of course, have also added “male”).
    It is not just the bankers and investment firms of Wall Street and the City of London he is talking about, but the leaders, finance ministers and central bankers of the industrialized countries who collectively, by their actions and inactions, are responsible for the worst economic crisis in capitalism since the Great Depression of the 1930s and, some say, since 1878. A crisis which, according to the United Nations and the World Bank, will push hundreds of millions into poverty and add tens of millions to the ranks of the unemployed.
    The leaders and finance ministers of the G8 countries, who presided over this disaster, include not a single person of colour, (that is until January 20, 2009, and it did not happen on Obama’s watch), Even though people of colour, depending on how they are counted, make up anywhere between one-half and two-thirds of mankind; and will be in the majority of those who are affected.
    And these leaders include only one woman, a category that makes up one-half of mankind.
    To say, as Gordon Brown is reported to have said, that Lula’s remarks were ‘for domestic consumption’ is to miss the point entirely. In the context of the present crisis, the distinction between the ‘domestic’ and the ‘global’ has largely lost its meaning.
    Rich countries, and rich people in the rich countries, have made a mess; and the price is being paid by poor countries, as well as by poor people in rich countries.
    And the latter group includes a large immigrant population originating in the Global South; as well as many poor and working class whites—Anglo-Saxon/blonde/blue eyed, as well as Ibero/Latino/brown-eyed.
    Ultimately, Mr Lula is talking about global class–not just race—and global responsibility. His use of ethnic categories to convey his message shows an acute sense of the power of symbolism in communication.
    No one who watches the business sections of the world print and electronic media can deny that the symbols of economic power with which we are daily bombarded are those that Mr Lula has identified. To call this ‘racist’ is a deliberate distraction, and deliberate obfuscation. A denial of the location of power and responsibility in the world.
    In the run-up to the G20 meeting, Mr Lula is also saying—‘hey, you guys created this mess, and now you are asking us to help you clean it up, and to help pay for the clean-up job.”
    “Well, I have news for you. First, you must own up to your responsibility.
    “Second, you must ‘eat humble pie’and accept that you dont have all the answers.
    “In fact, some of us believe that you may be the least qualified to come up with the answers, because all this happened as a result of your blind faith in market fundamentalism; and because you owe all sorts of political debts to those hot shot financial wizards who made the mess. Hell, some of them even put you there”.
    “Third, guess what? The world has changed. You don’t ‘run things’ any more. You’re going to have to give up some of your power.
    “There are new players in town; and they are not white and blue-eyed. They don’t waltz. They do the samba and other exotic dances.
    Move over, guys. Make some room.”


    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

  • #2
    The world is changing, it's instructive
    to note that India was also present at the G 20 (giving a voice for Asia)

    My fear is that Ja will be abused by these new powers of the info age; mainly becuase we still think "oh they look like us (white or near white) so all's well, let's abuse the slaves (blacks). No! They will exploit us all (law of nature) We have failed to revamp our education system.

    We choose to keep our people dependent and ignorant (always need block, cement, curry goat). We belittle our own as not fit to lead.
    Wehave a coach that has a 100% win record yet we cannot bring ourselves to call him TD. (oh he did not play for a big club in Europe, wher did he play when he scored two goals at the highest level? Seba)

    A woman leader rose from our people to contribute; she is constantly belittled and rediculed. Had her parents the connections to use public funds to send her to a school in England; we would be clamming for her.

    Ja is doomed.


    • #3
      yuh chat too much fart!!! when is the white man run things wi feel inferior when it look like seh "is people who look like wi" is anedda story.

      i have a funny feeling seh the self hatred that you go on about....starts with you.

      as for portia she had her chance and she BLEW it .... MANY people gave her a chance myself included, if you go back and check the record it will show that i favoured her out of all the pnp candidates, she got the chance and did nothing...she is a weak leader. the pnp is now suffering because of that and will continue to be inept with her at the helm.

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        The world is changing due to the
        info age but the traditional powers will be at the top for now (US, Japan, west Euro) Brasil and India will be playing catch up, hence Lula should be more caerful with his words.

        I always predicted on this board that these we economies will outsrip the lesser ones to the point where it's senseless and pointless to trade with them.


        • #5
          LOVE IT!!!!

          Maybe I can cheer for Brasil again in football.



          • #6
            I onced used an article by Bill Joy (on robotics) to show how these economies will be way ahead of us.

            There is no time for party politics; JA needs a national agenda. We will have to go right back to our foundation of 1972, when we had a national purpose. I was first to say Dr. Maxine Henry Wilson failed on her watch in education. Right now we are just playing the same old political game of master and slave.

            Right now education should be national security (don't wait 50 years to know why). The people is stilled tied in bondage, the people of the island is the answerto Ja's prosperity. If one cannot se this then all is lost.


            • #7
              See I rest my case. What are we doing in
              JA? nothing but sitting and hoping to latch on to the next winner.

              Garvey and Joshua must be spinning in their graves.


              • #8
                yuh know for the first time in a long time yuh seh 2 things in a post whey mi strongly agree wid:

                There is no time for party politics; JA needs a national agenda. cannot agree more!

                the people of the island is (sic) the answer to Ja's prosperity.

                in between is more fart and some unintelligible stuff

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  or let's say the more complex stuff.

                  Yes Ja needs to act fast. Once I posted an article about Brasil's education drive, to this day I din't get the answer I was looking for.

                  Ja needs to drop that plantation politics and make certain issues of national security. Ja need a leader that can move the whole nation. We must begin to see the power of the people and begin to truly love ourselves.

                  Which leader will be brave to arrest a criminal regardless if they are a politician or belonging to some so called upper class? Crime and education is our priority. The police force needs to be modernizes with expert staff (eg. psychologists and staticians to addres the rape and abuduction our minors; this is new on the island) The above is just a few of waht we need to do. I don't see the above hapening hence we are slowly drfiting to Somalia.


                  • #10
                    lets not......ok let's ....because mi really nuh understand "foolinish"...it too complex

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11

                      AGRICULTURE is national security and within a year you will come to understand this.

                      You dont seem to have any idea what is at stake. You still stuck on info age and computer tech. those are tools, not products in themselves.

                      Info age cant fill stomach, put shelter over your head, alleviate illness nor even transport you where you need to go. It can assist in certain operational efficiencies, but you MUST have the basics correct and you see it in the global mess we have now.


                      • #12
                        Have you read the "Goal" by Eli Goldratt?

                        See how robots can be misapplied there.

                        There is never a substitute for clear thinking.


                        • #13
                          I agree here, but portia is clearly NOT that leader. I dont think Golding is either.

                          There lies the rub.


                          • #14

                            Your standards are low.

                            Go read John Maxwell and you will see it was the Daddy who was truly visionary.

                            Figures too, as he was the star athlete/Rhode Scholar near-complete package. Micheal himslef would have told you he barely fit to sit at his pappy's feet.

