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Gays launch 'Boycott Jamaica' website

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  • #31
    I would argue that a backlash is always a possibility with protests such as these. I just don't know if it a good argument to use as to why a group should or should not protest.

    Also, I rather doubt that any homosexual in JA will be physically attacked because of such a boycott. More likely they will express thier disgust on talk shows and in clubs and rum bars.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #32
      Oh, then why the boycott, if we so docile and peaceful? I thought we were violent homophobes?

      Help me with this conondrum.

      Could it be that the CAUSE of the protest is politics and not a call for action against violent attacks on gays in Jamaica. I call your attention to the fact that most (vast majority) violence against gays in Jamaica is perpetrated by other gays. the remedy for that would be action against gay perps, which seems like it would draw the ire of these boycotters.


      • #33
        I don't think it is a conondrum at all. There certainly politics as you have described, by exaggerating the physical threat to gays in Jamaica the boycott gets attention which is what they want.

        But I didn't get the impression that it was JUST about violence against gays, indeed from the original post it seems to be as much about the Jamaican laws which make homosexuality illegal.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #34
          So we agree that its naked politricks?


          • #35
            We agree that politricks is being used as a tool for the boycott, where we may disagree is wether the idea of the boycott itself is invalidated as a result of this.

            Of course I hope the boycott is a total flop for my own selfish and nationalistic reasons, but I can at least see the reasoning behind a group that says "thier nations laws discriminate against us so let us boycott thier economy"
            "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


            • #36

              a long time unuh gwaan wiD Dem argument yah LOL


              • #37
                Leave the cruise ship workers alone.


                • #38


                  • #39
                    It's time to unleash my song "We Nuh Bow!"


                    • #40
                      'We' ?

                      unnuh alright..


                      • #41

