George Soros: Financial system has disintegrated. Crisis more severe than Great Depression. Decline comparable to fall of Soviet Union.
Volcker: Cannot remember any time, even in the Great Depression, when things went down so fast and quite so uniformly around the world.
This is precisely what we’ve been saying all along. Now, to survive and profit in this crisis, you must not miss our free emergency briefing — “The 11 Laws of Bear Market Success.” But ...
REGISTRATION CLOSES WEDNESDAY: CLICK THIS LINK NOW to reserve your place while you still can!
Dear Customer,
At Columbia University last Friday, legendary hedge fund manager George Soros shocked his audience, proclaiming ...
”We witnessed the collapse of the financial system. It was placed on life support, and it's still on life support. There's no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom.“
Soros went on to say that ... - The crisis is actually more severe than the Great Depression ...
- It’s like watching the demise of the Soviet Union, and ...
- There is no prospect of a recovery any time soon.
They’re right. There can be no question that this crisis is growing more destructive almost by the day ...
Or that this great bear market will continue to rage for many months — probably many years — to come.
The only question that remains is, “Do YOU have the tools and the confidence to keep your money growing?”