The housing plan and house hunger
'There was an old woman who lived in a shoe'
Franklin Johnston
Friday, February 27, 2009
Minister Horace Chang shows us how good sense tackles a thorny portfolio. The state's role is "encouraging, facilitating and allowing (housing) development".

Franklin Johnston
He set up a Task Force on Squatting and commissioned a National Housing Strategy and Plan. But is the plan "more of the same" or new thinking? If the first 25 pages, which set out the vision, values and underpinning for housing to 2040, are in sync with the 2050 population and our motto, he is OK. If not, he must change advisers and revise the plan.
Government's involvement is not about more or less, but input where and when it matters. The state should make land available, incentivise new investors, avoid being a developer or landlord and proactively regulate housing. We must also note if the vision is to enrich JCB and CAT owners or to employ more workers in these hard times - small, but important.
'There was an old woman who lived in a shoe'
Franklin Johnston
Friday, February 27, 2009
Minister Horace Chang shows us how good sense tackles a thorny portfolio. The state's role is "encouraging, facilitating and allowing (housing) development".

Franklin Johnston
He set up a Task Force on Squatting and commissioned a National Housing Strategy and Plan. But is the plan "more of the same" or new thinking? If the first 25 pages, which set out the vision, values and underpinning for housing to 2040, are in sync with the 2050 population and our motto, he is OK. If not, he must change advisers and revise the plan.
Government's involvement is not about more or less, but input where and when it matters. The state should make land available, incentivise new investors, avoid being a developer or landlord and proactively regulate housing. We must also note if the vision is to enrich JCB and CAT owners or to employ more workers in these hard times - small, but important.